Regulations of 2004 Latvian Rally Championship
2004 Latvian Rally Championship
1. General prescriptions
1.1. Rally Commission of LAF organizes 2004 Latvian Rally Championship (the Championship), made up of several events. Governing documents of the Championship are FIA International Sporting Code, FIA General Prescriptions applying to all FIA Rally Championships, Trophies, Challenges or Cups, Latvian National Sporting Code, present Regulations, Appendix J of FIA Sporting Code and technical regulations of LAF as well as Traffic Laws of Latvian Republic (excepting roads closed specially for rallies).
1.2. The Championship events are following rallies:
-Rally “Eesti Talv 2004” Veru, Estonia 16. - 17.01.2004
-Rally “Sarma 2004” Gulbene, Latvia 06. - 07.02.2004
-Rally “Talsi 2004” Talsi, Latvia 22. - 23.05.2004
-Rally “Cēsis 2004” Cēsis, Latvia 11. - 13.06.2004
-Rally “Kurzeme 2004” Liepaja, Latvia 09. - 11.07.2004
-Rally “Aukštaitija 2004” Ukmerge, Lietuva 13. - 14.08.2004
-Rally “Latvija 2004”Riga, Latvia 02. - 03.10.2004
1.3. The Championship will be run in following classes:
A8; N-4; A < 2000;N < 2000 – FIA registered Latvian open Championship (foreign drivers get points for Latvian Championship only if they hand in entry for Latvian Championship and participate not less than 3 events)
R < 1600; R < 2000; R12; R13 – National Championship
ANR < 2000 – National Junior Championship (only for drivers at age of 16-25)
1.4. Latvian Rally Champion title in class will be awarded only if not less than 8 drivers of appropriate class have participated during the Championship.
2. Supplementary regulations, competitions
2.1. Supplementary Regulations of each Championship event must be published according to requirements of LAF National Sporting Code. Organizer and Stewards have rights to change Supplementary Regulations in accordance with FIA Sporting Code Art.66 and LAF Sporting Code Art.4.3.
2.2. Appropriate Organizers provide running of Championship events. Referees chosen by Organizer administrate every event. Rally Commission of LAF approves Stewards, Clerk of the Course, Chief Safety Officer and Secretary of the Championship event.
2.3. The Organizer for each Championship event establishes the route complying with FIA and LAF Sporting Codes.
3. Entries
Organizer of each event establishes in the Supplementary Regulations the order of handing in entries and entry fees, principles for building up the starting order as well as requirements concerning insurance.
4. Entrants
4.1. Championship can be participated by drivers, who have valid driver’s licence issued by ASN.
4.2. Drivers, who have not reached the age of 18, can take part in Championship only if second driver of the crew (co-driver) has experience of participating rally and is approved by Rally Commission of the LAF.
Both drivers of the crew can drive the competitive car on roads that are not closed specially for the rally, but drivers, who have not reached the age of 18, must follow Latvian Traffic Laws concerning to the training driving.
5. Eligible cars
5.1. Classes set up by Rally Commission of LAF for 2004 Latvian Rally Championship:
Group A
A5 - < 1400 cm3, A6 - < 1600 cm3, A7 - < 2000 cm3, A8 - > 2000 cm3
Group N
N1 - < 1400 cm3, N2 - < 1600 cm3, N3 - < 2000 cm3, N4 - > 2000 cm3
Group R
R9 - < 1400 cm3, R10 - < 1600 cm3, R11 - < 2000 cm3, R12 - < 3500 cm3, R-13 – 3500-4000 cm3
5.2. Equipment of competitive cars is prescribed in Appendix J of FIA Sporting Code and Technical Regulations of LAF.
6. Advertising
6.1. Entrants are allowed to affix any kind of advertising on their cars in spaces complying with Appendix, provided that advertising is authorized by FIA and LAF regulations.
Notice: amount of Organizer’s advertising may not exceed 40 % of advertising spaces designated in Appendix.
6.2. Organizer has rights to penalize entrants that refused Organizer’s advertising. Penalties must be published in Supplementary Regulations.
Notice: penalty for refusal from Organizer’s advertising should not exceed 150 LVL.
7. Reconnaissance
7.1. Organizer can set up prohibition for entrants and drivers to visit before Championship event regions or roads determined in Supplementary Regulations.
7.2. Cars with noise level and other parameters complying with traffic laws of Latvian Republic and Sporting Code are allowed for reconnaissance. If Organizer provides them, there must be special labels on recce cars.
5.3.Infringementsduring reconnaissance will result with following penalties:
-First infringement – cash penalty
-Second infringement – cash penalty
-Third infringement – penalty applied by Steward’s may go as far as exclusion.
8. Running of Championship events
8.1. The running of rally is set out in the FIA General Prescriptions applying to all FIA Rally Championships, Trophies, Challenges or Cups.
8.2. If the crew gets out for any reason, members of the crew must wait for the “green-car” and hand in the time card with the reason of getting out. Infringement of this rule may result with cash penalty 25 LVL.
9. The safety of the rally
9.1. If competitive car stop for any reason on the route of SS on the road or closer than 3 meters from road, the crew must place a red reflective triangle in conspicuous position at least 100 meters behind the car at the same side of the road.
9.2. The crew must clearly display the green “OK” sign to three following cars in the case of an accident where are not sustained injuries that require immediate medical attention.
9.3. The crew must clearly display the RED CROSS sign to two following cars in the case of an accident where are sustained injuries that require immediate medical attention.
9.4. If the crew was able to follow these rules, any infringement will result with penalty at the discretion of the Stewards.
9.5. The crew that has seen RED CROSS sign must as soon as possible report this to next radio or marshal’s point.
10. Penalties
Cash penalties for pre-start infringements must be paid to Secretary of the Rally before scrutineering; otherwise the crew is not allowed to start.
11. Protests and appeals
11.1. Protests and appeals must be handed in complying with FIA General Prescriptions applying to all FIA Rally Championships, Trophies, Challenges or Cups, LAF National Sporting Code as well as Art.12 of present Regulations.
11.2. Protests about non-compliance of competitive car must be handed in no latter than 15 minutes after parking a competitive car at Parc Ferme.
11.3. All protests must be handed in only to Competitors relation’s officer. Organizer must present Competitors relation’s officer and his schedule to every competitor.
12. Protest fee and appeal fee
12.1. Protest fees and appeal fees are following:
- for the protest about running or results of the rally- 25 LVL
- for the appeal at Rally Commission of LAF- 50 LVL
- for the appeal at National Court of Appeal of LAF- 200 LVL
12.2. For protest about car’s non-compliance there must be additional fee to protest fee for checking of:
-chassis, transmission, steering or braking system- 25 LVL
-suspension, cardanshaft- 25 LVL
-cylinder head, valves, camshaft, stroke, bore, exhaust manifold- 80 LVL
-crankcase, cylinders, crankshaft, oil pump- 150 LVL
In addition to protest fee claimant must hand in guarantee certificate for paying capacity in case set up in Art.12.4.
12.3. If protest is upheld, protest fee and other payments set up in Art.12.1, 12.2 is returned to claimant. In this case competitor, against whom the protest is lodged, pay expenses incurred by the work or transport, furthermore, he may be penalized with cash penalty complying with Articles 12.1, 12.2.
If protest is unfounded, Organizer and competitor, against whom the protest is lodged, takes whole protest fee or part of it complying with Stewards decision.
12.4. The guilty party must cover expenses concerning to checking defined in Art.12.2 and preparation of the car for next competitions complying with bill set up by Rally Commission of LAF.
13. Individual classification
13.1. Results of every Championship event are established by adding together the times taken during the SS and the time penalties incurred on road sections together with all other penalties expressed in compliance with Regulations. Highest place takes crew with smallest sum of times and time penalties. In the case of dead heat highest place takes crew with better result at first SS, if it is equal – at second SS and etc.
13.2. Results of the Championship overall classification are established by adding together best points of crew, scored at Championship events (N minus 1; N = number of events has run).
13.3. The best six crews in class classification in every Championship event are granted points: 10,6,4,3,2,1.
13.4. In the case of dead heat in Championship highest place takes crew:
-that has highest place at any Championship event,
-that has greatest number of highest places during the Championship,
-that has highest place at event with greatest number of participants.
13.5. Organizer of the Championship event has rights to award overall classification.
14. Teams classification
14.1. In the Championship overall can participate teams, which have hand in team’s entry to Rally Commission of LAF.
14.2. Team consists of 3 crews. It is possible to entry an incomplete team at the beginning of year, but in Championship overall just teams within not less than 2 crews will be counted. During the Championship not more than one crew of the team can change. Driver is allowed to change the team not more than one time.
14.3. At every Championship event results (in class classification) of the best two crews of the team will be counted for Championship teams’ classification. In case of dead heat highest place is awarded to team, whose crew takes highest place in Championship event in class classification, if it is equal – team, whose crew takes highest place in Championship event’s overall.
14.4. Results of team in Championship overall classification are established by adding together points scored by team in all Championship events. In case of dead heat in Championship overall highest place is awarded to the team, which has scored highest amount of points at last Championship event, if it is equal – second last etc.
14.5. Organizers of Championship events can provide in Supplementary Regulations classification of teams established only for the appropriate rally. These results are not counting for Championship teams’ classification.
15. Prize giving
15.1. At every Championship event three best crews at every class are awarded if in this class participated no less than 6 crews.
At every Championship event the best team is awarded.
Organizer has rights to award other prizes.
15.2. In Championship overall the best 3 crews in class classification are awarded if in this class not less than 8 crews have participated the Championship. In Championship overall best three teams are awarded.
Regulations of Championship are established and approved on 12.11.2003. by Rally Commission of LAF.
Regulations of Championship are published on Latvian, English and Russian versions. In case of difference only the Latvian version is decisive.
Rally Commission of Latvian Automobile Federation
phone (+371) 7012130, (+371) 267519, e-mail , home page ,