Le Morte D Arthur VERSION 8

Le Morte d’Arthur VERSION 8

1 / Slideshow Creator / Anya
2 / Narrator (Kenneth) [26 lines] / Kenneth
3 / Merlin [15 lines] / Josh
4 / King Uther Pendragon [8 lines] / Luigi (also Arthur’s knight)
5 / Duke of Tintigil [ 0 lines] / Jace
6 / Sir Brastius, Duke’s knight [4 lines] / Jace (also Enemy King’s knight)
7 / Igraine [7 lines] / Haley (also Enemy King’s knight)
8 / Sir Ulfius [4 lines] / Noah
9 / Sir Ector [11 lines] / Nicholas
10 / Sir Kay, son of Ector [6 lines] / Marynna
11 / King Arthur [20 lines] / TJ
12 / Archbishop of Canterbury [11 lines] / Elena
13 / King Lot of Lothian [9 lines] / Robert
14 / King Uryens of Gore [9 lines] / Jimmy
15 / King Nentres of Garlot [8 lines] / Glenn
16 / Commoner 1 [7 lines] / Justin
17 / Commoner 2 [5 lines] / Maddie
18 / Commoner 3 [4 lines] / Gurleen

Adapted by Mr. Trapasso from Malory’s Le Morte d’Arthur, a prose rendition by Keith Baines, with minor additions from other versions of King Arthur.


Narrator (Kenneth) [line 1]

Around the year 400 of the Common Era the great Roman Empire suffered from many problems and in response began to give up control of its northern most territory on the island of Great Britain. When the Roman legions withdrew, the many local tribal kingdoms of England began to fight one another to become the new dominate force. Adding to the confusion, other tribes from the mainland of Europe such as the Saxons of Denmark and Germany began to invade Britain to drive out the local tribes and take over their fertile fields, thick forests, and beautiful open country. The British Isle was set afire with ceaseless warfare and sunk into a dark age of decline and destruction.

Eventually, one tribe from Southern England, the Britons, arose to become one of the most powerful forces in the land. Under the leadership of King Uther Pendragon, the Britons began to beat back the invading Saxons. Through a series of great battles, King Uther defeated the Saxons and gained control once again over all the southern lands around their homeland in London and Camelot. Then, King Uther set out to defeat the remaining warring tribes and claim his right to rule the entire British Island and restore peace once again.


[ENTER Side Merlin; Archimedes appears on the back screen]

Merlin (Josh) [line 1]

The time has finally come, Archimedes. I have waited for more than a hundred long years to play my role to help these poor creatures, these stumbling, half-blind humans.

[Archimedes whoos; Merlin chuckles]

I know, I know. My mother Princess Dyfed was a human. She told me my father was a heavenly angel, but others said he was a pagan forest sprite or even the devil himself. Whatever he was, he has made me what I am, a half-human, half-spirit, who see far beyond the eyes of mortal humans.

[Archimedes whoos]

So now the long-prophesied events are about to unfold. I will do my best to help these poor Britons with the help of the prophesied king who is still unborn. Together, we can stop the noblemen’s endless, greedy, bloodthirsty wars to dominate each other’s land and enslave the commoners. Humankind can finally move beyond the idea that “might makes right” and discover the beautiful life that lies beyond.

[Archimedes whoos]

Now is the time, Archimedes! Now is the time!

[Archimedes whoos; EXIT Merlin side]


Narrator (Kenneth) [line 2]

After several years of battle, Uther Pendragon, King of the Britons, had succeeded in defeated most of the warring tribes of Greater Britain and restoring peace to the country. However, the Duke of Tintagil from the region of Cornwall would not submit to King Uther’s rule, and the two leaders engaged in battle for many months.

[ENTER Side: Duke of Tintagil, Igraine; ENTER Back King Uther, Sir Ulfius]

Then one day King Uther heard reports of the great beauty and grace of the duke’s wife, the Lady Igraine. Upon hearing these words, as if by some unseen enchantment, something mysterious stirred inside the great warrior. He was soon compelled to act. He called a truce to discuss ending his war with the Duke of Tintagil and invited the duke and Igraine to his court. After discussions with their advisors, King Uther formally reconciled with the duke and agreed to end their hostilities.

During a great feast to celebrate their peace, King Uther was struck hard by the Lady Igraine’s beauty and intelligence, and grew passionately desirous of her. After the meal ended, King Uther arranged to have a few words alone with Igraine.

King Uther (Luigi) [line 1]

Lady Igraine, I must confess, I had heard glowing words of your character and unsurpassed beauty before we met. Yet, those words are hollow in comparison to being with you in the flesh. You have ignited a mysterious fire in me that will not be quenched until you have agreed to become my Queen. I most humbly beg of you, please, captivating Igraine, join me at my side and become mine.

Igraine (Haley) [line 1]

My liege, King Uther, you flatter me with your words. But of course, you understand that beauty would not be beauty if she threw away loyalty. I already belong to my husband, the Duke of Tintagil. Therefore, I must gently and graciously decline your offer.

[EXIT Side: King Uther, Sir Ulfius]

Narrator (Kenneth) [line 3]

Igraine took leave of the King, who withdrew to his chambers with a heavy heart. Later, in the privacy of their room, Igraine recounted to her husband the Duke her unsettling encounter with King Uther. The Duke was outraged. Igraine suggested that they leave at once, without warning.

[EXIT Side: Duke of Tintagil, Igraine]


Narrator (Kenneth) [line 4]

So, in the middle of the night they secretly left the castle and fled to their home. The next morning when King Uther learned of Igraine’s flight he was enraged and immediately sent word to the duke and Igraine that they could expect to be dragged from their castle within six weeks.

[ENTER Side King Uther, Sir Ulfius as narrator speaks]

The Duke manned and provisioned his two strongest fortresses: the Castle Tintagil for Igraine and the Castle Terrabyl, with its excellent defenses, for himself. Soon King Uther arrived with a huge army and laid siege to Terrabyl; but despite the intensity of the fighting and the numerous casualties suffered by both sides, neither was able to win a decisive victory. Still enraged, and now despairing, King Uther fell sick. His friend Sir Ulfius came to his aid.

Sir Ulfius (Noah) [line 1]

My liege, what is the matter? Why has gotten you into this state?

King Uther (Luigi) [line 2]

My fever is from the incomparable Igraine. She has enflamed my heart, and unless I can win her, I shall never recovery.

Sir Ulfius (Noah) [line 2]

Sire, surely Merlin the Prophet could find some means to help you? I will go in search of him.

[Ulfius turns to exit, but is stopped at the side door by Merlin]

Sir Ulfius (Noah) [line 3]

Hideous beggar, how did you get past the guards? Get out of my way.

[ENTER Side Merlin]

Merlin (Josh) [line 2]

But it is I who you seek. Do you not recognize me? I am Merlin.

King Uther (Luigi) [line 3]

Mysterious Prophet, please, come. We are honored to have you as our guest.

Merlin (Josh) [line 3]

Sire, I know that you are stricken by a powerful love for Igraine and that nothing can stop it. As an anointed King, if I make her yours, will you swear to give into my care the child she bears you?

King Uther (Luigi) [line 4]

If you can make her mine, I swear on the Holy Gospel, that I will do as you ask. Our first-born child shall be yours.

Merlin (Josh) [line 4]

Very good. Tonight, you shall appear before Igraine at Tintagil in the likeness of her husband, the duke. Sir Ulfius and I will appear as two of the duke’s knights, Sir Brastius and Sir Jordanus. Do not speak with either Igraine or her men, but say that you are sick and retire to bed immediately. I will fetch you early in the morning.


Narrator (Kenneth) [line 5]

The plan unfolded just as Merlin said. When King Uther, Ulfius, and Merlin rode up to the castle Tintagil in the dead of night, the magical glamour that Merlin cast made them appear to all as the Duke of Tintagil and his two knights Brastius and Jordanus. They were quickly admitted into the castle and Uther as the duke went straight away to his bed. Igraine was completely deceived by Merlin’s spell. She was so surprised and delighted to see her husband the duke arrive unexpectedly at her castle in the deep silence of the night. That night their child Arthur was conceived. King Uther gave Igraine a farewell kiss and left her at dawn as soon as Merlin appeared.

[Pause as EXIT Back: Uther, Merlin, Ulfius]

SCENE 6: [ENTER Side: Duke’s knight, Sir Brastius]

Narrator (Kenneth) [line 6]

Later that morning one of the Duke of Tintagil’s knights galloped up to the castle in a panicked state and was immediately brought in to see Lady Igraine.

Duke’s knight, Sir Brastius (Jace) [line 1]

My Lady Igraine.

Igraine (Haley) [line 2]

What is it, knight? What desperate news do you so breathlessly bring?

Duke’s knight, Sir Brastius (Jace) [line 2]

My lady. Just after sundown yesterday, King Uther Pendragon was seen riding away from his men’s siege of the duke’s castle Terrabyl. The duke thought this a good time for a surprise attack. However, most unfortunately, he was grievously wounded and died during the assault.

Igraine (Haley) [line 3]

What? No. How can this be?

Duke’s knight, Sir Brastius (Jace) [line 3]

I am so sorry, my Lady. But it is so.

Igraine (Haley) [line 4]

At what hour did he die? Tell me exactly!

Duke’s knight, Sir Brastius (Jace) [line 4]

It was within the hour after sunset, when there was still a faint light in the western sky.

Igraine (Haley) [line 5]

[Speaking aside to herself] But how can this be? For just two hours ago at sunrise this morning did he leave me.

Narrator (Kenneth) [line 7]

When Igraine realized that the duke had died three or more hours before he appeared to her, she was greatly disturbed in mind. However, she confided in no one.


Narrator (Kenneth) [line 8]

Once it was known that the duke was dead, King Uther’s nobles urged him to reconcile with Igraine and give up his war against the dukedom of Tintagil. Going a step further, King Uther proposed that to ensure a lasting peace he and the lovely Lady Igraine should be married. All were delighted at the wonderful idea. They sent Sir Uflius to present these offers to the Lady Igraine. Ulfius soon returned with the news that the Lady Igraine had accepted King Uther’s proposal. The marriage of King Uther and Igraine was celebrated joyously thirteen days later, and then, for the time, after many years of war, a calm settled over the realm of the Britons.

A few months later it was seen that Igraine was with child, and one night, King Uther asked her a startling question.

King Uther (Luigi) [line 5]

My dearest Igraine, I am so glad to see you healthy and growing full with child. Yet, I wonder, who the father might be?

[Igraine looks greatly abashed, and reacts silently]

King Uther (Luigi) [line 6]

Do not look so dismayed, but tell me the truth and I swear I shall love you the better for it.

Igraine (Haley) [line 6]

My liege, the truth is that the night the duke died, about three hours after his death, a man rode up to my castle who was the exact image of the duke. With him came two others who appeared to be Sir Brastius and Sir Jordanus. Naturally I thought this man was my husband and that night, I swear, this child was conceived.

King Uther (Luigi) [line 7]

Well spoken! It was I who impersonated the duke, so rest at ease. The child is mine.

Igraine (Haley) [line 7]

My wily liege, I cannot tell you how greatly relieved I am to hear this news. I am overjoyed to discover that the father of my child is now my husband!

Narrator (Kenneth) [line 9]

Then Uther told Igraine the story of how Merlin had arranged it, and all that had happened that fateful night. Igraine was astonished by the powers of Merlin, her husband’s ancient advisor.

[EXIT Back Igraine; then ENTER Side Merlin]

Sometime later Merlin himself appeared before the king.

Merlin (Josh) [line 5]

Sire, you know that you must provide for the upbringing of your unborn child.

King Uther (Luigi) [line 8]

I will do as you advise.

Merlin (Josh) [line 6]

Sire, listen to what I have seen. Your child is destined for glory. I want him brought to me for his baptism. I shall then give him into the care of foster parents who can be trusted to protect him and not to reveal his identity. Sir Ector would be suitable. He is a good-hearted soul and extremely loyal.

Narrator (Kenneth) [line 10]

Sir Ector was summoned and gladly agreed to the king’s request. When the child was born, all was kept secret. He was taken to Merlin and baptized by a priest with the name of Arthur. Then he was brought to Sir Ector, whose wife cared for the child as her own.


Narrator (Kenneth) [line 11]

Two years later King Uther fell sick. He lay unable to move and speechless for three days and nights. Then, King Uther gave up the ghost. He was buried and mourned the next day, as befitted his rank, by Igraine and the nobility of Britain.