Largo United Soccer Club

1779 Belcher Rd.

Largo, Fl 33770

Player Code of Conduct

As a member of Largo United Soccer Club, I am aware of the responsibility I have for my success and the success of the program as well. I will follow the program code of conduct and lead by example as I represent the club and serve as a role model for all participants.

I will wear the uniform of Largo United Soccer Club proudly and in accordance with FIFA, USSF, USYSA, FYSA and LUSC standards at all times. The uniform jersey will be tucked in at all times and my socks will cover the shin guards. If my personal equipment should need repair, I will repair it or replace it in a timely manner.

I understand I am a representative of LUSC. I will not do anything to discredit or disgrace my club, teammates, coaches, trainers, program administrators, or my parents. I fully understand I may be dismissed for not following the program code of conduct.

I understand my commitment to the program. When given a schedule, training, or travel program obligations or other events, I will be responsible and will be there as a member of LUSC. I understand disciplinary actions may come from not living up to my obligations.

I understand my privileges of both the club and program membership are dependent on my ability to meet certain financial responsibilities of the program. I am aware of and understand that upon application and subsequent approval the program requires a scheduled fee payment and participation in team fund-raisers. I understand the necessity of due dates and deadlines.

PARENT expectations

As a parent or guardian of a player in the Largo United Soccer Program, I understand I am responsible to the club for certain obligations. Among them but not limited to are:

Support positively all players. Comments of a negative connotation towards any player are prohibited. I understand my negative comments or actions may prevent me and my child from participation in club programs or team activities.

I understand there is to be no shouting or rude remarks made to any referee or official of any nature. I understand this discredits the entire program. I also understand that failure to adhere to this policy may lead to being prohibited from watching or attending games or scrimmages.

Once I have committed to being a member of LUSC, I am to insure my child’s presence at training sessions, practices, travel, games, and typical program functions. I understand failure to do this will limit my child’s involvement with the program. I understand chronic problems will lead to suspension of any involvement with the program.

I understand financial matters of the program must be made in a timely manner. I am aware that Largo United Soccer Club is a non-profit Florida Corporation. I understand my payments of either club fees or those fees assessed each player for the normal operation of the program is due payable upon receipt of said notice. I am aware of the program’s policy of “special needs.” Upon application to the coordinator, special considerations are possible based on extenuating circumstances. Your commitment as well as your involvement as a parent or guardian is very important. This will provide a pleasant environment for you and your child to reach attainable goals in soccer as well as life.

Player Signature:______Date: ______

Player Name (print):______

Parent Signature: ______Date:______

Parent Name (print): ______

Revised 5-15-10