Learning and Development Modules for Information and Advice Providers
Surrey Skills Academy has produced a dedicated learning and development programme aimed at those individuals and
organisations who provide information and advice about local
care and support options to Surrey residents.
The Information and Advice Learning and Development programme comprises a mix of on line learning, classroom learning, and directions to key information resources to help you answer questions consistently about care and support, or to link you with other organisations which can provide advice.
There are four key modules in the programme, each with a number of courses available or directions to key information sources:
Module 1:Living and Ageing Well
Module2: Information and Resources
Module3: How Adult Social care helps residents
Module 4: Supporting Skills and Customer Service
If you haven’t done so already, you will need to register with Surrey Skills Academy, so you can log on to access the online training. Click on the ‘login’ tab on the home page, and follow the instructions for creating a new account.
Care Act 2014
Delivery method
Internet resource
This is a Surrey County Council external web page that provides you with information on the Care Act 2014, access to a seven minute Care Act video as well as links to other supporting documents and resources.
Promoting Wellbeing in Surrey
Delivery method
This is an e-learning module for all external partners to access. It covers various topics within Adult Social Care, such as key requirements of the Care Act 2014, promoting wellbeing and information and advice on services and resources for residents of Surrey. This e-learning is accessed through the Surrey Skills Academy website via the link below:
Delivery method
Internet resources and Apps
These websites highlighted below provide you with information and support available to promote better health and wellbeing to our residents of Surrey.
- Health and Wellbeing Surrey-
- NHS Choices
- Living and Ageing Well in Surrey –
- 5 ways to wellbeing app-
- Surrey and Borders Partnership NHS Foundation Trust -
- Time to Change Surrey -
- Surrey Voluntary Action Network:
Safeguarding Adults
Delivery method
Internet resource and classroom training
The Surrey Safeguarding Adults Board (SSAB) and Surrey Safeguarding Children’s Board (SCCB) provide safeguarding training to all external organisations. For more information please access their website:
- Surrey Skills Academy:
- The Surrey Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH) is the single point of contact for reporting concerns about the safety of a child, young person or adult:
Domestic abuse
Delivery method
Classroom training and e-learning
Surrey County Council produces and runs a Domestic Abuse training programme on behalf of those partners within Surrey Against Domestic Abuse. The training programme can be accessed through the Surrey Safeguarding Children’s Board and is designed to provide knowledge and awareness of a wide range of aspects relating to Domestic Abuse.
To view the Surrey Against Domestic Abuse Training Calendar and to download a booking form (Multi-Agency Training Course Application Form) please visit
A Domestic Abuse e-Learning package has also been developed, and is available through the Surrey Skills Academy at
Transition into adult life, for young people with disabilities
Delivery method
Internet resource
Children’s services work with teachers, social care and health workers and others to support young people with special education needs or disability make the right choices and to support them during transition into adult life.
For more information visit –
This is the guidance from the Care Act 2014 on transition –
Delivery method
Internet resources, classroom training and e-learning
Public Health
In 2013 Surrey County Council became responsible for a number of Public Health functions. This included
•Health improvement for the population of Surrey – especially for the most disadvantaged.
•Informing and advising all relevant agencies (such as schools, police, nursing homes and the health services) on health protection issues alongside Public Health England.
•Providing professional Public Health advice to the six clinical commissioning groups (CCGs), the borough and district councils and all those who commission health and social care services.
For more information please access the Surrey County Council Public Health website:
Making Every Contact Count (MECC) encourages conversations based on behaviour change methodologies. Resources and information to support organisations and individuals implementing MECCare provided here:
For general information please access the Public Health England website:
This information from the Care Act 2014 guidance explains more about preventing, reducing and delaying people’s social care needs:
Surrey Skills Academy
The training courses identified below support the prevention strategy for information and advice providers and can be found on theSurrey Skills Academy website
Classroom courses:
•Parkinson Disease Awareness
•Epilepsy Awareness
•Nutrition and MUST Tool
•Wound Care
•Working with people with sight loss
•Working with people with hearing impairment
•Challenging behaviour
•Fire safety
•Alcohol Awareness
•Drug Awareness (coming soon)
E-learning/video/online resources:
•Telecare- providing more personalised care (SCIE video)
•Personalisation e-learning (SCIE)
•Reablement (under development) There is a small film on Surrey’s YouTube account now
•Keeping you safe from fire (video)
•Dignity Tool Kit-
Other organisations who offer support to Surrey’s residents
Surrey Fire and Rescue Service
The Surrey Fire and Rescue Service (SFRS) provide free home fire safety visits to the residents of Surrey. Fire fighters will visit at a convenient time to go through potential problem areas in a person’s home and offer advice on the installation and maintenance of smoke alarms. For more information please access their website
Borough and District Councils’ Support Services
There are eleven borough and district councils across Surrey providing a wide range ofsupport services on a discretionary basis, with variations across Surrey as a result. However, thousands of residents are supported annually with services that are key to maintaining their independence, examples of which are provided below.
Community Alarm and Telecare Services are provided across Surrey in ten of the eleven councils. It is the largest preventative service in Surrey with 15,000 customers, and 4,000 new customers joining every year. Mole Valley District Council also provides a service for Reigate and Banstead Council. All other boroughs have their own in-house services. The alarms and telecare equipment if required provides a vital lifeline, and community alarm service staff can ensure that links are made to other local Services. Surrey County Council is funding telecare equipment as a result of a Surrey wide partnership that was developed in 2011.
All councils provide centres for the community or centres for older people with a wide range of services and facilities available includinghealth and wellbeing appointments; exercise and art classes with lunchtime meals, coffee shops and information provision on local services.
Meals on Wheels are provided by nine of the eleven local councils with some also delivering meals across their borders where there is no service. There is now almost total coverage. As well as a hot meal at lunch time, several councils offer a tea time service that is delivered at the same time as the hot meal. In addition to the hot meals, a vital daily checkis also provided and over 350,000 meals are delivered every year.
Seven borough and district councils provide community transport or dial-a-ride services, while others provide financial support to local community transport services.
Several local councils also provide directories and/or leaflets on local services and operate specific borough-based services, such as support for people with memory loss and dementia, and nine wellbeing centres.
Please see below for a link to find out more about the local services available in each borough and district council:
Surrey Coalition of Disabled People
The Surrey Coalition is run and managed by disabled people for disabled people. The aim of the Surrey Coalition is to campaign and promote the rights of disabled people to have equality of opportunity and to live independently. For more information please access their website:
Action for Carers Surrey
Action for Carers Surrey is led by carers, run by an executive committee of carers and supported by professionals from health, social care and the voluntary sector. Their main aim is to raise awareness of carers’ needs and concerns throughout the county and to work in partnership with statutory services to promote how best they can serve carers within Surrey. They provide some practical Surrey-wide services to carers and signpost carers to the people and places who can offer other essential specialist support. For more information please access their website
Surrey Young Carers
Surrey Young Carers is part of Action for Carers Surrey, and provides support to young carers under 18. For more information, please access their website: Surrey Young Carers :: Home
Surrey Choices
Surrey Choices, which is a local authority trading company for people with disabilities, works across the whole of Surrey. They offer day and community support services, supported employment, enhanced home living and support, training and skills for independence, and a professional social work practice team. For more information please access their website:
EmployAbility is a dedicated service (and part of Surrey Choices) that helps to find work placements, training, volunteer opportunities and paid work for local residents who have autism or a learning, physical or sensory disability. For more information please access their website:
Surrey Voluntary Action Network
Surrey Voluntary Action Network exists to provide support, the exchange of information and good practice to local support and development organisations in order that they may work together in the best interests of the Voluntary, Community and Faith Sector in the County of Surrey. For more information please access their website:
Surrey Disability Register
Surrey Disability Register is a voluntary register for people with disabilities (adults over 18) living in Surrey. It opens doors to new networks and contacts and people on the register will be easily identifiable in times of civil emergencies and be kept safe. For more information please access their website:
Sensory Services by Sight for Surrey
Sensory Services by Sight for Surrey (formerly Surrey Association for Visual Impairment) is the largest charitable organisation in Surrey working with people who have or who are experiencing the effects of sight loss.
Their mission is to help anyone whose eyesight has become a cause for concern, whether they are registered with a sight impairment or not, to help them lead full and independent lives.
From February 2016 Sensory Services by Sight for Surrey also deliver specialist services for Deaf and Hard of Hearing people and carers, alongside the existing services for people who have a visual impairment or combined sight and hearing loss.
For more information please access their website:
Age UK Surrey
Age UK Surrey is an independent local charity providing services across the whole of the county to help people aged 50+ and carers make the most of their life. Age UK Surrey aims to see a county where older people live a fulfilled, enjoyable and dignified life, free from isolation, poverty, abuse and discrimination. For more information please access their website:
Other organisations who offer support to people working in the social care sector
The Surrey Health and Social Care Joint Training Partnership
The Surrey Health and Social Care Joint Training Partnership delivers a Surrey-wide annual programme of joint learning and development training that enables health and social care staff to train together with service users, carers and members of the voluntary sector to support the delivery of joined up integrated care for Surrey residents. For more information please access their website:
Learning Curve - Distance learning
Learning Curve programmes are designed to complement employers’ existing in-house training provision and improve each learner’s knowledge and skills by assessing their core competencies against national standards. They provide a variety of distance learning opportunities for all external partners to access. For more information please access their website:
District and Borough Councils
Surrey Learn (created by the Surrey Learn Partnership) where local district and borough councils can access relevant and up-to-date training courses at a reasonable cost. This website can only be accessed by Officers working for a Local Authority in Surrey (or other registered bodies For more information please access their website:
Independent Advocacy
Delivery method
Internet resources
Surrey Disabled People’s Partnership
Surrey Disabled People's Partnership is the gateway to advocacy services in Surrey offering:
-One-to-one professional advocacy - this is when a paid advocate supports someone with a specific issue/issues;
-Citizens advocacy – this type of advocacy is provided by trained volunteers. This type of support can be longer term;
-Self-advocacy groups – these are groups run by people who have joined together to have their voices heard and support
For more information please access their website:
Surrey Disabled People's Partnership works closely with five key partner organisations that provide specialised advocacy services to support individuals with specific requirements, on a case by case basis. These key partners are:
•KAG Advocacy - advocacy for people with learning disabilities, mental health needs and autism
•Age UK Surrey - advocacy for older people
•Deaf Plus - advocacy for the hard-of-hearing community
•Sight for Surrey - advocacy for people with visual impairment
Surrey Information Point
Delivery method
Internet resource
This is the central directory for local care and support information in Surrey. It contains information of regulated care providers (residential and nursing homes, home care agencies) in Surrey and local community support from befriending services, transport schemes, support for carers and people with dementia, day services to local charities, factsheets and weblinks to support and further information. Look here for information on services, activities and organisations to support residents, tips on benefit entitlement, help at home, health conditions, leisure information and much more. Information can be personalised and used as an information prescription.
One Stop Surrey
Delivery method
Internet resource
One Stop Surrey is an onward signposting and referral process carried out either by the first agency visiting a resident in their own home as part of their normal day to day work, or by a resident making sure someone they know is getting the right kind of information and support that they need.
The One Stop Surrey Serviceis now being managed and administered by the Adult Social Care Team at the Surrey County Council Contact Centre - the email address is d the website is:
Delivery method
Internet resource
The Surrey Information and Signposting Navigator (SIGN) aims to help develop common standards of information provision across social care and agencies and partner organisations to whom residents turn to for information about care and support.
Winter Wellness Toolkit
Delivery method
Internet resource
The Winter Wellness Toolkit has been developed to support health, social care and local community professionals in providing advice and information about services in Surrey. This useful guide offers advice on keeping well, warm and safe in winter, as well as listing local and national sources of support.
Jointly app for carers
Delivery method
Jointly is an app that makes caring for someone a little easier, less stressful and a lot more organised by making communication and coordination between those who share the care as easy as a text message. Surrey carers can sign up for free. Find out more here –
Online equipment assessment
Delivery method
Internet resource
Surrey County Council has an online equipment assessment tool, helping residents to find the right type of equipment to live independently at home.
Assessment Process
Delivery method
Internet resource