Culturally Appropriate Interventions of Outreach, Access, and Retention among Latino/a Populations Initiative

Latino/ETAC Site: AIDS Foundation of Chicago

Title of the Project/Intervention: Salud y Orgullo Mexicano

PI: Amy K Johnson

Project Director: Roman Buenrostro

Evaluator: Michael Rivers, Amy K Johnson

Intervention Characteristics:
Intervention Start Date (or expected). / 12/22/2014
Intervention Description. Brief description of intervention components (ICs). / Servicios de Salud Promotoción: peer health navigation and client education adapted from the ARTAS linkage to care model
Community Level Awareness Campaign
. What is the level of your intervention (e.g., individual, group, community)? / Both community and individual
. What portions of the HIV care continuum does each intervention component target? / HIV awareness, linkage to care, retention in care, viral suppression
. How have you adapted your intervention (e.g., culturally, transnational perspective)? / Both the media campaign and the individual level intervention have been created with input from bi-cultural individuals and vetted through subject matter experts in serving Mexican men.
. How will clients be identified? / Media campaign referrals, referrals via existing outreach avenues, new outreach efforts
Target Population: / Men of Mexican descent, 18 and over
Target N=100 / 25 individuals per year
Planned process for pilot of intervention (if applicable). Description of pilot (which components, when, how many participants, how long) / While not a structured pilot, we will use a “soft launch” approach revisiting the intervention after 3 participants have completed all sessions. We will work through any suggested adjustments to the intervention with the promotor and other clinic staff. Adjustments will be noted and fidelity to the intervention will be monitored.
Cross-site Evaluation Procedures:
Planned process for participant survey.
. When will/did you begin administration of participant survey? / Our anticipated start date is 12/22/2014
. How will clients be recruited for cross-site survey? / Clients will be recruited in two ways: 1) Outreach at community testing events and through referral agreements established by the Promotor. 2) In-reach through AFC’s case management and prevention departments and through Erie’s internal testing and programs.
. Who will administer the cross-site survey? / The cross-site survey will be administered by a non-intervention staff member who is bilingual and is based at Erie Family Health Center.
. Who will manage the cross-site survey data? / The Research and Evaluation Manager, Michael Rivers.
. Who will transmit data to ETAC? / The Research and Evaluation Manager, Michael Rivers.
Planned process for intervention exposure data.
. Who will collect the process data (intervention staff)? / The promotor, John Pizana
. Who will manage the process data? / The Research and Evaluation Manager, Michael Rivers.
. Who will transmit process data ETAC? / The Research and Evaluation Manager, Michael Rivers.
Planned process for clinical data abstraction.
. To what clinics will you refer patients? / Erie Family Health Center
. Are any of these clinics external to your organization? / Yes
. Have you established a relationship with any/all external clinics? / Yes
. Have you identified technical staff who will be responsible for abstraction of clinical data? / Yes. The Research and Evaluation Manager will work with Erie’s intervention and IT teams to collect clinical data.
. Have you established an MOU will any/all external clinics? / Yes, we have a subcontract assuring the provision of the primary care services
Local Evaluation (if applicable)
Planned process for local evaluation of ICs. Describe all components (formative, summative) of local evaluation / Formative research was conducted to design the social marketing campaign. A series of focus groups were conducted to inform and refine the design and information of the campaign. In addition, an expert review panel consisting of local and national experts in the field reviewed the campaign for content.
Additional research was conducted to identify an intervention model and modality to modify and adapt for our target intervention. A systematic literature review was conducted to inform intervention development.
Qualitative methods(if applicable). Describe qualitative methods to be employed [design (focus groups, key informant interviews), target population, number of groups/participants, data collection method, methods of analysis, products] / In order to evaluate the intervention process, annual in-depth qualitative interviews will be conducted with the Promotores to assess their daily activities with clients and to gain a deeper understanding of their work. An ethnographic framework will guide this qualitative work, to highlight culture and social context. Themes that emerge from the interviews will be presented to the Promotores for feedback and to ensure completeness. The themes will then be compared to the best practices in peer health navigation and will address any discrepancies with additional training and support. The ultimate goal of the qualitative interviews is to inform a replicable model of Salud y Orgullo Mexicano.
Quantitative methods. Describe quantitative methods to be employed. [design, target population, number of participants, data collection methods, methods of analysis, products] / We will monitor the impact and scope of reach of the social marketing campaign through intercept consumer probes (n=200). Relying on market research strategies, short intercept consumer probes will be conducted by random selection to assess whether or not people have seen or heard the campaign, if they can identify it and whether or not they think it impacts HIV stigma.
We will collect program level data to monitor and report on referrals and services participants receive.
Site specific quantitative measures include: A 21-item HIV treatment knowledge scale; a single question from the SF12; and several questions from original ETAC national survey that were removed pertaining to clients’ knowledge of and/or receipt of insurance and transportation services.
How do you plan to measure/monitor fidelity to your intervention (monitoring, supervision, etc.)? / We will monitor adherence to the intervention with a fidelity monitoring tools developed for the intervention. We will also hold monthly meetings to with the intervention staff to monitor implementation of intervention.
Study Organization:
IRB approval date (or expected) / 11/20/2014
IRB expiration date / 11/19/2015

Third All-Sites Meeting. December 11-12, 2014 UC Washington DC
(One-pager form 17NOV14)