Appendix 1: Equality Impact Assessment
Project title / Specialist Provision for Early Years Children with Complex Special Educational Needs and DisabilitiesLead officer completing the assessment / David Silverman, Strategy Manager, Childhood Support Services.
Contact details / / Date completed / 12th December 2011
Others involved in preparing assessment / Angela Phipps, Integrated Services for Learning / Assessment review date / 12th December 2012
1. Introduction
This Equality ImpactAssessment has been developed at the initial stage of policy development. Its aim is to support Members in their consideration of the potential impact of introducing the policyand to inform their decision as to whether to develop the policy further. This Assessment will be reviewed in the light of consultation and subsequent change to the policy to inform the final decision relating to implementation.
2. Proposal Objectives2.1 Purpose
The purpose of this proposal is to improve the services for very young children with complex special educational needs, and their families
The primary objectives are to:
- Increase parents’ confidence in the Local Authority and Health services as providers of high quality provision and support which meets all the child’s needs
- Support the development of staff in educational early years settings, to increase their confidence in meeting the needs of children with complex special educational needs within their settings
- Increase parents’ and other professionals’ use of the nationally-recognised Early Support programme for children with the most complex special educational needs.
- Ensure that local services provide a range of flexible, co-ordinated, specialist support for children with complex special educational needs.
- Build on the strengths of the Opportunity Class Service to create a clear, more flexible and more holistic service including close working with specialist health therapy teams.
- Increase parents’ confidence to engage with universal provision for children 0-5, for example children’s’ centres, pre-schools and toddler groups etc.
2.2 Scope
The proposals concern changes to part of Hertfordshire’s provision for children with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) aged 0-5.
The consultation concerns children who have complex, long-term special educational needs. This includes children with
- Significant developmental delay
- Significant developmental delay and sensory impairments
- Significant physical, neurological impairment
- Profound and multiple learning difficulties
The stakeholders who have an interest in this policy, and who have been consulted, include:
- Children and families currently in receipt of the Opportunity Class Services currently provided and those who may require this service in the future.
- Voluntary organisations
- Advocacy groups
- CountyCouncillors
- Staff
4. Impact Assessment
4.1Under the Equality Act 2010, it is unlawful to implement a policy that will have a worse impact on an individual with a ‘protected characteristic’ than with someone without one. This assessment of the impact of implementing the policy as it currently stands in relation to each of the protected characteristics as identified within this recent equality legislation.
Protected characteristic / Potential for negative impact / Mitigation / rationaleAge / No disproportionate impact is anticipated on individuals with this protected characteristic. / The proposals are specifically age-related because they are supporting early-years children in order to support their transition to inclusive education.
Disability / Impact is only positive / The proposals specifically relate to children with long-term, significant disabilities and SEN and respond to parental concerns that children with these needs receive adequate support in the early years.
Race / No disproportionate impact is anticipated on individuals with this protected characteristic. / The proposed service relates to significant disabilities which are not differentiated according to ethnicity.
Sex / A greater proportion of households with disabled children have a lone parent, statistically most likely to be the mother. / The proposal includes parent support, both in the centres and by means of outreach home visiting. Location of centres will be locally accessible. Transport will be available to ensure that parents are not disadvantaged by travelling needs.
Gender reassignment / No disproportionate impact is anticipated on individuals with this protected characteristic. / Not applicable
Pregnancy & maternity / No disproportionate impact is anticipated on individuals with this protected characteristic. / Not applicable
Religion or belief / No disproportionate impact is anticipated on individuals with this protected characteristic. / Not applicable
Sexual orientation / No disproportionate impact is anticipated on individuals with this protected characteristic. / Not applicable
Gaps identified – do you need to collect more data/information or carry out consultation? / Parents who use the service, and parent groups, have been thoroughly consulted and will continue to be consulted at every stage of development.
The conclusion of your analysis / Give details
No major change
The evidence shows no potential for discrimination and you have taken appropriate opportunities to advance equality and foster good relations. / In taking forward the development process, the County Council is mindful that particular attention will need to be paid to ensure that certain stakeholders are engaged i.e. ensuring that parents and carers are involved, that account is taken of the fact that the range of disabilities for which services are provided issignificant and the challenges this poses for parents are also substantial. The service development will ensure that the necessary support is available to enable parents and carers, especially those who are more economically disadvantaged, are able to access the service.
Adjust the policy
Take ‘mitigating action’ to remove barriers or better advance equality. / .
Continue the policy
Adverse impacts have been identified, but have been objectively justified (provided you do not unlawfully discriminate). / N/A
Stop and remove the policy
The adverse effects are not justified, cannot be mitigated or show unlawful discrimination. / N/A
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