NOVATO HIGH SCHOOL Athletic & Coaching Handbook
REVISED 9/4/2017
The Board of Education recognizes that extracurricular/co-curricular activities, which emphasize the educational and social development and experiences of students, are an integral part of the overall learning experience. The District shall encourage and support student participation in extracurricular/co-curricular activities without compromising the integrity and purpose of the educational program. To encourage and support academic excellence, the Board requires students in grades 9-12 to earn a minimum 2.0 or “C” G.P.A., on a four-point (unweighted) scale in order to participate in extracurricular/co-curricular activities. Student participants shall demonstrate a strong commitment to their activities by following all school rules and maintaining scholastic eligibility. Student participants are representatives of their respective schools, and should strive to be positive role models. This Code of Conduct Contract governs all students who choose to participate in extracurricular/co-curricular activities sponsored by their high school.
As a student representative of the Novato Unified School District high schools, student participants are expected to exhibit strong moral character and behave in a manner consistent with this Code and the rules and regulations of the Novato Unified School District. These standards will be in effect before, during and after school, as well as weekends, whether on or off campus. All rules apply during the entire school year.
Severe or continued misbehavior Disciplinary Action 1, 2, or 3
Unsportsmanlike conduct Disciplinary Action 1, 2, or 3
Use or possession of illegal drugs, alcohol or intoxicants Disciplinary Action 3
Student participants in violation of this Code will be disciplined and are subject to one or more of the following disciplinary consequences administered by school administration, coaches, co-curricular advisors, or a combination thereof:
1. Warning and probation.
- Suspension from a game or activity and/or suspension from school.
- Recommendation for expulsion from the school district. Immediate suspension from the team or extracurricular/co-curricular activity for a maximum of 40 school days. Depending on individual circumstances, participation in an approved rehabilitation program may be recommended. ASB officers will be removed from office for the remainder of the year pursuant to ASB by-laws. Students with repeat offenses will be recommended for expulsion.
1.Eligibility-In order to participate in athletics, students must earn a 2.0 “C” grade point average on a 4.0 scale in all enrolled classes. Students must be enrolled in and pass a minimum of 20 units (4 classes). Spring semester grades count for fall eligibility on the first day of practice including for incoming freshmen. See the Athletic Director in advance for specific information about making up grades during summer school. One academic probation period (one grading period) may be authorized over the four years in high school by the Superintendent or designee for students to participate in athletics whose GPA is between 1.5 and 1.99. Academic eligibility resets the 2nd Tuesday after grades are turned in for each grading period (6 times per year). Students must reside in the Novato Unified High School District, or have an approved inter-district transfer, and abide by the school district’s policies for residency. Freshmen are ineligible for athletic probation except when waived by the Principal under very exceptional circumstances.
Probation - The site committee may grant ineligible students a one time ONLY probation period of one grading period. To request an eligibility waiver, the student must have thesupport of the Head Varsity Coach/Advisor of the sport/activity for which the student is applying for eligibility. Without support from the Head Varsity Coach or Advisor, the waiver request will not go to committee, and the student will be ineligible for that grading period. The waiver request must be presented to the appropriate Assistant Principal (activities or athletics), within five (5) days of the student’s notice of ineligibility. The Assistant Principal will then convene a committee, which will include the Athletics or Activities Director, a Varsity Head Coach or Advisor, and the appropriate Assistant Principal, which will meet with the student and his/her parent or guardian to review and consider the appeal. The committee’s decision must be unanimous, and the student will remain ineligible until the committee has rendered its decision. All committee decisions are final. During the probation period, athletes must meet with the Assistant Principal in charge of Athletics for grade progress review. Failure to meet this requirement will result ineligibility.
2.Behavior - All student participants are expected to display responsible behavior, respect the rights of others and cooperate in abiding by school policies and rules.
3.Attendance – In order to participate in an athletic contest or practice, an athlete must have attended a minimum of four (4) regular periods or two (2) block periods on the day of the contest or practice. A school field trip is considered to be school attendance. Truancy from any class or classes will result in suspension from the next contest/practice and if habitual, may be cause for suspension for the season.
1.Pursuing Victory with Honor - All athletes and their parents are required to sign the Athlete's Code of Ethics. This Code supports the sixteen principles that are the foundation of the Board and C.I.F. adopted Pursuing Victory with Honor program.
2.Practice – A student participant is expected to consult or telephone the coach/advisor if a practice or performance is to be missed. Head coaches and advisors are responsible for defining and enforcing their activity’s policy.
3.On Trips – A student participant’s appearance and conduct are expected to display pride at all times. Any misconduct may result in suspension from contests/performances.
4.TRANSPORTATION FOR ATHLETICS: The District may provide transportation for athletes to and from athletic events by contract with private transportation providers to the extent that funds are available for this purpose. When funds are not available, the Superintendent, or designee, will neither authorize nor arrange for the transportation of the students by private automobile. Rather, students and/or their parents will be expected to assume responsibility and make their own arrangements for transportation to practices and contests. No district employee can drive a student at any time for any reason.
5.Dropping a Sport or Activity - No student participant may quit one extracurricular/co-curricular activity and go out during that same season for another without the mutual consent of both coaches/advisors.
An extracurricular/co-curricular council will review all appeals regarding violations of this Code and Contract by participants. Students may have the opportunity to regain eligibility by successful completion of a reinstatement program approved by the extracurricular/co-curricular council. Eligibility will not be granted until the program is completed and written notification has been submitted.
Because participation in extracurricular/co-curricular activities is a privilege extended to all, and not a basic right of all students, the school has the authority to revoke this privilege. It is each student participant’s obligation to become familiar with these policies. In addition, the student participant and one of his/her parents or guardians must sign a Code of Conduct Contract.
The conduct of the coach, in the view of the spectators and the players, is the single most important factor in crowd control. If he/she cannot exercise emotional control under stress, then he/she cannot expect appropriate behavior from his/her team members or from the spectators in the stands.
All coaches, paid or unpaid, MUST be approved by the Athletic Director, Assistant Principal, and personnel office, and have on file all current District required forms.
Each coach is responsible for knowing and understanding athletic policies, rules, and regulations.
Coaches are to demand that their players conduct themselves in a positive manner that represents Novato High School.
Coaches are held responsible for their players during practices, at games, and on trips.
All coaches shall promote team morale and spirit.
Cooperation is an essential part of the school athletics program. Coaches should cooperate with coaches of other sports in the school. They should support each other in an ethical manner, never second-guessing or criticizing coaching ability.
Coaches are to report promptly for all practice sessions and contests and are to be dressed appropriately.
Each coach is responsible for each student under his/her supervision at all times. His/her concern should be the physical well being of each student and the preparation of each student for competition. Conditioning should be designed to ensure that students are properly prepared to meet the physical demands of their sport.
Each coach is responsible to supervise the locker room. The last sport in for the day must secure and lock all doors. Coaches’ keys to facilities should never be given to students.
Each coach will present to the athletics office a team roster and immediately report any athlete who has been dismissed or quit.
Coaches’ philosophies and procedures should follow the spirit, as well as the letter of the school, district, league, and CIF regulation.
Coaches are to be compensated at a rate to be determined by the Novato Unified School District.
Varsity Head Coaches shall have overall responsibility of all teams of that sport with respect to philosophy, systems, equipment, and placement of players from one squad to another.
Individual coaches shall be in charge of their squads in directing practice sessions and contests. Coaches are expected to maintain good discipline, and cooperative team effort. The coach is expected to use good judgment in all activities.
Each coach is responsible for seeing that the players properly take care of all equipment issued.
Each coach has the obligation to respect every sport, and to encourage students toward full participation. AT NO TIME SHOULD ANY STUDENT BE ENCOURAGED TO FOREGO ONE SPORT IN FAVOR OF ANOTHER, EXCEPT AT THE STUDENT’S OWN DISCRETION.
Coaches are responsible to check that each team member has the proper paperwork completed before participating.
Coaches will thoroughly explain eligibility requirements to all team members. It is also imperative that coaches in all sports review all team rules and expectancies. This should include consequences for violation infractions. This needs to be done at the beginning of the season. If a violation occurs, make sure to discuss it with the athlete – DO NOT presume he/she knows the procedures and consequences. A phone call to parents is recommended for certain infractions.
There will be AT LEAST ONE coach with the team at all times.
Discipline will be the same for all athletes, whether they are substitute players or starters.
Coaches will work in cooperation with the plant manager to ensure that all facilities are in safe playing condition. Before every practice and game, the coach should thoroughly check the facility for any hazards.
Evaluation of coaches may be done by the administration in conjunction with the Athletic
Director at the close of each sport season based on, but not limited to the following:
1. Knowledge of sport 4. Discipline and control of players
2. Planning and organization 5. Adheres to guidelines
3. Rapport with players 6. Enthusiasm for and promotion of athletic program
Coaches are responsible for facilities used by their sport. Any requests for neededmaintenance, repairs/improvements should be turned into the Athletic Director immediately. Please do not put it off until the last minute. Any safety concerns should be brought to the athletic director in writing. The coach is responsible for maintaining a clean and safe environment, as well as closing up and securing their specific facility after each practice and game.
CIF/NCS – (Novato High School)
Code of Conduct for Interscholastic Coaches
We, in the California Interscholastic Federation/North Coast Section, believe that high school athletic competition should be fun but that it must also be a significant part of a sound educational program. We believe that those who coach student-athletes are, first and foremost, teachers who have a duty to assure that their sports programs promote important life skills and the development of good character. We believe that the essential elements of character-building are embodied in the concept of sportsmanship and six core ethical values: trustworthiness, respect, responsibility, fairness, caring, and good citizenship (the "Six Pillars of Charactersm"). We believe, further, that the highest potential of sports is achieved when teacher-coaches consciously Teach, Enforce, Advocate and Model (T.E.A.M.) these values and are committed to the ideal of pursuing victory with honor. Finally, we believe that sincere and good-faith efforts to honor the words and spirit of this Code will improve the quality of our programs and the well being of our student-athletes. This Code of Conduct applies to all full-time and part-time coaches involved in interscholastic sports.
I understand that in my position as a coach, I must act in accord with the following code:
1. Trustworthiness — be worthy of trust in all I do and teach student-athletes the importance of integrity, honesty, reliability and loyalty.
2. Integrity — model high ideals of ethics and sportsmanship and always pursue victory with honor; teach, advocate and model the importance of honor and good character by doing the right thing even when it’s unpopular or personally costly.
3. Honesty —don’t lie, cheat, steal or engage in or permit dishonest or unsportsmanlike conduct.
4. Reliability —fulfill commitments; I will do what I say I will do; be on time.
5. Loyalty —is loyal to my school and team; put the team above personal glory.
6. Primacy of Educational Goals —be faithful tothe educational and character-development missions of the school and assure that these objectives are not compromised to achieve sports performance goals; always place the academic, emotional, physical and moral well being of athletes above desires and pressures to win.
7. Counseling — is candid with student-athletes and their parents about the likelihood of getting an athletic scholarship or playing on a professional level. Counsel them about the requirement of many colleges preventing recruitment of student-athletes that do not have a serious commitment to their education, the ability to succeed academically or the character to represent their institution honorably.
8. CollegeRecruiters — be honest and candid with college recruiters about the character and academic abilities and interest of student-athletes.
9. Respect — treat all people with respect all the time and require the same of student-athletes
10. Class — be a good sport, teach and model class, be gracious in victory and accept defeat with dignity; encourage student-athletes to give fallen opponents a hand, compliment extraordinary performance, and show sincere respect in pre- and post-game rituals.
11. Taunting — don’t engage in or allow trash-talking, taunting, boastful celebrations, or other actions that demean individuals or the sport.
12. RespectOfficials — treat contest officials with respect; don’t complain about or argue with official calls or decisions during or after an athletic event.
13. RespectParents — treat the parents of student-athletes with respect; be clear about your expectations, goals and policies and maintain open lines of communication.
14. Profanity — don’t engage in or permit profanity or obscene gestures during practices, sporting events, on team buses, or any other situation where the behavior could reflect badly on the school or the sports program.
15. PositiveCoaching — use positive coaching methods to make the experience enjoyable, increase self-esteem and foster a love and appreciation for the sport. Refrain from physical or psychological intimidation, verbal abuse, and conduct that demeaning to student-athletes or others.
16. Effort and Teamwork — encourage student-athletes to pursue victory with honor, to think and play as a team, to do their best and continually improve through personal effort and discipline. Discourage selfishness and put less emphasis on the final outcome of the contest, than upon effort, improvement, teamwork, and winning with character.
17A. ProfessionalRelationships — maintain appropriate, professional relationships with student athletes and respect proper teacher-student boundaries. Sexual or romantic contact with students is strictly forbidden as is verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature directed to or in view of student-athletes.
17B. Technology- Contacting student-athletes via technology, whether it be through texting, phone calls, e-mails, or any social networking sites, should be limited to pertinent information regarding your sport, such as, last minute schedule changes, and used with discretion. Technology should not be used to contact student-athletes for personal reasons. Please notify the parents of your intention to contact student-athletes using these methods so that they can make the appropriate accommodations, and so there is necessary transparency.
18. LifeSkills — always strive to enhance the physical, mental, social and moral development of student-athletes and teach them positive life skills that will help them become well-rounded, successful and socially responsible.
19. AdvocateEducation — advocate the importance of education beyond basic athletic eligibility standards and work with faculty and parents to help student-athletes set and achieve the highest academic goals possible for them.
20. AdvocateHonor — prominently discuss the importance of character, ethics and sportsmanship in materials about the athletic program and vigorously advocate the concept of pursuing victory with honor in all communications.
21. GoodCharacter — foster the development of good character by teaching, enforcing, advocating and modeling (T.E.A.M.) high standards of ethics, sportsmanship and the six pillars of character.