Learning and Improvement Committee (LIC)
Terms of Reference
- Purpose
1.1To provide a mechanism for professionals and organisations that protect children to reflect on the quality of their services and learn from their own practice and that of others –good practice should be shared so that there is a growing understanding of what works well
1.2Conversely, when things go wrong there needs to be a rigorous, objective analysis of what happened and why, so that important lessons can be learnt and services improved to reduce the risk of future harm to children
1.3To oversee the process for commissioning and conducting Serious Case Reviews under the circumstances defined in Chapter 4 of Working Together (2013)
1.4To conduct regular reviews, not only on cases which meet statutory criteria, but also on other cases which can provide useful insights into the way organisations are working together to safeguard and protect the welfare of children
1.5The way in which cases are referred to the LIC is detailed in the LIC ‘Operating Guidance for Screening and Identifying Case Reviews on behalf of TSCB’
1.6To work to principles outline in the TSCB Learning and Improvement Framework
2. Membership
The LIC should have membership from the following areas:
- Legal representative (Local Authority)
- Head of Service MARAS;
- Designated Doctor Safeguarding Children;
- Designated Nurse Safeguarding Children; (Chair)
- Greater Manchester Police;
- Education representative;
- Head of Service or nominee Youth Offending Service/CAMHS
- TSCB Safeguarding Development Manager
- Named GP
- Adult Services
- Voluntary Organisation
- TSCB Training Officer
- Named Nurse Safeguarding Children
- Operational Health Representative
- Head of Service Children’s Social Care
4. Terms of Membership
4.1The Chair will be nominated by the TSCB from the TSCB Membership
4.2The other TSCB members (or their representatives) will be recommended by the Chair ensuring the spread of expertise as detailed in 3 is achieved. TSCB Members can delegate this responsibility to somebody else of appropriate seniority.
4.3Members of the Committee will endeavour to attend all meetings
4.4Each member shall appoint a named person as substitute to attend in their place in the event of their unavoidable absence
4.5Matters will usually be agreed by consensus. In the event of it not being possible to agree a consensus the matter will be reported to the TSCB Steering Group
4.6Members must declare any personal, private or professional interest they have which might conflict with the decisions and/or interests of the SCR Committee.
4.7The LIC may request attendance of any TSCB member, CYPS Director orLegal Advisor at any meeting and in addition co-opt person to sit on the LIC for a fixed period or to assist with specific matters.
4.8Any member of the LIC wishing to resign shall give written notice to the Chair of the Committee who will then identify a replacement taking into account 3 and 4.2. In the event that a suitable replacement cannot be found the Committee Chair will report the matter to the TSCB
4.9Extraordinary meetings of the LIC may be called at anytime upon a request to the Chair by a Committee Member, Chair of LIC or Chair of TSCB. At least 5 working days written notice is required for the Extraordinary Meeting
5. Reporting
5.1Minutes of all meetings will be forwarded to the Chair of the TSCB
5.2The LIC will report to the TSCB through its Steering Group providing:
5.3An exception report to each TSCB Meeting
5.4An annual report which will also be included in the TSCB Annual Report. The Annual Report to include:
- Review of previous year
- Review of TOR and Membership
- Work Plan for the next year
5.5The LIC will send written confirmation of a completed SCR or other review action plan to the TSCB Performance and Audit (P&A) Committee for inclusion into the P&A audit programme
6. Meeting Frequency
6.1Meetings to be held quarterly
6.2Minute taker to attend every meeting and minutes to be produced within 2 weeks of the meeting
TOR LIC February 2014