LAPE-PLUS Initial Interview Questions and Notes

Thanks again for completing all the LAPE paperwork. ______(service coordinator) has also given me some information about ______(child’s name), including his assessment reports and goals. I’ve learned a lot about you and ______(child’s name), through this information, but would like to talk with you now to find out a little more. Can you tell me a little bit about you and CHILD’S NAME and why you wanted to join the LAPE+ group this fall?

Now we’re going to focus on ______(child’s name) communication skills today and then next week, when you go to the HEDCO clinic, you going to have a chance to talk more about his/her other skills. Can you tell me how he/she currently communicates with you at home? Follow up questions can include:

  • How does he/she let you know when he’s/she’s awake in the morning?
  • How does he/she let you know what he wants to eat?
  • If you don’t understand what he/she is trying to communicate, does he/she persist or get frustrated?
  • When you play games together (name one from activity worksheet already completed), how does ______(child’s name)let you know he/she wants to play? All done?
  • Does your child show you things he finds interesting? How?

Tell me more about the two routines that we picked to video today. Can you describe how ______(child’s name) typically communicates with you during those routines?

Now, I’d like to learn more about ______(child’s name)communication skills in the past. Can you tell me how his/her communication skills have developed? Follow-up questions:

  • Quiet as a baby, or vocal?
  • Lots of babbling around 9 months?
  • Age used gestures, such as pointing, waving bye-bye, showing
  • Age of first word.
  • Speed of vocabulary development

Thank you for all that detail. Next, I’d love to hear about what you and ______(service coordinator’s name) have been doing to teach ______(child’s name)new communication skills. Can you tell me a little about that? Make sure to follow-up with questions about whether parents feel strategies have worked/ not worked.

I have just a couple more questions for you. INSERT ANY QUESTIONS HERE THAT ARE INDIVIDUAL FOR THE FAMILY— INFORMATION NEEDED FOR GROUP PLANNING (such as more information about medical history or medical condition or allergies/ behaviors—think of what playgroup teachers may need)

Is there anything you think we didn’t cover or you’d like to tell me before next week’s assessment?