Lansdowne Borough Council Business Meeting March 4, 2015
Lansdowne Borough Council
Business Meeting
March 4, 2015
The Lansdowne Borough Council Business Meeting was held on Wednesday, March 4, 2015, 7:00 p.m. at borough hall. Members Present: President Schleigh, Mr. Aubrey, Ms. Byrne, Ms. English, Ms. James and Mr. Radich were present. Councilwoman Artis was absent. Also in attendance: Mayor Campuzano, Borough Treasurer Bartley, Borough Manager Totaro, Borough Secretary Henry, Borough Solicitor Scott and Police Chief Donegan. The Fire Company representative was absent.
Mayor Campuzano opened the meeting with the Pledge of Allegiance.
Approval of Agenda: Mr. Aubrey moved to approve the agenda. Ms. Byrne seconded. Vote: unanimous.
Approval of Minutes: Ms. Byrne moved to approve the minutes of the February 4, 2015 business meeting. Mr. Aubrey seconded. Vote: unanimous (with spelling correction noted for Aldi, Inc.)
Public Comment – Ms. Byrne moved to Suspend Roberts Rules of Order to hear public comment. Ms. English seconded. Vote: unanimous.
1. James Jackson - Resident of Lansdowne. Mr. Jackson questioned the $379,000 expenditure for Hoffman Park under Action Items. Mr. Aubrey explained that this figure represented the cost for restoring the pavilion and adding comfort stations beneath the pavilion. This amount is exclusively from grant funding.
Ms. Byrne moved to Resume Roberts Rules of Order. Ms. English seconded. Vote: unanimous.
Treasurer’s Report: Mr. Bartley had no formal report but mentioned that the borough had sufficient funds on hand to meet its current obligations. Mr. Bartley also mentioned that the borough audit will run March 16th - 20th. Presently, the borough has accrued an additional $8,000 since the reporting of the December, 2014 Treasurer's Report. The ending balance is now closer to $457,000 in the General Fund.
Solicitor’s Report – Mr. Scott had no formal report.
Manager’s Report – Mr. Totaro gave updates as follows:
· March 26th - the Lansdowne Economic Development Committee ("LEDC") will hold its annual meeting at 6:00 p.m. at Avianna Restaurant.
· Debbie Broder is the new Executive Director of the LEDC, replacing outgoing Executive Director Danielle Redden.
· Alliance Bank has been purchased by WSFS Corporation and some facade and signage changes are expected.
· The Walgreen project continues to move forward.
President Schleigh questioned the supply of salt for the remaining season. Mr. Totaro remarked that it is adequate for now but after tonight's anticipated storm it will need to be replenished.
Chief of Police Report – Chief Donegan reported that the pill drop box is now installed at the borough hall lobby. The Chief mentioned that the February 20th breakfast meeting with police officers and students at the Ardmore Avenue school was productive. The Chief reported that 18 applications had been received for the community police academy which will open March 12th. The police department has a new marked car and the graphics will be updated. The Chief reported that two area handicapped parking spots will be removed based on the letters recently received for handicapped parking renewals for 2015. Mayor Campuzano questioned the light problem at Gladstone Manor and Martin Drive. Mr. Totaro explained that it is now on an automatic shift control and the intersection diagram changes will be sent from PennDot.
Fire Company Representative Report – No report was given.
Mayor’s report – Mayor Campuzano reported on a variety of topics:
· The NAACP meeting last week was very well attended with positive energy and Lansdowne being well represented by Chief Donegan.
· A conference call was held with Sarah Brown of Aldi, Inc. in response to the borough's letter of interest regarding a proposed store for the Bottom Dollar site. A decision as to what store will be put at that site will be made by the end of March. Aldi, Inc. will be doing a study to see if their criteria is a fit for a store in Lansdowne. The Mayor thanked Virginia Gavin for her help in this matter. Trader Jo's politely declined the borough's request for having their store in Lansdowne.
· HLTC Executive Director Matt Schultz now has 960 signatures for the proposed referendum question concerning the sale of liquor at the theater; 1100 are needed.
President’s Report – President Schleigh reported that he recently attended a presentation by Tel-View, a company that works with local municipalities and county government regarding content for local governmental news.
President Schleigh received a letter from the PA Borough of Councils Association, an affiliate of the PA State Association of Boroughs, wherein they are seeking nominations for outstanding Council members throughout the state for 2015.
OLD BUSINESS: There were no items for Old Business.
1. GMCA Easter Egg Hunt - Mr. Totaro reported that the Gladstone Manor Civic Association is requesting a waiver of the park permit fee for their annual Easter egg hunt. Ms. English moved to waive the park permit fee for the GMCA Easter egg hunt at Marlyn Park on April 4th. Mr. Aubrey seconded. Vote: unanimous.
2. Fire company building permit fees - Mr. Totaro reported that the fire company is paying for the work involved in upgrading some areas of the building. Ms. English moved to waive the building permit fees associated with the construction work that will renovate the kitchen of the Lansdowne firehouse, the fee estimated to be $1,000. Mr. Radich seconded. Vote: unanimous.
3. HLTC request - The Historic Lansdowne Theater Corporation wants to use the borough hall lobby this coming week to accommodate residents wanting to sign the referendum petition. Ms. English moved to approve the use of the borough hall lobby to receive residents interested in signing the liquor petition this coming week. Ms. Byrne seconded. A roll call vote was taken. The motion carried 4-2. Aye votes: President Schleigh, Ms. James, Ms. English and Ms. Byrne. Nay votes: Mr. Aubrey and Mr. Radich.
Action Items:
1. Mr. Radich moved to authorize payment of bills for period. Ms. English seconded. Vote: unanimous.
2. Mr. Aubrey moved to award contract to JMC Contractors for Hoffman Park improvements for an amount not to exceed $379,000. Mr. Radich seconded. Vote: unanimous.
3. Ms. English moved to reappoint Marla McLaughlin to the Board of Health for a five year term expiring 12/31/2019. Ms. Byrne seconded. Vote: unanimous.
4. Ms. James moved to ratify agreement with Lansdowne Fire Company regarding kitchen remodeling. Ms. English seconded. Vote: unanimous.
5. Ms. English moved to accept letter of retirement from Pamela Whitney from the Human Relations Commission. Ms. James seconded. Vote: unanimous. Ms. Whitney is moving out of the state.
6. Ms. English moved to authorize reimbursement payment for t raining of Tom Young. Mr. Aubrey seconded. Vote: unanimous.
7. Mr. Radich moved to accept notice of resignation from Kelli Artis from Borough Council due to her new job commitments. Ms. English seconded. Vote: unanimous.
8. Ms. Byrne moved to add Glaxco Smith Kline as a named insured on the Borough General Liability Insurance policy for the dates June 22nd and 23rd for the Science in the Summer Programs. Ms. English seconded. Discussion: Mr. Totaro indicated that in the past this program has happened with the library. There would be no cost for the current dates. President Schleigh voiced concerns about whether the borough's liability policy has any type of pollution exclusion given that chemistry will be involved in this program. President Schleigh would like a more detailed plan of what activities will be held, if the borough's current coverage will handle it and if not, how much would it cost to get a rider for two days. Mr. Aubrey moved to amend the motion that if no costs are incurred, to allow Glaxco in the future to move forward without an act of borough council. Ms. Byrne seconded the amended motion. Vote: unanimous.
President Schleigh asked Ms. James to take over as Chair of the Economic Development and Code Enforcement Committee and in the interim to act as Chair of the Infrastructure Committee.
Executive Session - Ms. Byrne moved to adjourn to executive session to discuss litigation issues. Ms. James seconded. Vote: unanimous. The meeting adjourned to executive session at 7:40 p.m.
Public Session – Upon reconvening to public session, the following motion was made:
1. Ms. James moved to accept the payment plan for sewer fee arrears for Simpson Gardens. Mr. Radich seconded. Vote: unanimous.
Adjourn – Ms. Byrne moved to adjourn the meeting. Mr. Aubrey seconded. Vote: unanimous. The meeting adjourned at 8:40 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Barbara Ann Henry
Borough Secretary
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