Français INom ______
Leçon #1: Les Traditions deNoël en France.
- Watch this video and answer Madame’s questions:
- Complete the partner speaking activity (Separate A/B paper)
Leçon #2: Noel au Québec
- Watch this video and answer Madame’s questions.
- Complete the partner role-play activity (Separate A/B paper)
- Write a letter from the person you portrayed to a keypal in the other country. Tell him/her about how you celebrate Noël and ask him/her questions about his/her family’s celebration.
Leçon #3: Le Sapin de Noël (
A. Listen to the video from the website with the rest of the class and answer Madame’s questions.
- Put the following steps to Christmas tree decorating in order, according to the article. Place a 1 in front of the first thing you should do, a 2 in front of the second, and so on.
___ Put the bulbs/decorations on it.
___ Put a decoration at the top.
___ Put some fake snow or glitter on it.
___ Put on the lights.
___ Put the garland on.
C. Check each sentence that refers to advice given in the article. You will not check every one.
___Choose a spot for your tree where it can be seen and won’t get knocked over.
___Avoid stringing together too many strands of lights.
___Choose a theme with no more than three colors.
___Match the bulbs/decorations to the garland.
___Don’t forget to hang the ornaments that children make at school.
___Avoid hanging heaving ornaments that will bend the branches.
___Hang candy canes, chocolates or candy to add a food lover’s touch to the tree.
___ Choose a star or angel for the top of the tree.
___Put slices of citrus fruit at the foot of the tree to make your house smell good.
- Draw a comic strip (no words) showing the steps to decorating a Christmas tree and then use your pictures to practice telling someone how to decorate a Christmas tree. Use the following words to put the steps in order:
- D’abord (first of all)
- Puis/ensuite (then/next)
- Après ça (after that)
- Enfin (finally)
Leçon #4: Les habitudes alimentaires des Français pour Noël
A. Key Word Recognition. Find the French words/phrases that best express the meanings of the following English words/phrases.
- Eating habits ______
- (they) cook______
- (they) go______
- (they) buy______
B. Main Idea. What is the main idea of this infographic? Write in English.
C. Supporting Details.
1. Check each detail that is given in the article (not all are given).
2. Fill in the information that is given for each detail you have checked. Write in English.
____The percentage of French people who cook regularly______
____The percentage of French people who cook their entire Christmas meal______
____The percentage of French people who don’t cook at all. ______
____The percentage of French people who buy prepared food for their Christmas meal. ______
____The percentage of French people who buy frozen foodfor their Christmas meal. ______
____The percentage of French people who go to a restaurantfor their Christmas meal. ______
____The percentage of French people who have a potluck (everyone brings a dish) for their Christmas meal.______
____The percentage of French people who buy their dessertfor their Christmas meal.______
____The percentage of French people who buy the main dishfor their Christmas meal.______
____The percentage of French people who buy the appetizerfor their Christmas meal.______
____The percentage of French people who cook for 1-4 peoplefor their Christmas meal.______
____The percentage of French people who cook for 4-8 peoplefor their Christmas meal.______
____The percentage of French people who cook for 8-12 peoplefor their Christmas meal.______
____The percentage of French people who cook for more than 12 peoplefor their Christmas meal.______
____The percentage of French people who spend almost the whole day cooking.______
____The percentage of French people who spend about a half a day cooking.______
____The percentage of French people who spend 1-2 hours cooking.______
____The percentage of French people who spend less than 20 euros per person on their Christmas meal.______
____The percentage of French people who spend between 20 and 30 euros per person on their Christmas meal.______
____The percentage of French people who spend between 30 and 40 euros per person on their Christmas meal._____
____The percentage of French people who spend between 40 and 60 euros per person on their Christmas meal.______
____The percentage of French people who spend between 60 and 80 euros per person on their Christmas meal._____
____The percentage of French people who spend more than 100 euros per person on their Christmas meal.______
____The percentage of French people who think it’s possible to eat vegetarian for Christmas.______
____The percentage of French people who think it’s impossible to eat vegetarian for Christmas.______
____The percentage of French people who think it’s possible, but difficult, to eat vegetarian for Christmas.______
____The percentage of French people who think that foie gras (goose liver) is a necessary part of Christmas dinner. ____
____The percentage of French people who think that smoked salmon is a necessary part of Christmas dinner.______
____The percentage of French people who think that a yule log cake is a necessary part of Christmas dinner.______
____The percentage of French people who think that poultry is a necessary part of Christmas dinner.______
____The percentage of French people who think that oysters are is a necessary part of Christmas dinner.______
____The percentage of French people whose eating habits haven’t changed as a result of the economic crisis.______
____When this survey was conducted ______
____The number of people who were surveyed______
____The percentage of these people who were women______
____The percentage that were between 20 and 30 years old______
Communication Interpersonnelle
A. Ask your partner the following questions and write down his/her answers in French.
1. Qui cuisine dans ta famille? ______
2. Pourquoi? (Circle all thatapply.)
- Il/elle a plus de temps.
- Il/elle aime cuisiner.
- Il/elle cuisine bien.
- C’est notre culture.
- Autre: ______
2. Tes parents achètent beaucoup de plats surgelés? ______
3. Pourquoi ou pourquoi pas? (Circle all thatapply.)
- Les plats surgelés coutent très cher.
- Ma mère/Mon père n’a pas beaucoup de temps.
- Ma mère/mon père pense qu’il est important de manger les aliments frais.
- Autre: ______
4. Tu vas souvent au restaurant? (Circle one)
- Une fois par an
- Une fois par mois
- Une fois par semaine
- 2-3 fois par semaine
5. Tu es végétarien? Pourquoi ou pourquoi pas? (Circle all thatapply.)
- C’est ma religion.
- C’est ma culture.
- C’est pour ma santé.
- Je n’aime pas la viande.
- Autre: ______
6. Tu as déjà mangé…? (Circle all thatapply.)
- Du foie gras
- Du saumon fumé
- De la bûche de Noel
- Deshuîtres
1. Think about a holiday that your family celebrates by eating a special meal.
2. Compare the meal that your family eats during this celebration to a typical French Christmas dinner by completing a Venn diagram with at least 10 sentences. Include information about whether the food is homemade or store-bought, how many friends and family members eat together, how long the person who prepares the meal spends doing so, what foods you eat, etc.