Leadership Summit 2015

Sponsorship Session

1.  Sponsorship Proposals

a.  Identify your needs – are you searching for a donation of money, in-kind donation or a combination of the two.

b.  Show the sponsor you are organized and that their investment in your organization will be valued and used in the right way.

c.  Understand what you have to offer your sponsor. Document your chapter’s events, target audience and marketing initiatives and determine the value of these three items to your sponsor.

2.  Identifying Potential Sponsors

a.  Create a spreadsheet for potential sponsors

b.  Start with companies you already have an established relationship with

c.  Seek companies and businesses whose customers would be attending your events

d.  Search websites of other organizations like GBTA for prospective sponsors

e.  Keep all the prospects in your spreadsheet and start calling the top 10 on the list

f.  Identify yourself and ask who you should send your sponsor package to. Write down names so you can follow up.

g.  Follow up and record for future use

3.  Event Fundraising

a.  Event Sponsorship can be separate from annual sponsorship. Create sponsorship packages that pertain to the event you are soliciting for

b.  Have a drawing for donated items

c.  Upsell at the end of your chapter meetings. Ask for a donation when guests are leaving.

d.  Silent Auction

4.  Silent/Live Auction V’S Online Auction

a.  Both options are good and choosing the right one depends on how much time you have to spend on the auction. Silent Auctions require lots of time, but is enjoyable for members. One idea is to have 10 very large packages and combine it with a gala event. Online Auctions can be set up in as little as 2 weeks and bring in just as much, if not more money than Silent Auction if you open the online auction up to non-members.

b.  Idea for Live Auction: If your chapter is in need of an item, a projector for example, so you don’t have to incur A/V expenses at your chapter meetings. Purchase the projector and have it on the auction table. Anyone who bids understands they are putting their money towards the purchase of the projector for your chapter.

Take Aways from open discussions:

•  Key to sponsorships is having a calendar for the year.

o  This allows the sponsors to view exposure for their investments

•  Proposals issued in 4th Qtr. with a deadline for return

o  Defined levels

o  Banner for the entire year

•  Golf outings

•  Name badges logo for key sponsor

•  Charity support or team up with

•  Auction by cellular

o  Competitor to Bidding for good

•  Parking

•  Direct member breakfasts

•  Sponsorship development team

o  Constant campaign

o  Programs & Meetings need monthly correspondence

o  Sponsorship team needs monthly correspondence

•  Trade w/in chapters

o  STL has a trade data base