Latest News Twitter Feed Specifications
The Latest News Twitter Feed is integrated within a content module that displays the latest news feeds. This ad dynamically pulls in and displays the most recent tweets from an advertiser's Twitter account. Users are able to reply, retweet, favorite, and toggle through the ten most recent tweets. This allows advertisers to surround their brand and messages within the most recently posted CBS Interactive content. Advertisers are able to increase their social media presence, drive more followers, build buzz around their brand, and engage with influencers.
Latest News Twitter Feed Example:
Technical Specifications/Submission Form
Enter your data in the orange shaded boxes. When complete, follow the Submission Instructions at the end of this document.
Latest News Twitter FeedItem / Specifications / Enter your content here.
Click in the orange box to start typing.
Twitter Username
/ Enter exactly as it appears on Twitter, including capitalization. / Twitter Username:The Twitter handle should be lowercase.
/ Dimensions / 170w x 170h pixels / Logo File Name:The Twitter icon overlay does not need to be submitted. It will be automatically placed over the submitted logo image.
Maximum File Size / 25KB
Animation / None
Format / JPEG / GIF
Third Party tracking (optional)
/ CBS Interactive will host the Latest News Twitter Feed, but a 1x1 pixel GIF may be provided to allow third-party tracking of ad impressions. / Tracking 1x1 URL:Submission Instructions
Save this document as [Advertiser Name]_LatestNewsTwitterFeed.doc file and send to your CBS Interactive representative.
CBS Interactive requires that all creative be submitted 5 business days prior to launch date.
If the submitted creative does not conform to the above specifications, it will not be placed online and may result in a delayed launch date.
ContactsQuestions about this opportunity / Please contact your CBS Interactive representative.
Technical questions about your creative / E-Mail .
© 2015 CBS Interactive, a CBS Corporation company.All Rights Reserved. Updated on 06.16.15. / 1 of 2