(UMH #202)
September 6, 2016
PO Box 2464
MUNCIE, IN 47307
(765) 282-2322 / EAST DISTRICT WEBSITE
lay servant training
clergy spouse retreat 2016
muncie area crop hunger walk 2016
welcoming service for bishop trimble: september 11
east district fall pastor’s meeting
East District Charge Conferences
laity day with the bishop
clergy covenant day: november 10
new hours for East District “virtual” office
welcome our new indiana conference bishop
first monday training program begins September 12
“honoring god through caring for your body”
indiana extension course of study: fall 2016
certified lay minister program
special sundays in 2016
east district umw news and events
2016 dates and information for church treasurers
east district mission trip to guatemala
vital congregations goals
youth ministries
important dates for your calendar
important links
2015-2016 educational opportunities
lay servant training
Fall Lay Ministry TrainingAs you might have heard, the East District Lay Ministry Training is now being headed by Jake Ohlemiller and Curtis Banker. The East District will not be hosting its own Lay Ministry Training this Fall, as it has typically done in the past. Although the East District itself will not be hosting a training event, it will still be possible for people in the East District to participate in training this Fall if desired. This can happen in one of two ways:
- You can feel free to refer people to training events in other districts. (
- People interested in completing the requirements can also take courses online. (Here is a link which will take them to the appropriate place online: ).
If you would like further information or have questions, Curtis and Jake can be reached with the INUMC email addresses: and
clergy spouse retreat 2016
Holiday Inn Indianapolis North, 251 Pennsylvania Pkwy, Indianapolis, Friday, September 16 at 6:00 p.m. through Sunday, September 18, 1:00 p.m. Our speaker, Julie Pimlott, will lead us in teaching and discussion as we learn that whether we find ourselves walking on the water or sinking, God's saving hand is never far. The retreat will include time for fun, food, discussion, and fellowship, and we will end the weekend with a final worship time together. Click here for complete information and registration. Deadline to register is August 25.muncie area crop hunger walk 2016
Muncie Area CROP Hunger Walk 2016Sunday, September 25, 2:00 p.m.
Registration starts at 1:30 p.m.
College Avenue United Methodist Church
1968 W Main St., Muncie, IN
25% of the funds raised in the Muncie Area CROP Hunger Walk will help Christian Ministries of Delaware County feed the hungry here at home. 75% of the funds will help Church World Service work to eliminate hunger throughout the world.
Orientation to get information and envelopes for recruiters and to exchange ideas to make the walk better and more excitingis Thursday, August 25 with video at 5:30 and orientation at 6:00 pm at College Avenue UMC. To register a team online go to .
welcoming service for bishop trimble: september 11
Save the date! There will be a welcoming service in honor of our newly appointed bishop, Julius C. Trimble, and his wife, First Lady Racelder Grandberry-Trimble. The service will be held at St. Luke’s United Methodist Church, 100 W 86th Street, Indianapolis, Sunday, September 11at 4 p.m. EST. For more information go to here.east district fall pastor’s meeting
Our Fall Pastors’ gatherings will be on Tuesday September 6th. You may choose which time/location works best for you: 1:30-3:30 at Richmond First UMC, 318 National Road W, Richmond; or 6:30-8:30 at Yorktown UMC, 2301 S Broadway, Yorktown. (We’ve blocked out 2 hours, but really don’t expect us to go past 90 minutes.)Both meetings will be the same - checking in after the summer - introductions of newcomers to our district - time to pray together - information about some important events coming up - and some other stuff that hopefully you will feel was worth your time to come.
One more thing: while we won’t say this is a required meeting, we do expect you’ll attend.
east district charge conferences
We are experimenting with Charge Conferences this year, trying to produce times of celebration, inspiration, and transformation. Our theme this year is: Be Hope. More information will be available at our September 6th meeting, but in order for you to do some planning, you have three dates/locations to choose from for your Charge Conference:Sunday, October 30, 3:30 p.m. The Place, 205 S 21st Street, New Castle
Sunday, November 6, 3:30 p.m. Muncie High Street UMC, 219 S High Street, Muncie
Sunday, November 13, 3:30 p.m. Richmond Central UMC, 1425 E Main Street, Richmond
laity day with the bishop
SATURDAY, OCTOBER 15, 2016Castleton United Methodist Church
7101 Shadeland Ave. Indianapolis, IN 46256
Join us for a meaningful day of learning and listening with our new bishop. Come hear the call to hope, be reminded that hope restores us and moves us. Come hear the hope stories of others who are partners with us in the work of Christ and the church. Share together in workshops that will inspire, teach and challenge your personal call to hope.
We hope that you are encouraged and inspired to discover, develop, and deploy fruitful leaders!
Click here for registration and church resources
clergy covenant day: november 10
All clergy, active and retired, including Elders, Deacons, Local Pastors, Certified Candidates, Seminarians and clergy serving in various Extension Ministries, are all invited to a clergy gathering designed to help cultivate our clergy covenant. The event will be held from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., Thursday, November 10, Zionsville UMC. This is not a mandatory event; however, clergy are strongly encouraged to attend. This event is for clergy only. Childcare services will be made available. Deadline for registration is end-of-day, Tuesday, November 1. To learn more and register, visit: inumc.org/covenantday16new hours for east district “virtual” office
Beginning Monday, August 1st Bernie will be available via the East District “Virtual” office as follows:Monday through Wednesday 8:00 a.m. until 3:00 p.m.
Thursday 8:00 a.m. until 4:00 p.m.
You may contact Bernie by telephone at (765) 282-2322 or by email at .
welcome our new indiana conference bishop
Peoria, Ill. - The Committee on Episcopacy of the North Central Jurisdiction announced the assignment of Bishop Julius C. Trimble to the Indiana Episcopal Area Saturday, July 16. Bishop Trimble will begin his service Thursday, September 1, 2016.Married to Racelder Grandberry-Trimble, a professional counselor and graduate of Methodist Theological School of Ohio. They are the parents of three adult children: Cameron, Candiace, and Julius Thomas.Click herefor complete article.
first monday training program begins September 12
The First Monday training program is an opportunity for persons to both grow in knowledge and train towards recognition in the area of pastoral care and counseling. Usually held on the First Monday of each month, mornings will be a theory seminar and afternoons will be both a consultation and supervision opportunity (the afternoons will be taped). Topics to be included are brief-term, supportive counseling methods, crisis intervention, grief and loss, divorce recovery, pastoral diagnosis, referral, and the application of pastoral care principals in the broader functions of ministry. Click here for complete information.“honoring god through caring for your body”
Sponsored by Health Ministries & Faith Community Nursing of the INUMC October 7, 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Cost $32.00. Grace UMC, 219 E Mulberry St, Kokomo 46901. Keynote Speaker: Chef Wendall Fowler, Author-Health Columnist, Spiritual-Motivational Speaker and Host Contributor for WISH TV. Registration deadline is September 15, 2016. Register online at inumc.org/ParishNursing. For more information contact Sherry McIntyre at (317) 894-0902 orindiana extension course of study: fall 2016
Online registration is open for the Indiana Extension Course of Study School fall term, which begins Sept. 9. Part-time local pastors who wish to enroll may go HERE for more information and registration. This is the first time the Course of Study registration is completely online, eliminating the need for paper registration forms. The deadline for registration is July 31. Registrants may pay in full with a credit card online or by check. Checks must be received by Aug. 15. Partial payments are not accepted. The Indiana school is an extension of the Garrett-Evangelical School of Theology and is designed to accommodate part-time local pastors who wish to further their education.certified lay minister program
Registrations are currently being taken for the 2016-2017 CLM Program.The Certified Lay Minister (CLM) is a position that was approved at the 2012 session of the General Conference of The United Methodist Church. It is a position designed to enhance the quality of ministry and ability of small membership churches, team ministry in larger membership churches, and ministry in other settings to meet the spiritual and temporal needs of a constantly changing world (Paragraph 271, Book of Discipline, United Methodist Church).
What is the Certified Lay Minister Academy?
The Certified Lay Minister Academy consists of an orientation session for the Certified Lay Minister program, followed by a 3 day intensive training. The sessions are currently offered in Indianapolis to provide a central location for individuals coming from a variety of areas from across the conference. Full participation in all of the classes is required in order to satisfy the training requirement for certification.
Complete Information available here.
special sundays in 2016
Six Sundays throughout the year have been dedicated as Special Sundays. On these days, offerings are collected to support ministries that can only be possible thanks to our connectional system. When our churches come together, we can create great change. You can find more information about these offerings at Mark your calendars now for these upcoming 2016 Special Sundays:October 2 - World Communion Sunday
November 27 - United Methodist Student Day
East district umw news and events
June NewsletterMarch Newsletter
September Newsletter
2016 dates and information for church treasurers
The 2016 East District Tithe Form is available on the website atThe Church asking for 2016 is 1.15% of your tithable income.
Useful websites
Financial forms on Indiana Conference website
General Council on Finance & Administration
Indiana Conference
UM giving
Indiana Department of Revenue
IRS forms
General Board of Pensions and Benefits
east district mission trips to guatemala
October 15-23, 2016SPACE is LIMITED and will fill up quickly!
Bring a team from your church or just one.
We will travel to Guatemala and work together as team.
We will be engaged in at least one construction project plus will be able to engage with the feeding program that our food packing event supplies.
Trip cost includes all meals, air/ground transportation and lodging is $1,499.
Initial deposit of $100 is due now to secure your team spot.
For more information contact Pastor Jason Morris @ or (765) 855-5576.
pastors—have you activated your INUMC email account
Vital Congregations/GCFA will be using inumc.org email addresses for pastors exclusively. So now your inumc.org email is a necessity. Once activated you can have it forwarded to your personal email address. Eventually this will be the only email address used by the District as well. Carla (877-781-6706) at the Conference Center will be happy to help you if you experience problems.vital congregation goals
Based on the email address you submitted when you enrolled you will receive a weekly email reminder to submit your information. You may submit it weekly, bi-monthly, or monthly.REPORTS - Once you enter and save your weekly information, you can click on the “Reports” tab at the top of your screen to see your local church’s dashboard of information.
QUESTIONS - Email if you have further questions or call 317/564-3254.
Click here for policy resources. There is also “Safe Sanctuaries” material available through Cokesbury at .LOCAL CHURCH NEWS AND EVENTS
Covenant Partners Ministries – Community Day, providing bags of groceries and cleaning supplies for those in need, fourthWednesday of each month. Sunday evening meals provided by local churches. Contact Pastor Linda McBride at (765) 284-2545. Clothing made available to community 2ndFriday of each month April through October, 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. Following is a list of items needed in each bag If you or your church would like to donate bags of groceries or cleaning supplies for Community Day.Food List for Community Day
2 small cans of tuna
1 18-oz jar of peanut butter
1 jar of jelly
2 cans of vegetables (any kind)
1 box cereal (any kind)
1 can applesauce or other fruit
2 cans of soup
1 box spaghetti
1 jar spaghetti sauce
1 box of corn bread mix
Cleaning/Personal Care Supplies
1 bar or bottle of unscented hand soap
Laundry detergent (small bottle or box)
Dish detergent (16 oz)
Facial tissue (1 box)
Toilet paper (4 rolls)
Place in brown bags with handles, if possible.
Covenant Partners Ministries is in need of two refrigerators. If you are able to help with this need please contact Pastor Linda McBride at (765) 284-2545.
Muncie Center Chapel UMC –
TIME 3:OO P.M. - 6:00 P.M.
PURPOSE: To bring awareness of the programing available at Center Chapel and to show the love of Christ to our neighbors and friends.
There will be bounce houses, games, basketball shooting contests, cake walks, face painting, photo booth session (with props) hot dogs, chips, cookies, snow cones, cotton candy, prizes, a DJ and dancing, and more.
This is planned to be a day of fun for ALL ages, tiny tots, to teens, to superteens ---you know, the white hairs who are still young at heart.
Join us September 18, 2016 from 3 p.m. to 6 p.m. at Center Chapel United Methodist Church!
Muncie High Street UMC – High Street Travelers 2016 Trips: September 8 & 9, Overnight Mystery Trip; September 11-17, Beautiful Maine. For pricing and information contact Deb Heeter by email
Muncie Riverside UMC – Wood Carvers & Crafters at Riverside
Wood Carvers & Crafters come together at Riverside UM Church on the 1st, 3rd and 5thThursdays each month at 10:00am to work on their projects and share ideas with one another. Beginners always welcome. Bring your projects and necessary project materials. Riverside is located at 1201 N. Wheeling Ave., Muncie, IN. Call 288-4257 for information.
Muncie St. Paul’s UMC – Come to Muncie St. Paul’s UMC for Lunch, Good Food, Fellowship & Fun. Open to public 4th Friday of each month at noon. RSVP by Wednesday prior to lunch at 765/288-6454. Cost $3.50.
Serve with us at TransforMission!
TransforMission is a mission camp designed to help High School & Middle School youth experience what it means to live out the Great Commission (not just one week in the summer, but every day).
Engaging morning and evening worship and small group sessions, super fun group activities, relationship building with other UMC youth groups, and serving with some of the best mission agencies in Indianapolis, make this a powerful week for all involved!
Visit the website for more details and to sign up.
More Information & Registration
Youth & Family Ministry Coffee Chats
Join us at a coffee shop near you for youth & family ministry discussion!
We’ll meet at 11AM ET at each location.
Please clickhere for dates and locations and to register.
(Gatherings with no RSVPs will be canceled).
For resources
To order brochures
important dates for your calendar
Events for 2016Indiana Conference new Bishop Installation Service, September 11, St. Luke’s UMC, 4:00 p.m.
East District New Bishop Welcome, November 20, 2016
important links
Sign up for the E-pistle from Bishop Mike, e-HUM, calendar, etc. –Tweet with Bishop Mike - @BishopCoyner
Camping –
Interpreter Magazine –
Church Leadership Job Descriptions from GBOD -
Secretary of State-Business Entity
UM Foundation of Indiana -
Vital Congregations -
2015-2016 educational opportunities
Questions? Contact Mary Ann Moman by calling 317-788-7879 or e-mail .Clergy: Identify three clergy friends who will sign up for Financial Peace University. Call Mary Ann Moman to find a clergy class near you.
Laity: Go to DaveRamsey.com (click Financial Peace University). Add your zip code to locate a Financial Peace University course near you.
CEU’s for clergy: For complete information on Continuing Education and forms click here.