Curriculum Vitae

Last name:Bielecki-Weyenberg

First name:Rafaela

Date of birth:June 10, 1957

Place of birth:Hanover; Federal Republic of Germany

Address:Hagener Straße 21

D-58285 Gevelsberg,Germany

Phone:+ 49 2332 75 99 25

+ 49 162 89 109 39

Fax:+ 49 233275 99 26


Civil status:separated, no children


Present Occupation: Free lance translator and interpreter(English, Spanish, German).Specialised in the translation of legal documents, medical, and technical texts.

Language teacher working for BERLITZ Germany (German courses for migrants) and private clients (assisting children with school problems).

Collaboration with translation offices in the area ( and others). Free lance research in social science.United Nations Online Volunteer. Published translations:

“Wegweiser Migration”, with translations from R. Bielecki-Weyenberg and others - Frankfurt am Main : Bremm , 2000.ISBN: 3-927839-33-7.More publications are available in the internet.

University degrees:Degree in translation (English, Spanish and German with specialisation in Law (third subject). University of Heidelberg, 1989. Degree with particular emphasis on the translation of legal documents and scientific texts.

Exchange student at the Cambridge College of Arts and Technology. Two terms (Oct. 83 – March 84), Cambridge, Great Britain.Cambridge Certificate of Proficiency, University of Cambridge.

Degree in social work, University of Applied Sciences, Frankfurt/Main (1995). Specialized in working with migrants, HIV/AIDS counselling, the handicapped, children. Topic of final thesis: “Legal and Psychological Problems of Migrants.” (Thesis is based on work in reception centre for refugees, and deals with regulations concerning asylum seekers, different forms of residence permits, psychological, social and legal problems and entitlements to social welfare).

Vocational training: Consecutive interpreter and translator of English and German

(specialised in economics, private language school “Englisches Institut”, Heidelberg, 1986). From 1987 on work experience as a free lance translator and interpreter, certified to work for the courts and notary publics in the Heidelberg / Mannheim area.

“Chemiefachschule Dr. Blindow“, vocational technical training inchemistry (September 15, 1975 - January 30, 1976).

Highschool:Graduation from the Bismarckschule in Hanover, Germany in 1982 (Subjects of the final exam: chemistry, politics, Spanish, and English).

Experience abroad: EU-Seminars in Ljubljana, Slovenia from Sept. 06, 2007 until Sept. 09,

2007 and in Lisbon, Portugal, in cooperation with the consultancy

“Praxis psychosoziale Beratung. Presentation on “The Phenomenon of Unaccompanied Minors in Europe. Exchange of Experiences.

(Feb.01, 2007 – Feb. 04, 2007).

EU-Seminar in Tallinn, Estonia, in cooperation with the “Praxis

psychosoziale Beratung. Presentation on Violence and German

Strategies of Victim Support (Sept. 28, 2006 – Oct. 01, 2006). Collaboration with the “Praxis Psychosoziale Beratung” in preparing new EU-Projects in the social field / health sector. Also various other short-term seminars with different organisations after the end of the UNV assignment.

From November 2003 until October 31, 2005UNV with MONUC in DRCpredominantly workingin HIV/AIDS in close collaboration with UN-medicalservices. Training of trainers, peer education. Collaboration with MONUC Medical Services and NGOs in carrying out seminars and referral to reliable centres providing testing, as well as medical and psychological assistance to People living with HIV/AIDS (LDEC, GTZ, MSF, Fondation Femme Plus). Capacity building, liaise with other UN-agencies (WFP and UNICEF). Assist NGOs with training, web based information material, and application for HIV/AIDS related project funding. Organize World AIDS Day celebration at MONUC. Since September 2005 training assistant with the Training Section of MONUC, involved in Training of Trainers, and organizing workshops and seminars in general.

HIV/AIDS officer in Khartoum, Sudan. Worked from July 2001 until

December 2002 for the German Development Service. Placement at the

UNAIDS Office from October 2001 – June 2002. Cooperation with NGOs,

other UN-agencies such as UNDP, UNICEF, and government officials in the HIV/AIDS sector (non-medical field, tasks: capacity building, conducting of workshops, promotion of networking, development of IEC material, assisting NGOs with applications to international donor organizations such as the Global Fund or World AIDS Foundation.


Other employment:Social worker for Caritas Frankfurt (May 2003 – November 2003) in a school project in Frankfurt-Hausen. Assistance to students of foreign origin in various subjects, preparation for exams, collaboration with vocational schools, church based institutions. Previously, prior to going to Sudan employed part time in the same project (February – June 2001).

Participation in the European project “A Comparison Among European Countries Experiences in Psychotherapy and in Psychological Support for HIV Infected Patients. Evaluation of Public and Private Services in some large European Cities.” Evaluation of the situation in Frankfurt/Main, translation of reports and statistical data, organizing visits of organizations working in HIV/AIDS in conjunction with the Frankfurt seminar (May 24 – May 27, 2001), and presentation of the topic “AIDS and Migration”. The project was carried together my previous employer (Horst Herkommer) from the Frankfurt University Hospital in his private consultancy “Praxis Psychosoziale Beratung” in Frankfurt and other European partners who prepared similar seminars and evaluations in their respective countries. Partners from Italy, Spain, Great Britain, the Netherlands, Sweden, France and Greece participated.

From October 1998 until November 2000 employed in the project

„Migration and AIDS“ at the FrankfurtUniversityHospital „Klinikum der Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universität“, Department of Infectious Diseases. Providing counselling services on HIV/AIDS related issues in English and Spanish for patients from foreign countries. Co-ordination of services with organizations assisting migrants. Consecutive interpretation in the medical field (patients / doctors), and at local authorities. Cooperation with lawyers for protecting patients rights, as well as with social services, medical staff at the hospital and specialized services for migrants. Translation of information material for patients, preparation of abstracts and posters for congresses. Publications and training seminars on migration and AIDS. Preparation of training seminars on psychological and social issues concerning patients with HIV and AIDS. Statistic evaluation of patient data with particular emphasis on epidemiological and social aspects.

Publication of information on HIV and AIDS (congress material as well as contributing to the publication of a guide for HIV patients and their counsellors). Experience with patients from various African countries as well as with patients from Asia, South America and Europe.

Coordination of services, cooperation with a large number of different institutions (specialised social services for migrants, hospices, lawyers, physicians, self-help-groups, a.s.o.). Collaboration with lawyers and medical doctors to protect patients legal rights and ensure their integration into treatment.

From April 01, 1996 - March 31, 1997 – after having completed a second university degree as a Social Worker at the Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences in 1995 - compulsory practical year of social work with the church based organisation “Diakonisches Werk” in Hanover. Working with young people of German origin who immigrated from the former Soviet Union (assistance with school problems, finding apprenticeships, family problems, etc.). Afterwards colloquium at FrankfurtUniversity and awarded the Diploma of State Recognition (April 01, 1997).

From 1991 – 1996 and from 1997 - 2001 freelance translations of English, Spanish and German for the Department of International Judicial Assistance of the Regional Court (Landgericht) in Frankfurt/Main and private clients (legal documents, medical and scientific texts).

Part-time work for OCHAMPUSEUR (American Department of Defense, Medical Program of the Uniformed Services, as a medical claims clerk in Heidelberg Germany, 1987 - 1989).

Other Qualifications: Teaching experience, working with youth since 1993. Proficient in English and Spanish. Working knowledge of French. Experience with Access, Excel, Office and Windows programs, Power Point, data banks, publisher and internet. Drivers license.

References:Horst Herkommer

Heidestraße 24

60316 Frankfurt am Main

Tel. 069 – 499 228


(Translation, interpreter’s services)

Karl J. Müller

Weyertal 18

D-50939 Cologne

Phone: 0049 221 44 27 68

(Journalist, book author, translator Spanish – German. Collaboration in translation).

Mr. Günter Widmaier

Berlitz Berufsservice

Henschelstraße 16

60314 Frankfurt

Phone +49 (0) 69 66403863


(Director of Berlitz Berufsservice; teaching)

R. Bielecki-Weyenberg

Gevelsberg, December 16, 2008


Bielecki-Weyenberg, R.; Sensitization and Training of National Staff. Myths and Misconceptions about HIV/AIDS.

In: MONUC’s Special Edition. HIV/AIDS Magazine, 2nd edition, April 2005, page 10.

Bielecki-Weyenberg R.; HIV/AIDS Praevention im Kongo – Herausforderungen und Mythen.

In: HIV/AIDS Infos Online, Ausgabe 26, Jahrgang 9, November 2004

Herkommer, H., Bielecki-Weyenberg R.

Migration und AIDS. Psychosoziale und rechtliche Probleme bei Behandlung und Beratung. (Migration and AIDS. Psychological and legal problems related to treatment and counseling).

In: Jäger, H. (Hrsg.)

AIDS - Herausforderungen für Forschung, Behandlung und das Leben mit HIV. Landsberg Lech 2000, pp. 351 - 355, verlag moderne industrie AG.

Bielecki-Weyenberg R.; Herkommer, H. et al; Psychosoziale und ausländerrechtliche Probleme von Migranten mit HIV und AIDS

Poster, 7th German AIDS Congress, Essen June 02 – June 6, 1999 in: European Journal of Medical Research, Volume 4 / Supplement 1, June 2, 1999, p. 64.

Lectures / Seminars with NGOs and other Partners

Psychological and social assistance to people living with HIV/AIDS (PLWHA), and vulnerable children. Voluntary Counseling and Testing. Testimony of two PLWHA about their way of acquiring HIV/AIDS and the impact on their lives.

Seminar for MONUC staff together with Dr. Odon and two PLWHA from the Congolese NGO League for the Rights of Congolese Children (LDEC ) on April 25, 2005 in Mbandaka, DRC. The NGO provides voluntary counseling and testing and assists vulnerable children and people living with HIV/AIDS (PLWHA) with food aid, psychological, and social support.

HIV/AIDS Seminar for university students. Centre Universitaire

Mbandaka. Together with Prof. Gini of the Medical Department a seminar was conducted for the students on April 23, 2005.

Briefing on the MSF program for victims of sexual violence (Post-Expositional-Prophylaxis (PEP), and sensitization on STI's and HIV.
Joint HIV/AIDS seminar with Dr. Floribert Lombono from MSF-Belgium for MONUC staff on April 22, 2005 in Mbandaka, DRC.

Institut Superieur de Technique Medicale (ISTM), Bukavu.A seminar for

the students on HIV/AIDS was conducted on April 15, 2005, together with the MONUC Bukavu Medical Section.

World AIDS Day Celebration at MONUC HQ, Bukavu, DRC on

December 01, 2004. Sensitization Seminar in collaboration with MSF-Holland.

Presentation of he MSF-Holland Program in Bukavu: HIV-Testing and

antiretroviral treatment, presented by Goedele van Bavel.

The impact of armed conflict and sexual violence on the HIV/AIDS Prevalence
in the DRC. Mr. Eugide Bashombana, Bureau de Coordination Provinciale de
Lutte contre le SIDA (National Program for AIDS Prevention, PNMLS).

Joint HIV/AIDS seminar with “Association Jeune Arrete Le SIDA” (AJAS), a

student organization in Bukavu on September 29, 2004.

Seminar for the Programme de Sante Publique et D’Appui au Developpement

Communautaire (PROSPADEC). Training of Trainers, on August 12, 2004.

HIV/AIDS Seminar for students at the “Institut Superieur

Pedagogique”. Organized in collaboration withMUSE

(“Mouvement Universitaire pour la Santé et l’Environnement).

Bukavu, DRC, May 22nd 2004.

„Migration and AIDS.“ Frankfurt/Main, Praxis Psychosoziale Beratung,

May 26, 2001. EU Project: Support for people with HIV/AIDS. Cultural Aspects of Each

Country on HIV-Infection.

„Clinical Case Presentation of a Gay Turkish Migrant.“ Frankfurt am Main,

Praxis Psychosoziale Beratung, May 25, 2001. EU Project: Support for people

with HIV/AIDS. Cultural Aspects of Each Country on HIV-Infection.

Migration und AIDS. Gesundheitliche und soziale Hilfen für ausländische Patienten. (Migration and AIDS. Healthcare and Social Assistance for foreign patients). February 23, 2000 Fortbildungsveranstaltung HIV und AIDS, Klinikum der Johann Wolfgang Goethe Universität Frankfurt am Main (training seminar, Frankfurt/M., university hospital).

Integration von Migrantinnen und Migranten mit HIV und AIDS in den Behandlungsablauf – das Projekt Migration und AIDS (Integration of Patients with HIV and AIDS into Treatment). September 01, 1999 Arbeitskreis Ärzte und AIDS / Drogen und AIDS, Kassenärztliche Vereinigung Frankfurt am Main (working group Physicians and AIDS / Drug abuse and AIDS, Regional Association of SHI-Accredited Physicians)

Psychosoziale und ausländerrechtliche Probleme von Migranten mit HIV und AIDS (Psychosocial and Legal Problems of Migrants with HIV and AIDS).

May 31, 1999, Arbeitskreis der AIDS-Fachkräfte, Gesundheitsamt Frankfurt/Main; (working group of AIDS-experts, health authorities, Frankfurt/M.)


Participation in a workshop on AIDS and Homecare in Milan / Italy, in March 2003, upon the invitation of the Commune di Milano (Italian partner organization of EU Project in 2001).

Networking in the field of HIV/AIDS-Prevention. Workshop in which various UN-

Organisations participated, NGOs, Members of the „Sudan AIDS Network“ (SAN), and

Government representatives. 11.12 – 12.12.2001, Information Resources Hall,


CapacityBuilding and Restructuring of SAN. May 29 – 30, 2002, Information

Resources Hall, Khartoum/Sudan. Workshop with different UN agencies, the

Sudan AIDS Network (SAN), NGOs and government representatives aiming at

continuing the restructuring process started and development of a network

started on in the first workshop.

For further information also go to the web pages indicated or enter “Bielecki-Weyenberg” into Google

or Yahoo search engines and see the abstract or information concerning the EU Project.