Gary E. Cobb Middle School
Parental Involvement Plan
Parental Involvement Committee
Angie Bryant
Deloris Coe, Principal
Bobbie “Bibs” Brown, Library Media Specialist/MS Parent Involvement Coordinator
Tammy Hickman, Teacher
Missy Fenton, Teacher/Parent
Patsy Walthall, Parent
Ann Lewis, Parent

April Starnes

Laura McDowell
Elaine Pennington, Counselor

Gary E. Cobb Middle School communicates with parents in several ways to promote parental involvement and to support classroom instruction:

1. Meet the Teacher- D. Coe
2. Parent-Teacher conferences each semester- D. Coe
3. On-site parental materials for loan ex. magazines, dvd's, books, and other informative aids- B. Brown
4. Academic conferences- Grade level Teachers
5. Handbooks-hard copy or electronic choice- D. Coe
6. E-School- Grade level teachers, Cathy Holder
7. E-Communication- Cathy Holder
8. Alumni page news releases- B. Brown in liaison with Joyce Hyman
9. Progress Reports-Grade level teachers
10. Accelerated Reader Program- Cathy Holder, B. Brown, Grade level teachers
11. Capstone Ebooks-web access- B. Brown
12. Fifth Grade Academy night-5th grade team teachers
13. Open PT conference access( parent/teacher request)- Grade level teachers
14. Campus and District website with quick links- Cathy Holder, Angie Bryant, B. Brown
15. Volunteer training and appreciation opportunity- Angie Bryant
16. Grade level curriculum expectations- D. Coe
17. Student Planners- D. Coe
18. Parental surveys- Kathy Mason, B. Brown, Angie Bryant
19. Information folders, including but not limited to: parental brochures, calendar, PTS compacts, faculty contact list, and other pertinent school information- B. Brown, Kathy Mason, Grade level teachers
20. Grade level emails/updates- Grade level teachers
21. Contact numbers for staff/responsible parties listed above would be 870-653-2132, 870-653-4343

Gary E. Cobb Middle School encourages parental involvement by asking for participation in various activities held throughout the school year. Parental involvement encourages students and supports student learning.
1. Fall and Spring calendar scheduled academic conferences: October and February- D. Coe
2. Athletic Booster Club- Coaching staff in liaison with parents
3. Band Booster Club- Mr. Dupas in liaison with parents
4. Summer Reading Club- B. Brown
5. Athletic Pep Rallies- Tammy Hickman
6. Leadership Team- D. Coe
7. Awards Assembly-D. Coe, Grade level teachers
8. Book Fair in the spring- B. Brown
9. Calendars- D. Coe
10. Student Council: food, community awareness drives- Joy Whitehead
11. E-School- Grade level teachers, Cathy Holder
12. E-Communication- Cathy Holder in liaison with staff
13. Parental Involvement Brochures at PT conferences- B. Brown
14. Band Concerts- Joe Dupas
15. Handbooks- D. Coe
16. Folder of contacts and pertinent information- B. Brown, Kathy Mason
17. Nurse screening for hearing/vision/scoliosis- Renee Thomason
18. Student work displays- Grade level teachers
19. On site PI facilitator- B. Brown
20. Pee Wee Basketball- Coaching staff
21. Athletic physical exams- Coaching staff
22. Red Ribbon Week- Elaine Pennington
23. School Board information- Angie Bryant, D. Coe
24. Grade level emails/notes home- Grade level teachers
25. Parental Involvement committee fall and spring meetings- B. Brown
26. Contact number for staff/responsible parties listed above would be 870-653-2132, 870-653-4343

Gary E. Cobb Middle School provides opportunities for parents to be involved in the development, implementation, and evaluation of the school-wide improvement plan and other decision making processes. Community resources strengthen school programs, family practices, and student learning.

Gary E. Cobb Middle School provides an on-site Parent Involvement facilitator and parent resource center located in the library. The campus also works through various student organizations such as Student Council, DI, Band and Athletic Boosters.... to utilize parent volunteers. State mandated volunteer training takes place early each fall semester and various teacher/parent contacts through survey responses and classroom needs are ongoing.

The school will involve parents with Parental Involvement committee meetings, Parent Resource books, surveys, on site facilitator access, volunteer training and Title One meetings to engage parents in school programs and decisions. Also used are grade level emails and the campus web site to promote these opportunities. ECommunication is a key component in providing parents communication, along with notes home when appropriate. Leadership committees coordinate with community members for school improvement planning.

GCMS will seek ways to engage parents in our parental involvement efforts with our Parental Involvement meetings, Title I meeting and staff feedback. Parent surveys are crucial to the areas addressed in these meetings.

GCMS will develop a volunteer resource book, listing the interests and availability of volunteers for school staff members' use. The resource book will help match school needs with volunteer interests. To develop the volunteer resource book, the school will:
1. Survey parents regarding their interests, so volunteer work will be meaningful:
2. Determine how frequently a volunteer would like to participate, including just one time a year and
3. Include options for those who are available to help at home.

The campus PI committee will meet in the fall and spring to evaluate the meeting of our Parent Involvement plan and make changes for the upcoming year.

Gary E. Cobb Middle School makes a commitment to encourage parental involvement in all classrooms.
School staff and the parental involvement committee will develop a school-parent-student compact. This compact will state how parents, school staff, and students share the responsibility for improving student academic achievement and the means by which the school and parents will build and develop a partnership to help children achieve the state’s high academic standards. All stakeholders will sign the compact.

Gary E. Cobb Middle School provides resources for parents.
To promote and support responsible parenting, GCMS will purchase books, magazines, and other informative materials regarding responsible parenting, dealing with middle school students, and materials involving items of interest. These materials will be available to parents in a display by the office and in the middle school library, along with distribution at fall Parent Teacher conferences.
As part of the GCMS Parent Involvement Plan, brochures will be printed and made available at PT fall conference and in the office attesting to the school district's commitment to parental involvement.
The principal will designate one certified staff member that is willing to serve as a parent facilitator to organize meaningful training for staff and parents promoting and encouraging a welcoming atmosphere to parental involvement in the school. The parent facilitator will also undertake efforts to ensure that parent participation is recognized as an asset to the school.

Gary E. Cobb Middle School will conduct an Annual Title I Meeting and provide opportunities for parents to be involved in the development, implementation and evaluation of the school wide school improvement plan.
The school will hold their annual Title I meeting separate from any other meetings or activities in September to ensure that they have ample time to provide a description/explanation of school curriculum, information on forms of academic assessments used to measure student progress and information on proficiency level students are expected to meet.
To encourage parents to participate as full partners in the decisions that affect their child and family, the district will publish the school's process for resolving parental concerns in the student handbook. This will include how to define the problem, whom to approach first, and how to develop solutions.