December 20, 2017

9:00 a.m.

Annex Building


Present:Karen Jones (Chp.)

Dan Hare

Dena Hawn

Sheriff David Staley

Paula Nelson (recording secretary)

Audience:Chief Deputy Casey Switzer, Jail Administrator Zach Devlin



The Mercer County Sheriff’s reports for the month of November 2017 were presented for review and discussion. The jail census for today is: USMS=18; Mercer County=14; Cook County=25.

Sheriff Staley reported about new state legislation regarding Class A & Class B criminal charges going into effect. The entire state now is NOT required to detain Class A & B arrestees for bond. This also applies to more serious crimes regarding Class A & B as well. If arrestees of Class A & Class B are detained, they can apply $30/day toward their bond during their incarceration. Otherwise the law enforcement agency cannot keep them or hold them accountable for their bond. They will be released and out on the street. Sheriff Staley stated regardless of this new ruling the Mercer County Sheriff’s Office will still do their jobs by arresting individuals who commit crimes of any nature and/or severity.


The Sheriff informed the LEC beginning February 5th, 2018, owner Doug Sturgill (Town & Country Restaurant) will be furnishing 3/meals per day for our inmates. This new system will be a cost savings of $5,000 - $10,000 a year. It is not as much savings as the Sheriff once thought possible, but as Casey Switzer stated it’s creating a snowball effect, by doing business locally as well as job security for Doug’s employees and hiring more people at his establishment. Sheriff Staley also reported the Mercer County Health Department is constructing a letter after their recent inspection at the MCSO regarding food temperatures and other infractions with Aramark.

PREA AUDIT: (Prison Rape Elimination Act)

Jail Administrator, Zach Devlin, has done a great job getting the MCSO into compliance regarding this law! All the legwork and paperwork for incorporating this system in our department is now complete. The next step is to schedule a PREA Audit for our department to be certified. This mandated audit will be costly, but until it is complete we have no idea how much it will be. There are only two auditors trained to facilitate this certification at $200/hour all done on-site. None of this is negotiable or an option to opt out. Mr. Devlin stated we have 6-months to correct any infractions found regarding the audit. Again, Sheriff Staley commented any costs involved fixing or updating audit infractions is a requirement we cannot control.


Sheriff Staley reviewed the vehicle report with the LEC. All squads, etc. are up-to-date with any maintenance or any vehicle recalls. They are in good condition except for ones with high mileage. After evaluating the list, he most likely will replace Spare 6, ME9 & ME14 squads, but not until May or June 2018. The Missouri squads are getting more expensive & it costs around $3,000+ to switch radios and equipment on top of the initial cost. Chief Deputy Switzer will look into squads from Louisiana.


The next Law Enforcement meeting is Wednesday, January 24, 2018, 9:00 a.m. at the Annex. Also, included in today’s LEC packet are the meeting dates for the entire FY18 schedule.


Motion: by Hare to approve the claims of the Mercer County Sheriff’s Office dated 12-20-17 for payment totaling $30,485.35 in monthly bills pending County Board approval.

Hawn seconded the motion. Voice Vote: “Unanimous”


Motion: by Hawn to adjourn at 9:20 a.m.

Hare seconded the motion. Voice Vote: “Unanimous”

Respectfully submitted,

Paula Nelson

Recording Secretary