SESSION II: JUNE 29- July17, 2015
6/29 MondayActivity
My Gym
10:00 a.m.
3:00 Afternoon Crafts / 6/30 Tuesday
Giant Bubbles
10:00 a.m.
3:00 Afternoon Gardening / 7/1 Wednesday
Water Fun
Video / 7/2 Thursday
Pizza Party Picnic
10:00 a.m.
Glitter Tattoos, Balloons, Games / 7/3 Friday
Independence Day
No Summer Fun
7/6 Monday
My Gym
10:00 a.m.
3:00 Afternoon Crafts / 7/7 Tuesday
Magic Show
10:00 a.m.
3:00 Afternoon Gardening / 7/8 Wednesday
Water Fun
Video / 7/9 Thursday
North American Cooking Project
3:00 Afternoon Music / 7/10 Friday
Children’s Discovery Center
Bus Departs: 8:30 a.m.
Bus Returns: 11:30 a.m.
7/13 Monday
My Gym
10:00 a.m.
3:00 Afternoon Crafts / 7/14 Tuesday
Living Art Marine Center Visits LJA
10:00 a.m.
3:00 Afternoon Gardening / 7/15 Wednesday
Water Fun
Video / 7/16 Thursday
South American Cooking Project
3:00 Afternoon Music / 7/17 Friday
Hawaii Academy
Bus Departs: 8:30 a.m.
Bus Returns: 11:30 a.m.
JK SESSION II NOTES: June 29-July 17, 2015
“Places Near and Far”
Session II : “Going Places”
Teachers will lead students on a journey of discovery by investigating North, Central, and South American cultures through music, stories, crafts, activities, food and excursions.
Every Day – Apply sunscreen in the morning. Pack a lunch, including drinks, labeled with your child’s name. A nutritious morning snack will be provided and an afternoon snack is provided for those staying after 2:30 p.m. Wash hands before entering the classroom.
Weekly - Pack a change of clothes and bring a nap mat cover, blanket and small pillow optional.
My Gym – Have fun learning to stretch and tumble with a professional children’s gymnastics teacher.
Afternoon Crafts – Students will create crafts of the America’s including United States, Mexico, Panama, Chile
Giant Bubbles – Todd from Bubble Hawaii can produce bubbles up to 15ft in diameter and 100ft long. Students will also have an opportunity to create large bubbles with Todd’s guidance.
Afternoon Gardening –From garden to table. We will care for and harvest the produce from the garden and make some yummy snacks! Like Kale chips and salsa!
Water Fun –Wading pools, water table, sprinklers, tricycles, and giant balls set up on the grass. Wear bathing suit under clothing, slippers, and sunscreen to school. Bring towel, plastic bag for wet items, and change of clothing in a bag. Please label all items.
Pizza Party Picnic-Lunch Provided.Students will play games; get glitter tattoos, and balloons. Pizza, carrots and fruit will be served for a special lunch picnic.
Magic Show - A morning of magical fun and games with Magician Glen Bailey.
Afternoon Music – Extended Day Teachers will provide structured and fun musical activities focusing on beat, tones and rhythm.
Cooking Project –Teachers and students will make something healthy and yummy to eat Session II we will stir up some American fair!
Children’s Discovery Center – Wear LJA t-shirt and covered shoes. Students will explore the hands-on activities at the center including Hawaiian Rainbows, Fantastic You, Our Town, Rainbow world. Chaperones are needed for this excursion; please notify Teacher if able to attend. 8:00 a.m.-11:30 a.m.
Living Art Marine Center – Educators from the center will bring tide pool creatures for students to explore with their hands. Students will learn fun facts about starfish, crabs, clams, sea urchins and other tidal creatures. Followed by “Gyotaku” fish print art activity.
Hawaii Academy –SOCKS MUST BE WORN AND PARENTS MUST SIGN HAWAII ACADEMY WAIVER FORM IN ORDER TO PARTICIPATE. Wear LJA t-shirt and covered shoes. Water bottle! Students can challenge their skills on various gymnastics equipment including an obstacle course and trampoline.
Summer Fun contact information:
Summer Fun Director - Heather Tucker
Phone: 261-0707ext1910 or cellular 306-0693
Administrative Assistant-Tori Langley
Phone: 261-0707ext1920