Latin Roots and Root Meaning
1. ab-, a-, abs-away
2. acu, acr, acer(b), acidsharp, point
3. ad-, a-, ac-, af-, ag-, al-, am-, an-, ap-, ar-, as-, at-to/toward, cause/make
4. ag, ig, actdo/act
5. alt, al, ol, ulhigh, grow/grown, feed/support
6. am(a), amor, em, (i)mlove, friendly
7. amb(i), amaround, on both sides
8. ambl, ambulwalk, move/go
9. animlife/live, mind, soul/spirit
10. ann, en(n)year
11. ante, antibefore, old
12. apt, eptfit, capable
13. aquwater
14. art, ert, armskill, capability, weapon
15. aud, audithear, listen
16. aug, augur, auct, auxincrease, divine, help
17. aurear, hear
18. Ben-, bon-, bountgood/well, generous
19. bi-, bin-, bis-, dutwo, calorheat
21. cand, cens, cend, cin(d), cinerfire/burn, white, glow/shine, ashes
22. cap, capit, chaphead, principal, property/money
23. cap, capt, ceipt, ceiv, cept, cip, cuptake, contain, begin
24. carnmeat, flesh
25. ced, ceed, cessmove/go, withdraw, yield/let go
26. centhundred, hundredth
27. cern, cert, cre, cret, critdecide, separate
28. cid, cad, cas, ciscut, kill/die, fall, event/accident
29. circum, circaround
30. cli, clin, clivlean/tend toward, bed, support
31. clud, clus, claus, clo(s), clois, clavclose/shut/lock, key, settle, alone
32. con-, co-, col-, com-, cor-together/with, very, cause
33. contr, counteragainst
34. cordnice/agree, heart, remember
35. corp, corporbody
36. cred, crebelieve, trust
37. cresc, creas, cre, crugrow/growth
38. crim, criminjudge, accuse, crime
39. cruc, crucross, torment, important test
40. cub, cumblie, hollow
41. cult, coldwell, till, worship
42. cumber, cumbrhinder/hindrance
43. cur, curr, curs, corr, coursrun, hasty, path
44. cur, surcare, attention
45. de-down, away, very
46. decten, tenth
47. denttooth, hole/pit
48. dia, diday
49. dict, dicaspeak, order, set forth/proclaim
50. dis-, di-, dif-not, apart/away, opposite
51. div, de(i)god, foretell
52. doc, doctrteach, accept
53. dom, dominhouse, control, master/lord
54. don, dat, dit, dos, dot, dowgive
55. dormsleep/rest
56. durlasting, hard
57. duc, ductlead
58. equfair, even/same, value
59. errwrong, wander/go
60. –escebecoming, growing
61. evage
62. ex-, e-, ef-out of, former
63. extr, exteroutside, beyond
64. fa, fam, fessspeak, spoken of, rumor
65. fac, fect fi(c), -fymake/do/deed
66. fam(il)household, know
67. federleague/union
68. fercarry, bear/birth
69. fidfaith
70. fig, fict, fing, fix, -fyshape/make, invent, fasten
71. fil(i)child/offspring, related
72. finend, border, pay/pay off
73. flam, flagrburn, blaze, bright
74. flect, flexbend
75. flor, flour, foli, foilflower, plant/growth, leaf, sheet
76. flu(v), fluct, fluxflow
77. frag, fract, frang, fringbreak, piece
78. frat(e)rbrother, allied
79. fus, fund, foundpour, melt/blend
80. gen(d), gener, gn, gonrace, kind, produce, birth/origin
81. gest, gercarry, offer, clog
82. grad, gred, gressstep/unit, go/move
83. grandgreat, full-grown
84. gregflock/group
85. hab(it), habil, hibit, ab(i)l, ib(i)lhave/hold, dwell, capable, suitable for
86. hes, herstick/cling
87. hom, homin, hum(b)human, earth, low
88. in-, il-, im-, ir-, em-, en-in, not, cause, very
89. inter-, intel-between/among
90. intra-intro-within
91. ject, jac, jetthrow, send, situated
92. jun(c)t, join, jugconnect/join, impose
93. jur, judic, judg, justoath, right, judge
94. latcarry/bear, bring
95. lat, laterside, wide, support
96. lav, lu(v), lut, lugwash, pour
97. leg, legis, lectlaw, charge/appoint, read, bequeath/grant
98. leg, lig, lectchoose/gather, esteem/care for
99. lig, li(a), ly, loybind, connect
100. limit, liminthreshold
101. ling. Langulanguage, tongue
102. linqu, licleave/forsake, permit
103. literletter/writing
104. loc, locatplace
105. locu, loquspeak
106. lud, lusplay, deceive
107. lum(en), lumin, luc, lust(e)rlight, clear, easily seen
108. magn, maj, maxlarge
109. mal-bad, badly
110. man(u), mainhand, do
111. mand, mendorder, require, praise
112. mat(e)r, metrmother, womb/origin, substance
113. medimiddle, near
114. mem(or)recall
115. ment, mon(t), min, men, mountthink, advise, warn/threaten, serve, project/mountain, lead
116. migrmove/travel
117. millthousand, thousandth
118. mis, mit, miss, messsend, allow
119. mis-wrong
120. misc, mixmix
121. mod, med, mensstyle, measure, take measure
122. mollsoft
123. mor(t)dead/death
124. mov, mob, motmove, drive
125. multimany
126. nat, gnat, nasc, gnitsource, born, tribe
127. nec, noc, nox, nuisharm
128. nihil, nil, nul(l)nothing
129. noc(t), noxnight
130. non-, ne-, neg-, neu-not, deny
131. non(a), nov(em)nine, ninth
132. numernumber
133. ob-, o-, oc-, of-, op-against, bad, not, very/to
134. octeight, eighth
135. omniall
136. ora, orformal speech, pray
137. par, perbeget, produce
138. parl, par, paroldiscourse, promise
139. par(t), peer, pair, portequal/same, part, share
140. par, para, pairput in order, shield
141. pat(e)rfather, support, homeland
142. pau, pauc, povfew/little
143. peccsin, fault
144. pecuwealth, one’s own
145. pedfoot, move, progress
146. pend, penspay, give
147. pend, pens, pondconsider, hang
148. per-, pel-through, each, very, bad
149. plac, pleasplease, calm
150. plic, plex, pli, pl, -plylayer, fold, tangle
151. pon, pos, post, poundplace/put
152. port, porcarry, opening, gate
153. . post-after
154. pot, posspower, able
155. pre-before
156. preci, praisworth, value
157. prehens, prehendgrab/seize
158. presspress
159. prim, prin, prifirst, foremost
160. priv, prop(e)rlone, possess, loss/lack
161. pro-before, forward, instead of, for/on behalf of
162. proloffspring
163. puls, pel, pellpush/drive, beat
164. pun, penpunish, repent
165. pung, pug(n), punct, pointfight, fist, pierce, point/mark
166. putreckon, suppose, cut
167. quadr, quart, quartfour, fourth
168. quest, quer, quir, quisask, seek, catch
169. quie, quit, quilquiet, rest
170. quin(t), quinqufive, fifth
171. ratio, ratreason, calculate
172. re-, red-again, back
173. reg, rig, rectrule/ruler, right, straight
174. retro-backward, earlier
175. robor, robusstrength
176. rogaask, propose, take away
177. ruptburst, break
178. sac(e)r, secr, sanctsacred, secret
179. salu, salv, sanhealth, mentally sound, clean, save, greet
180. sanguiblood, red, optimistic
181. sap, sipwise, taste
182. satfit, full
183. se-apart
184. secondsecond
185. sed, sid, sesssit, stay/settle
186. seg, sec, sectcut/split
187. semi-half, partially
188. sent, sensfeel, message, opinion
189. sept seven, seventh
190. sert, serput forth, arrange
191. sesqui-one and a half
192. sex(t)six, sixth
193. scal, scan, scend, scentclimb, step
194. sciknow, aware/feel
195. scind, scisscut/split
196. scrib, scriptwrite, record
197. simil, simul, simpl, sem(bl)same/alike, together, same form/time
198. socigroup, ally, companion
199. solalone, comfort
200. solsun
201. solu, solvloosen, answer
202. somnsleep
203. sonsound
204. spec, spect, spiclook at, take note, appearance/form
205. spir, spribreathe, animate, struggle/endeavor
206. sta, stan, stat, sti, stit, siststand/stop, set up, be made up of
207. sub-, suc-, suf-, sup-, sur-, sus-under, less than, after, small/minor
208. sult, sa(i)l, sil, sau(l)tjump/leap, attack
209. super-, sur-, supr-, sum(m)over, more than, large/major, total, highest
210. tac, ticsilent
211. tang, tact, tag, tig, tingtouch, rely/depend
212. temp, temper, temportime, state/condition, moderation
213. tempt, tentattract, try, touch
214. ten, tin, tent, tainhold, keep
215. tend, tens, tent, tenustretch, lean toward, heed, thin/delicate
216. ter(r)earth, ground
217. totall, whole
218. tort, tors, tortwist/turn, crooked
219. tract, tra, trai, treatdraw/drag, treat/care
220. trans-, traacross/beyond, through
221. tri-, ter(t)-three, third
222. ultra-, ultfinal, beyond, other
223. un(i)-one
224. vac, va(i)n, voidempty, leave, vain, shun
225. val, vailgood/well, farewell, strong, useful
226. ven, ventcome
227. vertrue/truth
228. verbword
229. vergbend, incline toward
230. vert, vers, vortturn, highest point
231. vir, virtuman, true/real, skill
232. vit, vivlife/live
233. vid, vis, voysee
234. voc, vokvoice, call
235. volwish/will
236. volv, voluroll/turn, arise from
237. vulgcommon, low
238. vulspull, shake