Learning Contract for Math 1010 (07)

Accept the challenges so that you may feel the exhilaration of victory.

– General George Patton

I strongly feel that anyone in this course is capable of getting an A, provided that they have the commitment and desire to achieve that goal. Right now, I would like you to answer the following question:

My goal for Math 1010 is a mark of ______.

Together, I am confident that you can achieve this goal. In order to do this, I would like to make a learning contract with you. A learning contract enables both of us to share the responsibility of achieving our desired outcomes. It helps increase accountability and provides both of us with constant feedback and motivation to ensure success.

In a learning contract, both you and I will state what we will do to achieve these objectives. Instead of just saying “I will work hard”, we will be more specific and create a detailed action plan. Optimal use of goal setting occurs when goals are specific, measurable, and realistically attainable. Here are some examples of objectives you may wish to include in your learning contract:

• I will not skip classes, and will be on time for every class.

• I will review my class notes for twenty minutes every Wednesday, Friday, and Sunday.

• Every week I will raise my hand at least once to answer a question.

• I will start each assignment at least three days before it is due.

• I will form a study group with Mary and Joe so that we can work on the assignments

together. We will go to the Learning Centre to ask for help on any questions

we are stuck on.

• If I get less than 75% on an assignment, I will come to Rich’s office during his office hours and ask him to go over my mistakes with me.

• If my overall mark ever falls below 65%, I will e-mail Rich and schedule an appointment so that we can talk about the course.

Making specific, measurable, realistic objectives such as these will help you achieve success in Math 1010, provided you make yourself accountable to meeting these objectives. Remember, success is what happens when preparation meets opportunity.

On the back of this page, both of us will write down our specific goals and objectives for the course. I’d recommend that you look at this list on a regular basis — maybe even tack it to your wall. You may wish to add items to this contract as the term goes on (e.g. when preparing for midterms and the final exam), so do not throw this contract away. I want you to first read my part of the contract, and then have you fill out your part of the contract. Once you are done, sign the document. You don’t need to show this to me, this is strictly for your own motivation and accountability. I promise to do my very best for you. I hope you will do your very best for you.

These are my objectives as the Tour Guide for Math 1010:

• I will come to every class thoroughly and meticulously prepared.

• I will give you many opportunities each class to work on problems, either on your

own or in groups. I want you to be an active participant, not a passive observer.

• At the end of every class, I will do the “Two-Minute Drill”, asking for your comments

on the day’s tour. I will take each comment seriously and will welcome all forms of constructive criticism that will help me improve my teaching skills.

• I will provide a safe and comfortable learning environment for you by never talking

down to you, or disrespecting any contribution you make to the class.

• If your overall mark falls below 60%, I will e-mail you to schedule an appointment.

• I will empower you by allowing you to create and discover mathematics for yourself, not by telling you the solution, but by guiding you towards it.

• I will create a caring community of learners by getting you to ask each other questions, contributing ideas to the class, challenging me and each other, engaging in small group activities, participating in large group discussions, collaborating with your peers on an idea, and coming up to the front of the class to present your solutions.

• I will have frequent office hours every week, and also be available to meet at other

times by appointment (note: please e-mail me first if you would like to see me

outside of my office hours). If you e-mail me and ask me to help you for three hours on a Sunday, then I will be available to do that.

And here are the things you will do to achieve success in Math 1010:

This learning contract was created by ______and Richard Hoshino, on January 8th, 2002. Our signatures are below.

Signed by:______and ______