For requests over $1,000

Introductory information

Application forms are available by contacting the Foundation office or can be found on the

Foundation website at Applications are fillable form templates.

Applications can be submitted anytime but must be received by 5:00 pm on the 15th day of each

month to be considered the following month. Applications will not be accepted after the date and

time specified regardless of postmark date. Faxed or emailed applications cannot be considered.

  • Complete information regarding our grantmaking funding priorities, policies, and procedures can be found on our website. Applicants are encouraged to review these prior to applying.

In order for your request to be considered, theproposalMUST include

General information

A completed cover sheet (attached)

A brief history and mission of the organization

A detailed description of the projectincludinga timetable for all activities.

The population to be served (age, number, geographic area, etc.).

The resources/research utilized to develop the approach to the problem and a description of community assets that currently address it

The names and qualifications of persons responsible for carrying out the project

The status of any other funding requests for the project under consideration

A plan for continuing the project once Foundation funding ends

A plan for evaluating the project

A statement from the organization’s or sponsoring organization’s board, or minutes from a board meeting, authorizing the application to the Foundation and agreeing to implement the project if funded. If the proposal is school-related, a letter from the principal is acceptable.

Financial information

A copy of the IRS letter stating the organization is a tax-exempt public charity

If organization is not school or government related, your organization’s or sponsoring organization’s current operating budget

A copy of your organization’s most recent audited financial statement or Federal 990 tax return

A detailed program/project budget

At least two written estimates of any of the following, if applicable: object(s) to be purchased, materials, labor, etc. If more than one estimate was not considered, explain why.

Additional copies

An original and 6 copies of the completed proposal(1 copy of the auditedstatement/990 is sufficient).

LCCF grant application Page2

Proposal Cover Sheet

General Information

Print or type the information requested below.

Organization name:

Street address/PO Box:

City/state/zip code:

Phone number(s): Fax:

Email: Website:

Chief Executive Officer:

Contact name: Contact title:

Contact phone:

Program/Project Summary

Amount requested: $

Program/project title:

Time period of program/project- Start date: End date:

Summary of program/project:

Organization’s IRS tax ID number: -

Organization’s IRS non-profit tax code:

Board information

Members of organization’s/school’s board (Indicate any members who are paid staff):

Number of board meetings held in the last fiscal year:

Average number of board members attending:

LCCF grant application Page 3

Financial Information

Last fiscal year data: Beginning date: Ending date:

If the applicant represents a group within a school, a school, or a school system:

Total amount spent for fundraising toward this project:

Total amount of funds raised toward this project:

List sources of income and amounts toward this project:

If the applicant represents a non-profit not school-related:

Total expenditures, last fiscal year:

Total amount spent for fundraising, last fiscal year:

Itemized amount of income in the last fiscal year by source:

Corporations: / Individuals: / Endowed income:
Government: / Fundraising: / Fees:
Foundations: / United Way: / Other:



I certify that the above information is true to the best of my knowledge.

Printed name: Title:

Signature: ______Date:

Upon submission, the application and accompanying materials become the property of the LCCF and will be used as deemed appropriate by the Foundation. They may be reviewed with community planning agencies and other individuals and organizations as LCCF assesses the project and potential community impact. The information may also be shared with other foundations and funding sources which call upon LCCF for information about community projects.

If approved, you will be required to submit a final report to the Foundation by the assigned deadline.

Grant requests can be mailed to or dropped off at:

Lapeer County Community Foundation 235 W. Nepessing Street, Lapeer, MI 48446 (810) 664-0691