You live in a large, densely populated capital city. You are in a bank together with three women/men [for female and male participants, respectively] and one man/woman [for female and male participants, respectively]. A masked man comes in and takes you all as hostages. At some point, the masked man announces that you will go unharmed, but you must make a choice: either he kills the three women/men and he lets the one man/woman live]; or he kills the one man/woman and he lets the three women/men live. What is your decision?
You live in a rural country with a moderate population density. You are with a group composed of three women/men [for female and male participants, respectively] and one man/woman [for female and male participants, respectively]. They all badly need to be administered some drugs in order to survive. You do not have enough drugs for everyone. The one man/woman needs your whole stock. You can save him/her but the three women/men will die. Or you can split your stock between the three women/men and save them, but the one man/woman will die. What is your decision?
You live in a spaceship headed to colonize another planet. The trip will take several generations. Among the small number of people aboard are three women/men [for female and male participants, respectively] and one man/woman [for female and male participants, respectively] who all belong to your work team. Your team is trying to fix a pressurization issue in two separate rooms of the ship. The three women/men are in one room and the one one man/woman is in the other. Suddenly there is a glitch and oxygen stops being directed to these two rooms. You can direct oxygen to one room in time, but not to both. Either you direct oxygen to the room with the three women/men and save them, but the one man/woman will die; or you direct oxygen to the room with the one man/woman, but the three omen/men will die. What is your decision?
You live on a remote island in the Arctic, together with three women/men [for female and male participants, respectively] and one man/woman [for female and male participants, respectively]. There is almost nothing and nobody else around your camp, and you know that you will never leave this island. You go hunting with the one man/woman. He/she falls and get injured. To save him/her you must fix a splint and help him/her back, but this will take a long time and the three women/men back at camp will die of starvation. Or you could leave the man/woman to die and bring food back to save the three women/men at camp. What is your decision?