LAUC Davis General Membership Meeting

May 14, 2013

Shields 1st Floor Conference Room


1.  Call to Order

2.  Minutes of the Last General Membership Meeting (March 5, 2013)

3.  Announcements

4.  Report from the University Librarian (MacKenzie Smith)

5.  Continuing Business

a.  MyInfoVault (Helen Henry)

b.  Interim Review Practice (Sarah Gardner)

6.  New Business

a.  Local Bylaws Revision (Carol La Russa)

b.  Professional Leave Policy & Procedure Charge to Professional Issues Committee (Carol La Russa)

c.  LAUC Election & Local Division Nominations Slate (Patsy Inouye)

7.  Report from LAUC-D Chair

8.  Standing Committee Reports

a.  CAPA (Sarah Gardner)

b.  Research & Professional Activities Committee (Xiaoli Li)

c.  Professional Issues Committee (Carol La Russa)

d.  Program Committee (Jeremy Spencer)

Statewide Committee Reports

a.  Committee on Diversity (Matt Conner)

b.  Committee on Professional Governance (Melissa Browne)

9.  Adjourn

Attending: Raquel Abad (recorder), Phoebe Ayers, Melissa Browne, Beth Callahan, Jared Campbell, Michael Colby, Matt Conner, Cory Craig, Karleen Darr, Elaine Franco, Sarah Gardner, Dan Goldstein, Ruth Gustafson, Helen Henry, Bob Heyer-Gray, Patsy Inouye, Deanna Johnson, Carol La Russa, Xiaoli Li, Marcia Meister, Daryl Morrison, John Sherlock, MacKenzie Smith, Laura Soito, Lisa Spagnolo, Amy Studer, Sandy Vella, Gail Yokote

1. Called to order 10:05am

2. Minutes (3/5/13) approved.

3. Announcements - none

4. Report from the University Librarian

UL M.Smith began by asking the General Membership to think about what kind of updates we would like her to provide for future LAUC-D General Membership meetings. Towards the end of her report, she asked the group what they thought, and the group agreed that they are happy with this format (see following notes). M.Smith said if anyone would like a more succinct update, please email your feedback to K.Darr.

Library Update

The strategic plan roll out is still on-going, faculty feedback is still being gathered. The plan is in the “final push” now, and has been taken out of draft mode. Effectively, it is done. The website has been updated with this current status. Most faculty feedback indicates that the plan is fine; faculty will surely have more feedback when the plan is actually in action. Katherine Kott is working on the organizational redesign. M.Smith is starting to talk to the department heads about it; it will look pretty different than how the organization is currently structured. It will very likely be ready to present for the Town Hall meeting on June 11. Once presented, it will be implemented slowly over time.

There is an “Eleventh Hour” confidential candidate for the Director of Development position, so the search is taking longer than anticipated. This candidate is still considered “confidential” because they have expressed interest, but have not yet officially applied.

The search for the CLIR Postdoc is underway. Two candidates have been identified and the search is close to completion.

Campus Update

There is quite a bit of upper administration turnover. 3 Deans (medicine, math & physical sciences, and agriculture) need to be replaced. The search for the Dean of the School of Medicine will probably take close to a year. UC Davis wants to better integrate the medical school with the rest of the UC Davis campus, so that the two will no longer seem like separate campuses. There is a new Vice Chancellor of Communication who will soon tour the library. UC Davis is also interviewing for a new General Counsel. Currently, every Vice Chancellor is new to UCD within the last two years, so there is lots of change and new views being brought to the university.

Programming Update

Online Education- M.Smith is chairing a workshop on intellectual property considerations for online education. There have been multiple UCOP-hosted retreats.

Big Data Committee- The committee report has been completed. A “Data Science Institute” has been proposed at UC Davis. There is an attempt to differentiate what UC Davis is doing with big data from what is happing at other UC campuses. M.Smith will look into the possibility of having the aforementioned report distributed.

2020 Initiative- The plan is to have another 5,000 undergraduates at UC Davis by 2020, and another 500 graduate students and 300 new faculty. There will be minimal growth of the law and medical schools as they are self-supporting.

Open Access Initiatives- There have been White House hearings regarding what the federal funding agencies should do to mandate open access and open data. August 1 is the decision deadline. ARL is interested in this, and are hopeful that there will be a standardized plan across all of the funding agencies, rather than many different plans from each agency. The California OA Bill is currently at appropriations. The UC Academic Senate policy is still going through the approval process.

Systemwide Update

Advisory Structure Redesign- SOPAG went through the nominee list from each campus for chairs of the Strategic Action Groups and selected the finalists. These selections were sent to CoUL for the final decision. The new Advisory Structure will begin to be implemented in July 2013.

CoUL will be meeting in person, which will be held at UC Davis for the first time. They will be discussing how systemwide efforts can be streamlined and less labor intensive. They will be working on this before going back to the Plans & Priorities list.

5. Continuing Business

a. MyInfoVault (Helen Henry)

The first MIV training was held last week. The second training will be held on May 16. The task force hopes to have their report completed and distributed soon so that librarians will have time to review it before the review season begins in July.

b. Interim Review Practice (Sarah Gardner)

This was an outcome from our last General Membership meeting when K.Darr asked the membership if they are interested in a revision to the interim reviews. The task force that was convened consists of S.Gardner, M.Browne, and M.Wood. The task force designed a new PEARLS document (Certification Statement), which would provide librarians with a way to Opt In to the interim review. Additionally, if you are deferring a review, you will be required to have an interim review. All the other work that the task force did was either clarifying the language about the new interim review policy or mentioning the new PEARLS document in any interim review paperwork. Small changes were also applied to the APM & MOU.

A discussion began after it was raised that there should be a document where the review initiator (RI) also signs that no interim review is needed. It was suggested that this could be added as another signature on the Certification Statement.

It was also raised that, if there is a non-concurrence during the interim review, there should be some follow-up resolution, rather than just filing the documents and closing the review. A suggestion was that if there is a non-concurrence, an AUL should review this in the case of a represented librarian, or the UL should review this in the case of a non-represented librarian. K.Darr stated that these points regarding the non-concurrence should be discussed separately and should not stop the interim review revision documents from moving forward.

Motion 1: That LAUC-D accept the bulk of the report made by the Task Force, with the exception of the Certification Statement document, which should be revised. Motion denied.

Motion 2: To accept the report and all documents as written. Motion passed.

K.Darr will forward the Task Force’s work to H.Henry so that the interim review revisions can be implemented.

6. New Business

a. Local Bylaws Revision (Carol La Russa)

The revisions were fairly minor: the Nominations & Elections committee membership size was reduced. The Diversity Committee no longer exists, so this was revised. The statement that UCOP needs to review/approve the bylaws changes was also removed. These revisions were provisionally sent to Statewide in order to have these submitted before the deadline.

Motion 1: That we accept all revisions in the Bylaws and place these on the ballot in June. Motion passed.

b. Professional Leave Policy & Procedure Charge to Professional Issues Committee (Carol La Russa)

M.Smith charged the LAUC-D Executive Board with this and K.Darr charged PIC to work on it. There is nothing specific in the APM or MOU about this. PIC reviewed all divisional websites and no campus seems to have an elaborate procedure for short-term leave. PIC was considering expanding the Travel Request Form, so that it would cover the aspects of taking a short-term leave. PIC is interested in feedback from the LAUC-D General Membership. The committee will also meet with M.Smith to see if they are on the right track.

c. LAUC Election & Local Division Nominations Slate (Patsy Inouye)

Matt Conner is running for Statewide Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect. There are two candidates running for statewide secretary. The ballots will be distributed on May 17. June 3 is election day. Contact Patsy by Thursday, May 16 if you want to add your name to the ballot. There were no additional nominations from the floor. Appointments will be decided in late August/early September.

7. Report from LAUC-D Chair

The LAUC Executive Board is still working on the LAUC Outstanding Service Award. Mitchell Brown is the chair. The award will include $500.00 and a plaque. It will be awarded bi-annually. The LAUC executive board will make a decision on the awardees.

The Committee on Professional Governance received bylaws revisions from LAUC-SB, LAUC-D, LAUC-M, and LAUC-R.

The Assembly will be on May 20. The Executive Board will have a conference call the following day. Registration is still open. Four travel awards were awarded. The agenda is released and available on the Assembly website. The focus for the day will be on the CoUL Priorities. There will be break out discussions about this topic. LAUC is trying to be proactive in thinking about what LAUC can do to help facilitate the Priorities. Mitchell Brown is creating the questions for the break out groups to discuss. Elizabeth Cowell will present on the new Advisory Structure.

The LAUC Website was moved to a new domain and is now available at If anyone has any suggestions or ideas for the website, let Phoebe Ayers know.

8. Committee Reports

a. CAPA (Sarah Gardner)- n/a

b. Research & Professional Activities (Xiaoli Li & Jared Campbell)- There were no new local fund applications. There is money still left for this fiscal year, and applications are still being accepted. If you have receipts for the End of Year funds, send these to John Sherlock by this Friday, May 17. The Systemwide group finished reviewing applications and award letters will be sent soon.

c. PIC (Carol La Russa)- See Items A and B above, under the New Business section.

d. Programs (Jeremy Spencer)- There will be a PeerJ Open Access presentation on May 29 from 3-4 in Kemper 365, which the Programs Committee is hosting. This will be presented by the publisher of PeerJ. The committee is also trying to plan one more activity, which is still TBD.

Statewide Committee Reports

a.  Committee on Diversity (Matt Conner)- The committee is in the middle of the new Diversity Survey. This survey was larger than last year’s survey, some new questions were added in order to address the state of the profession. The survey ends on May 22. The committee is now looking at the national (ARL and IMLS) and regional diversity statistics, they are having trouble finding regional statistics. If anyone has any ideas on where to find this, please let M.Conner know.

Generally, it appears as if the West & East Coasts are better paid and more diverse than the rest of the country. As for the Future of the Profession, there will need to be double the amount of applicants in order to replace the retirements that will happen over the next 10 years.

b.  Committee on Professional Governance (Melissa Browne)- See Notes under the Report from the LAUC-D Chair.

9. Adjourned 11:42am.