Market overview

Environmental Protection

In the Republic of Serbia environmental protection is primarily regulated by the Law on EnvironmentalProtection, as a general law setting the principles of environmental protection in Serbia. This law will be applied whenever the matter of environmental protection is not regulated by a separate law for a specific field regulated by such law. The National Strategy for Sustainable Development contains chapters that cover public health and environmental risk factors, including climate change, waste, chemicals, accidents, radiation, noise and natural disasters, such as floods, landslides, fires and earthquakes. Serbia’s waste management is inadequate, particularly in rural areas. Collection is poorly organized; landfill is not subject to controls. By EU comparison, organic waste as a proportion of total residual waste is high and the recycling rate is very low. As yet, the population shows little awareness of environmental issues. Only 10 per cent of wastewater is treated. In most municipalities there is no infrastructure for sewerage and wastewater treatment. Investment is urgently needed in this area.The collection of recyclable materials from household waste is often undertaken by informal waste collectors. Serbia is seeking EU membership and is currently working to align its legislation with that of the EU. Modernization of waste management by joining the transition towards a circular economy is a declared political objective.

Banking Security

The banking sector of Serbia is highly concentrated and is dominated by foreign-controlled banks. There are 29 registered commercial banks and 6 representative offices of foreign banks on the territory of the Republic of Serbia at the moment. International operations can only be performed with a special authorization issued by the National Bank of Serbia. The banking industry is a leading implementer of the latest technologies. Serbian banks are keeping pace with the newest mobile banking technologies. Specific challenges of e-banking

Services relate to rapid changes, increased dependence on the design and system, the trend toward unregulated outsourcing and heightened importance of security controls.

The market of banking security solutions is very saturated with major players already established in the market such as Asseco, Halcom Bassilichi , Mellon

Fire Safety

The National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia has passed on December 29th, 2009 the Law on fire protection (“Official Gazette of the Republic of Serbia” No. 111/2009, hereinafter “the Law”) that will be applicable after the nine months period since the entry into force, that is on October 7th 2010. Companies are obliged to prepare measures for planning, financing, organizing, undertaking and control of measures and actions aimed at fire protection. They also have to prepare measures for assistance in eliminating consequences of fire. Company and other legal entities are obliged to make a recovery plan for elimination of consequences of fire. Knowledge and skills of the existing staff in this area (state administration, public institutions and companies) is based on the education acquired from other engineering disciplines. We have noticed very different levels of knowledge and skills, with many people learning on the job in an unstructured way. Moreover, the lack of safety culture in society in general is notable. There is a significant number of local producers of fire safety equipment with Vatrosprem , Vatroival Vaz being among market leaders.


In Serbia there are over 90 companies involved in Safety sector. The private security sector includes: physical protection, value management, controlling center management. The services of the private security system are as follows: technical protection (fire protection, video security, satellite monitoring of a vehicle, electro – chemical protection of money, mechanical protection), surveillance and remote monitoring of electro alarm system, installation, repair and maintenance of mechanical or electric devices, security protection software connected with close and remote surveillance.


Opportunities for Walloon companies are in safety sector – surveillance equipment, intrusion detection human safety, access control etc. There are also opportunities, in some specific fire safety equipment as well as banking equipment. The environment is financially and administratively a challenging field that involves continuous coordination and communication of all relevant institutions. This is confirmed by the fact that 10 billion euros of funds is necessary for environmental approximation, of which is approximately one billion euros for investment in the waste and about 7 billion euros for water supply, sewerage and waste water.

Auteur: AWEX – Belgrade
Fiche rédigée par Mme Marijana Milosevic
Mars 2017