Leadership Team Notes

November 23, 2010

Page 3


November 23, 2010


Leadership Team Notes

November 23, 2010

Page 3

Joe Hubbard

Jennifer Kirkland

Monique Yates

Naomi Kaiser

Bertha Judge

Lisa Clark

Susan Coe

Ginny Travis

Sherri Diven

Carol Webster

Leadership Team Notes

November 23, 2010

Page 3

This meeting is dedicated to discussion of Unicare. Each department presented questions for LT regarding Unicare. Please find below the questions and the answers to each of those questions as decided at this meeting. Jennifer Kirkland provided the summary of answers to each question.

Joe opened the meeting by stating that we would devote this meeting to Unicare issues and would hold more of these meetings as needed. We will use this meeting to discuss any issues and answer questions, which may be holding up the development and implementation of Unicare.

Questions for Leadership Team with responses



1.  Will we continue to use Limited Services Admissions? We will name Limited Services separately, but there are certain data elements in Profiler that will be required to complete. LT and the people using Limited Services will meet to discuss what specific programs need to use Limited Services Admissions. Jail Services will be pulled out separately to address specific needs.

2.  Do we need to limit the use of “service related activity” to a NON-IDENTIFIED consumer to a specific amount of time? Per day? Per week? Per month? Lisa and Naomi will do research to find out if this time will be reported with the new CCS requirements that start in January. If it does not have to be reported, we WILL NOT have this as a service item to use at all. If it is reported, we will use it. Jennifer will check with Chesterfield about their use of it as well as asking John how to go about recording it, if we do use it.

3.  Will we require a specific amount of time spent “related to a consumer”? Per day, per week, per month? NO

4.  Will we do Provider Service Items such as meetings and leave in order to put on schedule (must do an activity plan on each provider to be able to use). This seems necessary if other people such as support staff are scheduling appointments for clinicians. Yes. Lisa will add two Provider service items. Leave and Administrative. Each Provider will set up their own activity plan for these two items during training.

5.  Security Level: Do we want to stay at Company level or Company and Teams? Provider/Company Level

6.  Do we want to capture “information only” calls and how will we capture this? Bertha will check to see if this question is asked on the 2 year comprehensive report. If it is not, then we will not collect. If it is, then we will need to find a way to capture these calls.

7.  How much history will we bring in to Profiler? Some bring in every client in CMHC (at least name and ID) then bring all information for active consumers and those closed in the last year or 2 years, etc. All consumers in CMHC (name and ID). As much information as possible for active consumers and those closed within the last 2 years. This may change once we have the conversion training if needed.

8.  How will we get paper documents in to Profiler? Who will scan? For active consumer we would need ISPs, psychosocial assessment, releases, etc. We need to work on finding out exactly what MUST be scanned in to electronic charts and what can go in the paper chart. We will only scan the “must have” information for existing consumers (those who are already open on July 1.). These consumers will have an electronic chart AND a paper chart. All NEW consumers admitted on/after July 1, will have all documents scanned in and only an electronic chart. Clinicians and/or Support Staff will need to scan in client information as it is received.

9.  Discuss mobile access: Using e-mobile or air cards to use Lap top outside the agency (Crisis, MH support, PACT) Carol and Sherri will come up with a number regarding how many mobile access devices (air cards, laptops, or blackberries) we MUST have initially to function (Crisis, PACT, MH Support, Jail, etc.). Other programs will need to “phase in” mobile access.

10.  Emergency Services: will we leave consumers open or close after a certain amount of time. Unicare does not see concern with leaving them open to Crisis. Ginny will see what is required. If there is a requirement to close these records after a certain amount of time and they have only been opened to Crisis, Crisis staff will be responsible for closing them in Profiler.

11.  How many scanners should we purchase? Will we centralize scanning? Have scanners in each program and location? EVERY PROGRAM needs to have a scanner. Elizabeth needs to be involved with purchasing these. We will not centralize the scanning process.

12.  How many signature pads should we purchase initially? Will support staff have one at the front for consumers to sign on their way out? Each clinician to have one? Monique will look in to the portability of signature pads. If they cannot be moved to different computers, we will purchase for each clinician and front desk position. Sherri and Carol will come up with the number of signature pads needed for their division.


1.  Will we require the services to be clinically signed and the progress note written prior to billing that service? Yes.

2.  Define who can provide a service (credentials) versus who can bill for that service. This needs to be looked at in detail and requires more time. Sherri and Carol will review this with their staff and get back to Lisa.

3.  Will we bill for Resident services? We will bill, although it will not be accepted by insurance due to not having a Provider Number. Self Pay will be billed in the same manner. Jennifer will check with Chesterfield to see if they use Resident Services and how they do it. NEW PROCEDURE EFFECTIVE 07/01/11: If there is a service requested by a consumer, such as Therapy, and the consumer has insurance THAT WE ACCEPT, and that clinic/program does not have an LCSW who can bill for that service, the consumer will be given the option to go to another D19 clinic that does have an LCSW, referred out to the community, or will be SELF PAY with the sliding fee scale. This will be consistent with all services that require certain Licensure for insurances that we can bill for. If a consumer presents with insurance that WE DO NOT ACCEPT as an agency, they will be referred out or will pay FULL FEE – NO DISCOUNT.

4.  Would we use sliding fee scale exception (global) to set up a particular cost center as non-billable or payor code rules (LINK, School Based Therapy, Jail services)? Skipped

5.  Would we use the “client sliding fee scale exceptions” for fee appeals? Skipped

6.  Decide how payment functionality will be used. Will support staff in clinic key payments into Profiler and they be posted by Central Reimbursement? Skipped

7.  If the effective date of the sliding fee scale is retro’d back then what service records will be affected (those that are not billing signed)? Skipped

8.  Determine appropriate place of service to be used in system Skipped

9.  Will we continue to give consumers 30 days to apply for Medicaid and then the discount will lapse? No

10.  Will we still follow the Reimbursement matrix for consumers with insurance we do not accept? No. If they want services and have insurance that the AGENCY does not accept, they will be FULL FEE with no sliding fee scale.


1.  Can we remove SSI/SSDI eligibility question from financial? Naomi will find out if this is needed for CCS reporting. If it is not, we will not need to have this in Profiler. We will have SSI/SSDI as a “source” of income.

2.  Does LT approve the list of Provider Types? LT given the handout with list of Provider Types. Questions raised regarding the difference in Clinician and CM. Sherri and Carol would like to review the spreadsheet with tree views and discuss further.

3.  Will we use Recovery Companion? We will determine this after the Recovery Companion demo/training.
