IFB: # 14-9611-5JC

May28, 2014

Invitation for Bid

Lawn Maintenance and Landscaping Services

Subject: Annual contract to furnish all tools, labor, supervision and equipment necessary to provide Lawn Maintenance and Landscaping Servicestothe Countyof Henrico’sDepartment of Mental Health, Developmental Services in accordance with the enclosed general terms, conditions and specifications.

Sealed bids in accordance with the conditions, specifications, and instructions below and on the attached sheets or drawings hereto, if any, will be received no later than 2:00 p.m., local prevailing time,June19, 2014and will be opened and publicly read aloud.


County of HenricoCounty of Henrico

Department of FinanceDepartment of Finance

Purchasing Division ORPurchasing Division

1590 E. Parham RoadP.O. Box 90775

Henrico, Virginia 23228Henrico, Virginia 23273-0775

This IFB and any addenda are available on the County of Henrico website at: To download the IFB, click the link and save the document to your hard drive. To receive an email copy of this documentplease contact

A pre-bid conference will be held on June5, 2014 at 10:00 a.m., at theMental Health and Developmental Services building located at 10299 Woodman Roadwith site visits to follow. Attendance at this conference is not mandatory but is strongly recommended. Only two individuals from each firm will be allowed to attend this meeting.

Time is of the essence, and all bids received after the appointed hour for submission, whether by mail or otherwise, will be returned unopened. The time clock stamp in the Purchasing Division shall determine the time of receipt. Bidders are responsible for ensuring that Purchasing Division personnel stamp their bids by the deadline indicated.

Envelopes containing bids shall be sealed and marked in the lower left-hand corner with the bid request number, goods or services sought, hour and due date of the bid.

All bidders shall use the enclosed Bid Form in submitting their bid prices. The Purchasing Division reserves the right to waive any informality in bids and to award in part or in whole or to reject any or all bids.

The awarding authority for this contract is the Director of Purchasing, Department of Finance.

Nothing herein is intended to exclude any responsible bidder, its product or service or in any way restrain or restrict competition. On the contrary, all responsible bidders are encouraged to bid and their bid is solicited. Comments as to how bid documents, specifications or drawings can be improved are welcome.

Should you have any questions concerning this Invitation for Bid, please contact Jacquelyn Comuzzi no later than June 6, 2014.

Very truly yours,

Cecelia H. Stowe, CPPO, C.P.M.

Purchasing Director

Jacquelyn Comuzzi

Purchasing Officer

1590 E. PARHAM ROAD / P.O. BOX 90775 / HENRICO, VIRGINIA 23273-0775

(804) 501-5686 FAX (804) 501-5693


The intent and purpose of this Invitation for Bid is to establish an annual contract with a qualified firm to provide Lawn Maintenance and Landscaping services as needed and requested at 11 group homes.

For the fiscal year ending June 30, 2012, the County spent approximately $30,132.00 on lawn maintenance and landscaping services at these locations. For the fiscal year ending June 30, 2013, the County spent approximately $36,670.00 on lawn maintenance and landscaping services at these locations. This data provided is for informational purposes only and does not bind the County to purchase any specified amount.


The locations are as follows:

  1. Gayton Home 10700 Gayton Road

Henrico VA 23233

  1. Sherbrooke 3221 McIntyre Street

Henrico VA 23233

  1. Walton Farms 8707 Walton Farms Court

Henrico VA 23294

  1. Green Run 4907 Green Run Drive

Henrico VA 23228

  1. Mormac 1303 Mormac Road

Henrico VA 23229

  1. Danray Home 512 Danray Drive

Henrico VA 23227

  1. Morningside 6007 Morningside Drive

Henrico VA 23226

  1. Irisdale 3017 Irisdale Ave.

Henrico VA 23228

  1. Lakeside House 5623 Lakeside Ave.

Henrico VA 23228

  1. Shurm Heights 2505 National Street

Henrico VA 23231

  1. Allenshaw 4810 Allenshaw Drive

Henrico VA 23231

1. Successful Bidder may not store equipment on County property.

2. In addition to the basic requirements of this contract as specified, it is understood that additional services of a similar nature at the locations covered by this contract may be required. Successful Bidder will be reimbursed on a time & material basis as approved and proposed at the time services are identified. The County reserves the right to seek quotes from outside contractors for work not covered by the Scope of Work of this contract.

3.The Successful Bidder will be required to provide initial clean-up at each location. Initial clean-up at each location to include:

(a)Pick up all broken branches, leaves, pine cones and debris

(b)Clean bushesand shrubs

(c)Blow debris off driveways, walkways, porches, stepsand decks

(d)Initiallawn cutting



Successful Bidder shall perform mowing as necessary to maintain the proper height of three (3) inches. Mower heights are measured on a flat, paved surface. A high quality sharpened mower blade will be used at all times to ensure a clean, even cut. The mowing will be accomplished in such a manner as to not damage the trees and other plant materials. The Successful Bidder shall use hand mowers with bags in the closed-in grass areas and avoid throwing grass clippings in the mulch areas, and against fences, buildings, signs, trees and shrubs. The use of a weed eater in place of a lawn mower with bag will not be acceptable. If excessive grass clippings remain on top of the mowed grass, after cutting to the specified height, the Successful Bidder shall be required to remove all excessive clippings on lawn area. Grass clippings shall be removed from the sidewalks, patios, roadways, curbs, gutters, signs, etc. by sweeping or blowing after each mowing by the end of the workday. Entranceways must be cleared after each mowing prior to the end of the day. Double cuttings will not be permitted. Actual cuttings may be more or less than 28 for the term of the contract, and nothing shall bind the County to any specified amount. An average of one mowing is required per week in the heavy growing season. The County may request additional cuts. Payment for said service shall be based upon the unit price per cutting per home. During seasonal periods where weekly cuttings are not required, mowing will occur only at the County’s request. The Successful Bidder shall bag all areas in November and December to pickup leaves.

2.Soft Edging:

Soft Edging shall be performed during each mowing and cutting operation with the use of power edger (power weed eater type) for the edging of all accessible sidewalks, patios, curbs, all mulched areas, tree wells and flower beds at each mowing. Soft edging shall be performed by using the weed eater in a vertical position to create a groove. Hard edging will be paid for as needed and requested. Chemical edging is not acceptable.

  1. Blowing of Debris:

Clippings and dirt created by lawn maintenance service (mowing, cutting, and edging) shall be blown in a manner to eliminate accumulations on sidewalks, parking areas, patios, mulch areas and signs. Blowing of lawn clippings shall be performed after each mowing, cutting and edging operation. The blowing of trash, litter, leaves, and other debris from sidewalks, parking areas, patios, and mulch areas back onto freshly cut lawn areas shall not be permitted.

  1. Trash and Debris Removal and Disposal:

Successful Bidder shall remove trash and debris prior to and/or after (as appropriate) cutting, mowing and edging operations to maintain a clean appearance. The Successful Bidder shall be responsible for reviewing the area and removing any materials that would damage equipment used in the mowing operation. All litter and trash that is collected shall be bagged and removed from the property at the end of each workday. Yard wastes (grass clippings, leaves, and tree limbs) that are collected shall be removed from the property and disposed of by the Successful Bidder at the end of each workday.

5. Weed Control (Driveways/Sidewalks):

The Successful Bidder shall maintain a weed-free appearance along sidewalks, and driveways, curbs and gutters at all locations at all times. “Round-Up” shall be supplied by the Successful Bidder and shall be used as needed at the locations.

  1. Hard Edging:

The Successful Bidder shall perform hard edging approximately 3 times per year at the request of the County at each of the locations. Hard edging shall be performed using a vertical blade edger. A vertical blade edger will be used in a vertical position to create a ½ inch depth and maintain a width no greater than a ½ inch. String trimmer or chemical edging will not be acceptable. This will be performed along all sidewalks, patios, and curbs that abut lawn areas. All dirt, grass clippings and debris shall be removed from the sidewalks, patios, roadways, curbs and gutters, and signs etc. by sweeping or blowing after each hard edging operation.

7.Leaf Removal:

The Successful Bidder shall collect and remove leaves and other waste 3 times per year late fall/early winter-no later than December 15th/early spring prior to the beginning of mowing season. Leaf removal will be performed as needed, and will include all grass areas, mulched beds, curbs, gutters, and parking areas.

8. Aeration:

The Successful Bidder shall plug aerate the lawn grass areas twice per year in spring (early March) and fall seasons (September). The exact date of the aeration will depend on the weather.

9. Fertilizer Application in Grass Areas:

The Successful Bidder shall supply and apply the fertilizer, in pellet form, on the grass areas two times per year in March and October. The application will be at the manufacturers recommended rate based upon a unit of 1,000 square feet. Additional applications may be needed and requested. The Successful Bidder shall correct any deficiencies caused by his application of the fertilizer such as streaks or excessive amounts in one location. The Successful Bidder shall spread the fertilizer (4-1-2 ratio) at the required agronomic rate for turf type tall fescue grass. Information regarding the nutrient content of the fertilizer, amount of it used (pounds) and where it was applied shall be documented on the Work Checklist which will be provided to the Successful Bidder.

10.Pre-emergence/Crabgrass Control:

The Successful Bidder shall supply and apply pre-emergent/crabgrass control in March at the manufacturer’s suggested rate.

11.Shrub and Bush Trimming

The Successful Bidder shall trim shrubs and bushes two (2) times a year. The shrubs and bushes shall be trimmed to control growth and maintain a neat, uniform appearance. Any dead limbs present shall also be cut out and removed. In addition, dead leaves or undesired vegetation in the shrubbery or the border shall be removed. The clippings and other wastes produced from these trimming operations shall be collected and disposed ofas described in I. B. 4. The Successful Bidder shall complete this work within 30 days of the County request.

12. Mulching

Mulch as selected by the Director or his designee shall be applied to beds and borders by the Successful Bidder. Prior to mulch application, and as part of mulching, the Successful Bidder shall clean and remove all vegetation (& its roots), trash and debris from the beds and borders to be mulched. Use of granular herbicides may be permitted, but the cost for it shall be included with mulching. Cost shall be per cubic yard (CY) of double shredded hardwood mulch supplied by the Contractor.

C.Other Service As Needed and Requested:

1. Lime Application

All lawn areas shall have lime applied to them as needed and requested. The Successful Bidder shall supply and spread the lime. The pelletized lime shall be applied once in the early spring and once in the fall. The application rate shall be determined by pH analyses of soil samples. The samples shall be collected and analyzed by the County. Information regarding the amount of lime used (pounds) and where applied shall be documented on the Work Checklist. The Successful Bidder shall complete this work within 30 days of the County request. Please indicate the cost per pound of pelletized lime including application (labor) on the Bid Form.

2. Chemical Spraying (Turf Weed Control)

If requested, the Successful Bidder shall supply and spray herbicides to control vegetative growth. Herbicides shall be used in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions.

NOTE: Mormac Group Home has fruit trees and grape vines at the rear of the property. The Successful Bidder shall use non-toxic herbicides to control vegetative growth at Mormac Group Home. Please indicate cost per gallon including application (labor) on the Bid Form.

3. Over Seeding in Grass Areas:

The Successful Bidder shall over seed the grass areas with grass seed twice per year in spring (early March) and fall seasons (September) in conjunction with aeration and fertilization when requested. The Successful Bidder shall supply the grass seed. Apply straw in areas where needed. Grass seed shall be applied at the rate recommended by the manufacturer. The Successful Bidder shall check with the County representative to select the seed to be used. Please indicate cost per pound including application (labor) on the Bid Form.


The Successful Bidder shall be responsible for any damage claims which may arise as a result of his work on this contract, including but not limited to damage to irrigation sprinkler heads, remote control valve box covers and electrical junction boxes located in lawn and landscape areas. The Successful Bidder shall place traffic cones or other flagging devices over these and other items located in the grass areas to prevent damage to them during the mowing operations or other work. The Successful Bidder will be responsible for his personnel and equipment and will also be responsible for any other liabilities as a result of his work on this contract.


1. Use of chemicals shall be in compliance with all State & Federal rules, local laws, ordinances and regulations for safe handling and application of hazardous chemicals including the requirements of the Virginia Department of Agriculture for licensing and certification and OSHA. Bidders engaged in these activities must possess a valid Virginia Pesticide Business License. A copy of this license must be included with your bid response. Successful Bidder’s employees or subcontractors engaged in these activities must possess a Commercial Pesticide Applicator Certificate that is valid in the following categories: Category3A Ornamental Pest Control, Category 3B Turf and Category6 Right-of Way Pest Control. Successful Bidder’s employees or subcontractors must also be certified as a certified fertilizer applicator (CFA). Copies of a Commercial Pesticide Applicator Certificate and a CFA Certificate must be included with your bid response.

2. The Facility Coordinator will approve all pesticides, application rates and application timing. Any pesticide applications that could affect people or property may be performed during non-standard business hours.

3. Any pesticide or fertilizer applications that could potentially affect the public or property will be performed during non-standard business hours.

F. Inspection

1. A qualified representative of the Successful Bidder will inspect the work performed to ensure all services are being performed in accordance with all specifications and to the satisfaction of the authorized MHDS representative.

2. MHDS representative shall inspect the property within one day of completion of service. Any discrepancies between the work performed and the terms and conditions of the contract shall be immediately brought to the Successful Bidder’s attention, and remedied in a reasonable amount of time.

G.Work Schedule

1. The work schedule for the mowing, soft edging, blowing of debris, trash and debris removal and disposal of the parking lot/curb/gutter and sidewalk weed control shall be coordinated with the Facility Coordinator. The Successful Bidder shall provide at least 24 hours-notice before performing work on the grounds.

2. If lawns cannot be maintained to reasonable heights due to weather, the Successful Bidder will coordinate an alternate schedule with the Facility Coordinator.

3. The Successful Bidder will be required to work during regular County business hours which are Monday to Friday, 8:00 a.m. through 4:30 p.m.

4. The Successful Bidder will receive a verbal or written notification from the Facility Coordinator that a property needs service; the location of the property, the work required, the commencement date and the completion date. The Successful Bidder shall submit a written binding quote, if requested, for additional work, within 24 hours. If the Successful Bidder does not commence work within the time frame specified, then the County reserves the right to seek quotes and have service provided by someone else.

5. The Successful Bidder shall have a competent foreman in charge of the working crew(s) at all times. Successful Bidder’s Foreman will be able to communicate effectively with both County personnel and the work crew(s).

H. Hourly Rates

1. Normal Hourly Rate

Normal hourly rate shall be considered for 40 hours of productive time per worker, per week. Hourly rate shall include all cost of supervision, transportation, workers’ compensation, overhead, equipment, fuel and profit, etc. County will not pay for travel time, lunch, or breaks. However, the Successful Bidder will be allowed to include the normal travel time under the hourly rate, if working at one County facility and then instructed to proceed to the next County facility during the course of a work day. It may be necessary for the Successful Bidder to work a flexible schedule due to weather, preparation for special events or availability of location.