Modified Games Laws
Implementation FOR 2015
Law Changes for 2015: Mini FOOTY & MOD LEAGUE
Law Change 1 / Rationale / Law Change - UNDER 6 ONLY / FAQAn error/infringement is counted as a tackle rather than a turnover
Under 6 age group ONLY / The consequence of committing a handling error is too harsh for players who are mostly in their first year of playing the game, and in a very early stage of physical development and skill development.
Aim is to build confidence by rewarding effort; it also provides the opportunity for the majority of players to touch the ball in each set of tackles. / Mini Footy (Pg. 10) Law 14 “SCRUM”
For Under 6 years, when a player knocks-on or passes the ball to a teammate in a forward direction, the Referee shall call “Chance” and the number of the tackle advanced by one, so that the team in possession retains possession, other than after the 4th (and last) tackle, at which time a handover will occur.
Should a player lose possession forward and an opposing player gain possession, it should be play on, and zero tackle. Should a player knock-on and the ball is re-gathered by an on-side teammate, then the “Chance Rule” shall apply. / Q. If a player runs into touch, is a “chance” awarded?
A.No. Chances are only for Knock-on and forward pass infringements.
Q.How many chances can be awarded to a team in a set of 4 tackles?
A.Up to 4 chances can be awarded in any set of 4 tackles.
Q. What happens if a player from one team knocks-on and an opposing player gains possession?
A. Play on, and zero tackle to the team who gained possession.
Law Change 2 / Rationale / Law Change– UNDER 6 & UNDER 7 ONLY / FAQ
No conversion attempts after a try has been scored in Under 6 & 7 years / To increase skill development and enjoyment by:
- Eliminating the amount of time spent on an isolated, individual, closed skill
- Average time spent is 1 min per kick; total average of 8 mins per game
- Increasing the volume of opportunities for most appropriate skills; pass, catch, carry, tackle;
- Success rate for conversions at this age group is extremely low – 10%.
Kicks for goal will not apply to games played by players at Under 6 and 7 years.
Following a try being scored, players in the 6 and 7 year age groups will not attempt conversions. Play immediately re-starts with a tap kick to the non-scoring team at the centre of the halfway mark. / Q.What if players want to attempt a kick for goal?
A. After full-time, coaches can organize for all players to line-up and simultaneously take an attempt at goal, if posts have been erected.
Q. What is the process for possible 8 point tries in Under 6’s and 7’s if there are no conversion attempts?
A. Misconduct (including those covered under the Safeplay Code and Section 15 of the International Laws) against an opponent in the act of scoring a try in the Under 6 and Under 7 age groups (in the absence of conversions, and subsequent penalty kick for goal) must still be dealt with, and may result in the offending player being cautioned, being asked to be replaced for the remainder of the period or, in more serious instances, for the duration of the match. This also applies when a try has been scored in the same play in which the act of misconduct occurred or in the immediate play thereafter (the imminent factor), as per the Safeplay Code.
Law Change 3 / Rationale / Law Change– Mini Footy and Mod League. / FAQ
Re-start Law – tap kick (to the team conceding a try); First tackle in all Modified Games age groups. / To promote an equal spread of attacking/defensive opportunities forboth teams:
The application of the first tackle from the restart will standardise the law from junior to senior game. / Mini Footy (Page 11) – Law 17 & Mod League (Page 22) Law 17
Following a try (and subsequent conversion attempt – 8 years and above), the non-scoring team will re-start play with a place kick (i.e. a tap kick re-start – the ball must be placed on the ground) from the centre of the halfway line. The ball need not travel any prescribed distance. The place kick re-starts are to be taken, in rotation, by all members of the team, as in Law 16 re attempts at conversion after a try has been scored. The initial tackle after the tap kick re-start, shall be tackle 1. / Q.Is the tap kick re-start only after points have been scored?
A. The tap kick re-start to the non-scoring team will occur only after a team has scored a try. At Under 6 and 7 years, this will occur immediately after a try (as there will be no attempts at conversion). From Under 8 to Under 12, this occurs after a try and subsequent conversion attempt.
Q. What is the tackle count following the tap kick re-start?
A. The initial tackle is Tackle 1.
Law Change 4 / Rationale / Law Change– Mini Footy and Mod League / FAQ
No scrums are to be formed in the Modified Games. / To allow players more opportunities to concentrate on fundamental movement and Rugby League specific skills that:
- Are developmentally appropriate;
- Require practiceandmastery;
- Are inherently motivating and enjoyable.
Scrums will not be formed in Mini Footy and Mod League. Where an infringement or an error has occurred and a scrum normally be formed, the non-offending team shall play the ball to recommence play, but no closer than 5 metres from the touch line and 5 metres from the goal line (10m by 10m respectively in Mod League).
In the Under 6’s, the “Chance” rule applies, with players permitted to accidentally knock-on or pass the ball forward in the field of play and, as long as that team retains possession (and from an onside position), the Referee will call “Chance” and advance the tackle count, as if they had been tackled. (International Laws apply to breaches in the in-goal areas). / Q. What do we do in place of a scrum being packed?
A. A handover of possession will occur, with the non-offending team to re-start play with a play-the-ball.
Q. If there is an infringement by BOTH sides, what happens?
A. The team who committed the first infringement will forfeit possession.
Q.Where there has been an infringement involving the Referee, a Touch Judge or a spectator (a mutual infringement), the Referee accidentally blows the whistle, or the ball bursts, what is the process to re-start play?
The team which would have had the scrum feed (in the International Laws of the Game) will be awarded a play-the-ball. For a mutual infringement, this will be the attacking team (team with the territorial advantage). The initial play-the-ball will not be counted for the purposes of the tackle count (i.e.: A new set of 4/6 tackles will begin).
Law Change 5 / Rationale / Law Change – Mini Footy & Mod League / FAQ
Zero Tackle Law to be applied as per the International Laws across all age groups. / To achieve consistency in the zero tackle law across all age groups
To simplify the law for all participants. / International Laws, Section 11 - The Tackle and the Play the Ball - Page 25 Law 7 (c)
Where an accidental breach occurs (i.e. knock-on, forward pass) and possession changes hands, the following tackle will be a zero tackle, notwithstanding that the team gaining possession may have gained a territorial advantage.
Section 8 – Kick Off and Drop-Out – Page 18 Law 2 (c)
The initial tackle affected on the team taking the 20 metre Optional Kick re-start shall be a zero tackle. / Q. Is the zero tackle awarded at the tap kick re-start?
A. No. The initial tackle will be Tackle 1.
Q.When my team gains possession from a kick off to start the match, or following the half-time break, is the initial tackle a zero tackle?
A. No. The initial tackle will be Tackle 1, as per the International Laws.
Q. Is a zero tackle awarded from the initial tackle after a 20 metre re-start?
Yes, as per the International Laws of the Game.
Q. What if the ball is passed from a 20 metre re-start?
A zero tackle will still be awarded, as per the International Laws of the Game.
Law Change 6 / Rationale / Law Change - Mod League
Variation to Two-Pass Law in Mod League
This Law change applies to all Mod League ages, including Under 9’s, where areas are playing under Mod League Laws / To enhance the development of tactical and technical skills:
- Create a more dynamicopen environment;
- Develop game-awareness and decision-making skills;
- Focus on development of skills:
-Dummy and Run (‘show’ and ‘go’)
-Catch and Pass
-Development of marker defence tactics & skills
- Increase motivation and confidence;
- Increase competence & task mastery;
- Less structured/closed play;
- Allow for more ‘free’ or uninhibited play;
- Allow for freedom of expression and problem solving skill development.
The Two-Pass Law applies, Refer Mini Footy, Law 13 (b), pg. 9, with the
following exemption that applies to ALL parts of the Mod League field:
The player at First Receiver (FR) will be identified with a vest or armbandof one colour, and a player at Acting Halfback (i.e. dummy half [DH]) will be identified with a vest/armband of another colour.
Players identified with vests/armbands are permitted to run from their nominated position, and be tackled before a minimum of two passes is performed, without their team turning over possession (unless it is after the 5th play-the-ball).
If any player without the DH vest (including the player nominated as
First Receiver) runs from Dummy Half, is tackled in possession withouta minimum of two passes being performed, then his/her team will forfeit possession.
If any player without the FR vest (including the player nominated as
Dummy Half) runs from First Receiver, is tackled in possession without a minimum of two passes being performed, then his/her team willforfeit possession.
At all ages, players will be required to rotate vests or armband.
For FAQ on Two Pass Law Variation, go to next page
Q. At what point can the defensive team move off their line to defend?
A.At the play-the-ball, no member of the team NOT IN POSSESSION is tomove forward until the ball is in the hands of the FIRST RECEIVER or theActing Halfback elects to run, kick or mishandles the ball.
Q. Under the Two Pass Variation Law, can the Dummy Half and/or First Receiver run from their designated position, not pass and be tackled, more than once in a set of six tackles?
A. Yes. The nominated Dummy Half and nominated First Receiver can run and be tackled before passing, without conceding a turnover, more than once from their nominated position in a set of six.
Q. Can the vests be swapped during the half?
Yes; however, once a player takes their vest off and another player wears it, that player cannot wear either vest again during the match. If a player wearing the vest comes off the field for any reason (this may include for an injury), and does not give the vest to a team mate, the player may return to the field and continue playing in the vest (except for after the half time period, where the vests must be rotated).
Q. Does the 20 metre one pass zone still apply in the Mod League game?
No. This Law only applies to Mini Footy.
Q. Are vests able to be grabbed or slung to affect a tackle?
A.No. The Safeplay Code applies, as it would with any form of dangerous tackle affected on a jersey.
Q.Who will supply vests for the “Two Pass Variation” Law?
A. The NRL has purchased:
•One vest for the DH
•One vest for the FR
for each Junior League team playing under Mod League rules, at Junior League clubs.
School Competitions will be supplied when participating in regular Competitions and State/ National Carnivals. For other events and activities, Schools/School bodies may supply clearly identifiable coloured vests or armbands in order to comply with this Law.
Q. What happens if a team forgets to bring their vests/armbands to the match, or they are ripped/broken?
If a player(s) cannot wear a vest/armband for any reason, the Two Pass Law will be applied. The Two Pass Law exemption can only be applied to persons wearing the vest/armband. This could mean that one team is playing with vests, and the other team is not.
Q. If I want to buy additional vests:
- Where can I purchase them?
- What is the cost per vest?
The unit cost will be approximately $7 per vest.
Q. What will happen at State and National Carnivals when players are selected in specialist roles across a number of days?
A. Where events are played under unique conditions, the Two Pass Variation will apply, however consideration may be given for the rotation policy to be waived upon application to the League/ State Governing body
For more information – contact the National Rugby League Education, Research and Training Team at