ARD 2020 Biopharmaceuticals
LE STUDIUM RESEARCH FELLOWSHIP - Indicative application format
Important note:
Please note that this document is designed to be filled in by both the applicant and the host laboratory in the frame of the ARD 2020 Biopharmaceuticals Programme. Applications must be completed online on the LE STUDIUM website.An application submitted by email will NOT be valid.
The online application form has the following sections.
1- Applicant’s contact details
Give the following details concerning the applicant: first name, surname, title, birth date, nationality, laboratory, institution, professional address, phone number, email, website and scientific specialty.
2- Summary of the proposal
Write a summary of the proposal in English.
Content limited to 2000 characters.
3- Proposal
-> Background, Aims: describe the specific aims of the project, including a clear statement of the hypothesis to be tested
-> Research Plan: Describe the methodology and research plan, including as appropriate:
- Description of the experiment design;
- Techniques to be used;
- Methods of statistical analysis;
- Strengths and weaknesses of the study design, and contingency plans.
Content limited to 20 000 characters.
4- Signifiance, Innovation and relevance
Describe the importance of the scientific question, the planned outcome of the research, the potential significance of the research and, if appropriate, its economic potential. Explain the relevance for the Biopharmaceuticals Programme of the region Centre-Val de Loire.
Content limited to 4000 characters.
5- Collaborations between laboratories or partnerships with industry
If relevant, present the collaborations that you propose for your project. These partnerships can be other academic laboratories as well as biopharmaceutical companies, particularly in the region Centre-Val de Loire.
Content limited to 4000 characters.
6- Career
-Track record of the applicant
Highlight the career achievements of the scientific applicant and awards including a list of peer reviewed publications in the last five years.Identify up to five publications from this list relevant to this proposal EXCLUDING submitted papers.Book chapters and books should be listed separately.
Content limited to 8000 characters.
Download the CV of the applicant
-Developing long lasting research links
Indicate if there is a strategy for long lasting research relations between the applicant and the host laboratory or host scientist or the scientific environment around Biopharmaceuticals in the region Centre-Val de Loire.
Content limited to 1500 characters.
7- Host laboratory / Host scientist
Give the following details concerning the laboratory host scientist: first name, surname, title, birth date, laboratory, institution, professional address, phone number, email, website, name and email of the director of the host laboratory.
LESTUDIUM LoireValleyInstituteforAdvancedStudies
1, rue Dupanloup- 45000 Orléans, France
Tél. 33(0)23821 14 82 – email: