September 7, 2007

Present: League President Kelly Larson (Dubuque), ICRC Director Ralph Rosenberg, VISTA Crystal Schrader, Alicia Claypool, Debbie Gitchell and Rich Eychaner (Iowa Commissioners), Greg Jager (Bettendorf), Bev Hunter, Mary Baker, Nancy Schulte, Sivon Williams (Burlington), Brenda Balvanz, Devin Range, Mary Schlicher (Cedar Falls), Ellen Habel (Coralville), Nancy Bobo, Rudy Simms (Des Moines), Karen Mackey (Sioux City), Sue Paterson Nielsen (W. Des Moines). ICRC Administrative Law Judge Mary Cowdrey served as guest speaker in the afternoon and an intern from the U. of Iowa Legal Clinic attended.

Call to Order & Introductions - Completed by Larson at 10:20 a.m. without a quorum present. Prior minutes will be approved when a quorum is present.

VISTA Update – Rosenberg reported there are now three (Jake, Jennifer and Crystal) with the ICRC. Locals can apply for their own for a variety of outreach and administrative related projects except investigation. Rosenberg wasn’t sure if VISTAs could complete housing testing. Crystal mentioned the VISTAs are working on a survey re: local commissions and will be in contact.

Testing – Rosenberg summarized what the ICRC is doing for housing discrimination claim testing and other “Areas” that it could be done for. He noted it’s very time intensive and controversial (i.e. entrapment claims). Socioeconomic discrimination was also discussed and the group talked about ability to pay and source of income.

Confirm 2/08 Legislative Breakfast & 5/08 ICN Information - Date to be confirmed. The same format is planned in the Capitol Dining Room w/State Legislators as an opportunity to distribute information and discuss local and State human rights issues and pending legislation. An ICN meeting will be scheduled early December and topics will be determined. Commissioners were encouraged to meet w/local legislators this fall/early winter before the session starts. A draft of ICRC’s legislative priorities was provided and Rosenberg reviewed w/the group. Many were League priorities at the 2/07 Leg. Breakfast.

Approval of 3-14-07 Minutes - A quorum was present. Motion for approval was made by Jager and seconded by Mackey. All Ayes.

Financial Report – Larson reported a current balance of $2,808.39. Membership mailings will be sent this fall. A few expenses were paid. Motion for approval was made by Jager and seconded by Mackey. All Ayes.

Designation of Executive Committee Authority – Use of League funds for ICN and meeting room costs was discussed. Jager inquired if a motion to increase member dues was needed in light of the current balance and $500/session charge. After further discussion regarding a cost split between the League and the ICRC, a motion was made by Jager to allow the Executive Committee to pay in full the cost of ICN session or to negotiate a 50/50 split with the ICRC. Motion seconded by Simms. A comment was made that some ICN sites have only had one participant and participation should be increased. All Ayes.

Election of Officers – Four officers need to be elected. The current President (Larson) and Secretary (Balvanz) have reached their two-year term limit and the Treasurer position is vacant with Lorenz’s retirement.

President – Bobo nominated Simms. No other nominations. Claypool and Jager moved nominations cease. Simms accepted.

Vice-President – Rosenberg previously commented he would continue in this role. Simms nominated Rosenberg. No other nominations. Schlicher moved nominations cease. Rosenberg accepted.

Secretary – Simms nominated Larson. No other nominations. Bobo moved nominations cease. Larson accepted.

Treasurer – Jager nominated Michelle (from Cedar Rapids). No other nominations. Claypool moved nominations cease. Michelle was approved by acclamation.

Jager asked if the League should discuss change of term limits for some positions in the By-Laws. Larson offered term limits are nice to have in place for various reasons. No further discussion.

12/07 ICN Session – December 6 or 10 are being considered and 20 ICN sites need to be available. More information will be forthcoming.

New Business – Jager asked about a small Internet list serve (i.e. Yahoo) within League members for those interested. Rosenberg explained not everyone uses Yahoo but a simple email list could be created, possibly by a VISTA. It was noted this topic was discussed a year ago and follow-up was to be done by Urbandale.

Jager asked about burden of proof as it relates to claims processing within other locals. He has a commissioner that believes locals should handle this consistently. It was suggested this could be a training topic, and the League could determine a way procedurally for locals to handle consistently, regardless of location. Larson noted the Univ. of Iowa Legal Clinic Intern attending could do this. It was noted, however, that locals would vary what information they need and want. Credibility assessments were also discussed.

Lunch/Cowdrey Presentation - At 11:35 a.m., a lunch break was taken. At 12:20 p.m., Mary Cowdrey presented information on “Understanding Jurisdiction, Civil Rights Law and the Role of Commissioners”. A handout was provided and reviewed. It was noted the ICRC will have a new brochure on their website to include sexual orientation (SO) and gender identity (GI). They will also have an employer’s guide with questions and answers re: SO & GI.

Following Cowdrey’s presentation, there was discussion of having her present at an ICN quarterly meeting. It was also mentioned ICN trainings could be taped and put on the ICRC website or saved on a DVD and provided to locals. A technical grant would be good to facilitate this.

Roundtable –

Des Moines – They’ve been capacity building after their reduction in staff by 66%. They’re also seeking a grant and talking w/CDBG staff.

ICRC Commissioner Rich Eychaner provided Judge Hansen’s recent decision regarding same-sex marriage. The case was filed two years ago by six same-sex couples after they applied for marriage licenses in Polk Co. and were denied. Eychaner described the decision as “stirring” and recommended reading. The case will go to the Iowa Supreme Court. The One Iowa website was provided for more information.

Dubuque – Related to the above decision, Larson reported there were online comments/bloggers and the majority of their newspaper’s comments were not against the decision. She contrasted this to the media resulting after an interracial homicide where there were far fewer comments about the case. She wondered if folks believe the race problem has been solved. If so, her point was that we need to be very concerned about this.

There was further discussion regarding race problems and efforts to bring people and different races together. Larson offered their events and Burlington spoke to programming as “gloss over” events with a need for more. There is a need to get to the people with self-esteem and heritage training and a need for inner appreciation before there is an appreciation for others. Rosenberg noted “best practices” can be put on the ICRC website and said he can provide trainers for an introduction to intercultural competency. Simms spoke to inclusive community events.

Cedar Falls – Balvanz informed the group the Commission has been working on a human/civil rights DVD for all: citizens, employers, etc. Rosenberg, Walter Reed, Cedar Falls commissioners and others have given testimonials. The production should be done later this fall and will be made available to the League, possibly at the 12/07 ICN session. Rosenberg suggested a statewide press release be done to promote the video.

State Commission – Claypool said the Des Moines Business Record was given information on the Iowa Civil Rights Act (ICRA) amendment and how to implement the new law.

West Des Moines – Paterson Nielsen said the Iowa League of Cities put out a short “All Faces” publication, and their commission wants to partner with the new Urbandale commission. She also offered their commission is primarily an educational commission and they’re looking for outreach events to do. Balvanz will forward Cedar Falls’ Power Point.

ICRC – Rosenberg said he was asked if the ICRC is encouraging locals to amend their ordinance to include SO & GI in light of the ICRA amendment. He said the Attorney General was asked for an opinion but there has been no word back yet if locals must do this. He offered he’s unable to give legal advice but commissions need to be consistent with what they do.

Adjournment – At 2:05 p.m., the meeting was adjourned.

Submitted by Brenda Balvanz, City of Cedar Falls – League Secretary