Session: What is fire safety?
Early Years (3 to 5 year olds)
Time: 50 minutes*(approximately)
Addresses the following Victorian Early Years
Learning and Development Frameworkoutcomes
1. Identity
Children feel safe, secure and supported.Children
develop their emerging autonomy,interdependence,
resilience and sense of agency.
3. Wellbeing
- Children take increasing responsibility for their own health and physical wellbeing.
- Children develop a range of skills and processes such as problem solving, inquiry, experimentation, hypothesising, researching and investigating.
- Children transfer and adapt what they have learnt from one context to another.
- Children resource their own learning through connecting with people, place, technologies and natural and processed materials.
Overview of session:
Children will be encouraged to explore the concept of safety in their daily lives. This session will introduce children to fire safety and why it is important to be safe around all fires.
Suggested resources:
- Whiteboardor butcher’s paper
- Appropriate markers to record on the medium used
- Picture books, non-fiction books
- Visual arts materials
- Dramatic and imaginative play resources
- CD’s, puppets, props
- Linked resources including those on Resources/Bushfires Education website
Discuss ideas about safety:
- What is safety?
- Why do you think it is important to know about safety and being safe?
- What makes you feel safe?
- Road safety
- Car safety
- Being safe in the sun
- Fire safety
Linked Resources:
Road and Car Safety – Road Safety Victoria
Sun safety policy and procedures– Cancer Council Victoria
Introduce the concepts of ‘fire’ and ‘fire safety’. Discussion questions:
- What is fire?
- What is fire safety?
- Why do we need to know about fire safety?
Explore and discuss the concept of fire safety and why it is important for everyone to know about fire safety.
Different types of fires, including bushfires, will be explored further in theTypes of firessession.
Bringing it together
Use the following learning experiences to encourage further discussion and understanding of key concepts:
Provide a range of images and pictures that show different aspects of safety, including fire safety. Use group experiences to encourage discussion and questions.
Read pictures books and other texts that discuss different types of safety. Include books on fire safety and bushfire safety.
Provide a range of drawing materials and encourage children to reflect their ideas about safety through visual art experiences.
Set up dramatic and imaginative play spaces that enable children to role play exploring different types of safety.
Use songs and rhymes to explore the concept of safety.
Discussion questions:
- Who can help us understand more about fire safety?
- Where can we get more information about fire safety?
Linked resources: CFA – Early Fire Safeand Fire Safe Kids
See alsotheResources section on the Bushfires Education website.
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