Language Arts
Individual Student Profile for Kindergarten: English-Language Arts StandardsStudent's Name: / Teacher's Name:
1.0 / Word Analysis, Fluency, Voc. Develop. / 1.0 / Writing Strategies
Concepts about Print / Organization and Focus
1.1 / Identify book sections / 1.1 / Write about exp./people/events
1.2 / Follow words from left to right / 1.2 / Write CVC words
1.3 / Know that words have meaning / 1.3 / Write from left to right
1.4 / Know that words make sentences / Penmanship
1.5 / Distinguish letters from words / 1.4 / Write in standard form
1.6 / Know upper/lowercase letters
1.7 / Note order of phonemes / 1.0 / Written and Oral Language Conventions
1.8 / Note changes in sounds / Sentence Structure
1.9 / Blend sounds to make words / 1.1 / Speak in coherent sentences
1.10 / Make rhyming words from prompt / Spelling
1.11 / Know beginning/ending sounds / 1.2 / Spell using letter sounds
1.12 / Speak each syllable in a word
1.13 / Count sounds in syllables / LISTENING AND SPEAKING
Decoding and Word Recognition / 1.0 / Listening and Speaking Strategies
1.14 / Match consonant/vowel sounds / Comprehension
1.15 / Read one-syllable sight words / 1.1 / Follow oral directions
1.16 / Know that letters/sounds change / 1.2 / Share information and ideas
Vocabulary and Concept Development
1.17 / Identify/sort common words
1.18 / Describe common objects/events
2.0 / Reading Comprehension
Structural Features of Infor. Materials
2.1 / Locate standard info. in books
Comprehension and Analysis of Text
2.2 / Make predictions about stories
2.3 / Connect events in text to life
2.4 / Retell familiar stories
2.5 / Ask/answer questions about text
3.0 / Literary Response and Analysis
Narrative Analysis of Text
3.1 / Distinguish fantasy from reality
3.2 / Identify types of print materials
3.3 / Identify people/settings/events
Individual Student Profile for First Grade: English-Language Arts Standards
Student's Name: / Teacher's Name:
1.0 / Word Analysis, Fluency, Voc. Develop. / 1.0 / Writing Strategies
Concepts about Print / Organization and Focus
1.1 / Match oral words to printed words / 1.1 / Select a focus when writing
1.2 / Identify title and author / 1.2 / Write using descriptive words
1.3 / Identify letters/words/sentences / Penmanship
Phonemic Awareness / 1.3 / Print legibly with correct spacing
1.4 / Identify beg/middle/ending sounds / 2.0 / Writing Applications
1.5 / Identify long/short vowel sounds / Use Writing Strategies in 1.0
1.6 / Create a series of rhyming words / 2.1 / Write brief narratives
1.7 / Change sounds to change words / 2.2 / Write brief descriptions
1.8 / Blend phonemes into words
1.9 / Segment single syllable words / WRITTEN AND ORAL LANGUAGE CONVENTIONS
Decoding and Word Recognition / 1.0 / Written and Oral Language Conventions
1.10 / Blend sounds into words / Sentence Structure
1.11 / Read sight words / 1.1 / Write/speak in complete sentences
1.12 / Use letter/sound assoc. to read / Grammar
1.13 / Read compound words/contractions / 1.2 / Correctly use nouns
1.14 / Read inflectional forms/roots / 1.3 / Correctly use contractions
1.15 / Read common word families / Punctuation
1.16 / Read aloud with fluency / 1.4 / Distinguish types of sentences
Vocabulary and Concept Development / 1.5 / Use ending punctuation for sent.
1.17 / Classify categories of words / 1.6 / Use basic rules of punct./capital.
2.0 / Reading Comprehension / 1.7 / Capitalize correctly
Structural Features of Info. Materials / Spelling
2.1 / Identify text using logical order / 1.8 / Spell grade appropriate words
Comprehension and Analysis of Text
2.2 / Who/what/when/where/how ques. / LISTENING AND SPEAKING
2.3 / Follow one-step written directions / 1.0 / Listening and Speaking Strategies
2.4 / Use context to solve ambiguities / Comprehension
2.5 / Confirm predictions / 1.1 / Listen attentively
2.6 / Relate knowledge to textual infor. / 1.2 / Asking questions for clarity
2.7 / Retell central idea of passages / 1.3 / Give/restate/follow directions
3.0 / Literary Response and Analysis / Organization/Delivery of Oral Commun.
Narrative Analysis of Text / 1.4 / Stay on topic when speaking
3.1 / Identify plot/setting/character(s) / 1.5 / Use descriptive words
3.2 / Author's/illustrator's roles / 2.0 / Speaking Applications
3.3 / Recollect/talk/write about books / Use speaking strategies from 1.0
2.1 / Recite poems/rhymes/stories
2.2 / Retell stories in sequence
2.3 / Tell about life/personal event
2.4 / Give descriptions with detail
Individual Student Profile for Second Grade: English-Language Arts Standards
Student's Name: / Teacher's Name:
1.0 / Word Analysis, Fluency, Voc. Develop. / 1.0 / Written and Oral Language Conventions
Decoding and Word Recognition / Sentence Structure
1.1 / Recognize/use spelling patterns / 1.1 / Know complete/incomplete sent.
1.2 / Apply basic syllabication rules / 1.2 / Use correct word order in sent.
1.3 / Decode two/multi-syllable words / Grammar
1.4 / Recognize common abbreviations / 1.3 / Use correct parts of speech
1.5 / Identify and correctly use plurals / Punctuation
1.6 / Read aloud with fluency / 1.4 / Use commas correctly
Vocabulary and Concept Development / 1.5 / Use quotation marks correctly
1.7 / Explain antonyms and synonyms / Capitalization
1.8 / Know meanings of compound words / 1.6 / Capitalize words correctly
1.9 / Know simple prefixes/suffixes / Spelling
1.10 / Know multiple-meaning words / 1.7 / Spell frequently used words
2.0 / Reading Comprehension / 1.8 / Spell basic patterns correctly
Structural Features of Info. Materials
2.1 / Locate info. using book features / LISTENING AND SPEAKING
Comprehension and Analysis of Text / 1.0 / Listening and Speaking Strategies
2.2 / State purpose in reading / Comprehension
2.3 / Know author's purpose / 1.1 / Find purpose for listening
2.4 / Ask clarifying questions / 1.2 / Ask for clarification/explanation
2.5 / Restate facts to clarify/organize / 1.3 / Paraphrase information
2.6 / Recognize cause/effect in text / 1.4 / Give/follow multi-step directions
2.7 / Interpret diagrams/charts/graphs / Organization/Delivery of Oral Commun.
2.8 / Follow two-step written dir. / 1.5 / Organize presentations
3.0 / Literary Response and Analysis / 1.6 / Speak clearly with approp. pace
Narrative Analysis of Text / 1.7 / Tell stories in logical sequence
3.1 / Compare plots/settings/charact. / 1.8 / Retell stories, include elements
3.2 / Generate alternative endings / 1.9 / Report on topic with facts/details
3.3 / Compare/contrast lit. in cultures / 2.0 / Speaking Applications
3.4 / Use rhythm/rhyme, etc. in poetry / Use speaking strategies from 1.0
2.1 / Recount stories logically
WRITING / 2.2 / Report on topic with facts/details
1.0 / Writing Strategies
Organization and Focus
1.1 / Group ideas and maintain focus
1.2 / Write with legible handwriting
1.3 / Use various reference materials
Evaluation and Revision
1.4 / Revise original drafts to improve
2.0 / Writing Applications
Use Writing Strategies in 1.0
2.1 / Write brief narratives
2.2 / Write a friendly letter
Individual Student Profile for Third Grade: English-Language Arts Standards
Student's Name: / Teacher's Name:
1.0 Word Analysis, Fluency, Voc. Develop. / 2.0 / Writing Applications
Decoding and Word Recognition / Use Writing Strategies in 1.0
1.1 / Decode unfamiliar words / 2.1 / Write narratives
1.2 / Decode multi-syllabic words / 2.2 / Write descriptions
1.3 / Read text fluently / 2.3 / Write personal/formal letters
Vocabulary and Concept Development
1.4 / Use antonyms, synonyms, etc. / WRITTEN AND ORAL LANGUAGE CONVENTIONS
1.5 / Explain word relationships / 1.0 / Written and Oral Language Conventions
1.6 / Use sent./context for meaning / Sentence Structure
1.7 / Use dictionary for meaning, etc. / 1.1 / Know different types of sentences
1.8 / Use prefixes, etc. for meaning. / Grammar
1.2 / Identify parts of speech
2.0 / Reading Comprehension / 1.3 / Use verb tenses
Structural Features of Info. Materials / 1.4 / Use subjects and verbs
2.1 / Use book parts to locate info. / Punctuation
Comprehension and Analysis of Text / 1.5 / Punctuate dates/city/state/titles
2.2 / Ask questions to comprehend text / 1.6 / Use commas correctly
2.3 / Identify answers in text / Capitalization
2.4 / Recall major points in text / 1.7 / Capitalize proper nouns
2.5 / Determine main idea in text / Spelling
2.6 / Gain information from text / 1.8 / Spell one-syllable words
2.7 / Follow multi-step instructions / 1.9 / Arrange words/alphabetical order
3.0 / Literary Response and Analysis / LISTENING AND SPEAKING
Structural Features of Literature / 1.0 / Listening and Speaking Strategies
3.1 / Distinguish forms of literature / Comprehension
Narrative Analysis of Text / 1.1 / Retell/paraphrase speeches
3.2 / Comprehend basic plots of lit. / 1.2 / Relate prior experiences
3.3 / Understand characters in lit. / 1.3 / Respond to questions
3.4 / Determine theme in text / 1.4 / Identify musical elements
3.5 / Recognize rhythmic patterns / Organization/Delivery of Oral Commun.
3.6 / Identify speaker/narrator / 1.5 / Organize ideas
1.6 / Organize speech to develop ideas
WRITING / 1.7 / Use vocab./communicate ideas
1.0 / Writing Strategies / 1.8 / Enhance oral presentations
Organization and Focus / 1.9 / Read prose and poetry aloud
1.1 / Create a single paragraph / 1.10 / Compare views in print media
Penmanship / 1.11 / Distinguish facts and opinions
1.2 / Write legibly in cursive
Research and Technology / 2.0 / Speaking Applications
1.3 / Know structure of references / Use speaking strategies from 1.0
Evaluation and Revision / 2.1 / Make narrative presentation
1.4 / Revise drafts of written work / 2.2 / Make dramatic presentation
2.3 / Make descriptive presentations
Individual Student Profile for Fourth Grade: English-Language Arts Standards
Student's Name: / Teacher' Name:
1.0 / Word Analysis, Fluency, Voc. Develop. / 2.0 / Writing Applications
Word Recognition / Use Writing Strategies in 1.0
1.1 / Read text fluently / 2.1 / Write narratives
Vocabulary and Concept Development / 2.2 / Write responses to literature
1.2 / Use word origins/word meaning / 2.3 / Write informational reports
1.3 / Use root words/word meaning / 2.4 / Write summaries
1.4 / Use Greek/Latin affixes/mean.
1.5 / Use thesaurus for related words / WRITTEN AND ORAL LANGUAGE CONVENTIONS
1.6 / Interpret words/mult. meanings / 1.0 / Written and Oral Language Conventions
2.0 / Reading Comprehension / Sentence Structure
Structural Features of Info. Materials / 1.1 / Use simple/compound sentences
2.1 / Use structural patterns in text / 1.2 / Combine short/related sentences
Comprehension and Analysis of Text / Grammar
2.2 / Use strategies when reading / 1.3 / Use regular/irregular verbs
2.3 / Make predictions about text / Punctuation
2.4 / Eval. new info. and hypotheses / 1.4 / Write quotations correctly
2.5 / Compare/contrast information / 1.5 / Write titles correctly
2.6 / Use cause/effect, fact/opinion / Capitalization
2.7 / Follow multi-step instructions / 1.6 / Capitalize proper nouns
3.0 / Literary Response and Analysis / Spelling
Structural Features of Literature / 1.7 / Spell roots, inflections, etc.
3.1 / Describe structural differences
Narrative Analysis of Text / LISTENING AND SPEAKING
3.2 / Identify story elements / 1.0 / Listening and Speaking Strategies
3.3 / Identify causes/character's actions / Comprehension
3.4 / Compare/contrast tales / 1.1 / Ask thoughtful questions, etc.
3.5 / Define figurative language / 1.2 / Summarize major ideas
1.3 / Identify how lang. reflects regions
WRITING / 1.4 / Give directions/instructions
1.0 / Writing Strategies / Organization/Delivery of Oral Commun.
Organization and Focus / 1.5 / Use introductions/conclusions
1.1 / Write with focus, structure, etc. / 1.6 / Use structures to convey info.
1.2 / Write multi-paragraph essay / 1.7 / Emphasize points logically
1.3 / Write to convey information / 1.8 / Use details, etc., to clarify
Penmanship / 1.9 / Use volume, etc., appropriately
1.4 / Write legibly in cursive / 1.10 / Evaluate role of media
Research and Technology / 2.0 / Speaking Applications
1.5 / Paraphrase information sources / Use speaking strategies from 1.0
1.6 / Locate information in texts / 2.1 / Make narrative presentations
1.7 / Use various reference materials / 2.2 / Make informational presentations
1.8 / Know organization of ref. mater. / 2.3 / Deliver oral summaries
1.9 / Demo. basic keyboarding skills / 2.4 / Recite brief poems
Evaluation and Revision
1.10 / Edit and revise text
Individual Student Profile for Fifth Grade: English-Language Arts Standards
Student's Name: / Teacher's Name:
1.0 / Word Analysis, Fluency, Voc. Develop. / 2.0 / Writing Applications
Word Recognition / Use Writing Strategies in 1.0
1.1 / Read text fluently / 2.1 / Write narratives
Vocabulary and Concept Development / 2.2 / Write responses to literature
1.2 / Use word origins for word meaning / 2.3 / Write research reports
1.3 / Explain synonyms, antonyms, etc. / 2.4 / Write persuasive letters
1.4 / Use Greek/Latin affixes/meaning
1.5 / Explain figurative/metaphorical / WRITTEN AND ORAL LANGUAGE CONVENTIONS
2.0 / Reading Comprehension / 1.0 / Written and Oral Language Conventions
Structural Features of Info. Materials / Sentence Structure
2.1 / How text features are usable / 1.1 / Use phrases, clauses, etc.
2.2 / Analyze organized text / Grammar
Comprehension and Analysis of Text / 1.2 / Use verbs, modifiers, pronouns
2.3 / Use strategies while reading / Punctuation
2.4 / Draw inferences, etc., about text / 1.3 / Use a colon and quotation marks
Expository Critique / Capitalization
2.5 / Draw inferences etc., about text / 1.4 / Use correct capitalization
3.0 / Literary Response and Analysis / Spelling
Structural Features of Literature / 1.5 / Spell roots, suffixes, etc.
3.1 / Explain literary forms by authors
Narrative Analysis of Text / LISTENING AND SPEAKING
3.2 / Identify plot conflict and explain / 1.0 / Listening and Speaking Strategies
3.3 / Contrast components of fiction / Comprehension
3.4 / Recognize themes in works / 1.1 / Ask questions for unknown info.
3.5 / Describe common literary devices / 1.2 / Interpret speaker's messages
Literary Criticism / 1.3 / Make inferences/draw conclusions
3.6 / Evaluate patterns and symbols / Organization/Delivery of Oral Commun.
3.7 / Evaluate author's techniques / 1.4 / Select focus, etc. for oral present.
1.5 / Clarify ideas with evidence
WRITING / 1.6 / Engage aud. with verbal clues, etc.
1.0 / Writing Strategies
Organization and Focus / Analysis/Evaluation of Communications
1.7 / Critique presentation techniques
1.1 / Create narratives / 1.8 / Analyze media
1.2 / Create expository compositions / 2.0 / Speaking Applications
Research and Technology / Use speaking strategies from 1.0
1.3 / Use organizational features of text / 2.1 / Deliver narrative presentations
1.4 / Create text using electronic media / 2.2 / Deliver informational present.
1.5 / Use a thesaurus / 2.3 / Deliver oral summaries
Evaluation and Revision
1.6 / Edit and revise manuscripts
Individual Student Profile for Sixth Grade: English-Language Arts Standards
Student's Name: / Teacher's Name:
1.0 / Word Analysis, Fluency, Voc. Develop. / 2.0 / Writing Applications
Word Recognition / Use Writing Strategies in 1.0
1.1 / Read text fluently / 2.1 / Write narratives
Vocabulary and Concept Development / 2.2 / Write expository compositions
1.2 / Interpret figurative lang. etc. / 2.3 / Write research reports
1.3 / Recognize foreign words in English / 2.4 / Write responses to literature
1.4 / Monitor expository text / 2.5 / Write persuasive compositions
1.5 / Explain "shades of meaning"
Structural Features of Info. Materials / 1.0 / Written and Oral Language Conventions
2.1 / Identify features of media / Sentence Structure
2.2 / Analyze compare/contrast text / 1.1 / Use compound/complex sentences
Comprehension and Analysis of Text / Grammar
2.3 / Connect/clarify main ideas / 1.2 / Use indefinite pronouns, etc.
2.4 / Clarify texts by outlining, etc. / Punctuation
2.5 / Follow multi-step directions / 1.3 / Use colons and semicolons
Expository Critique / Capitalization
2.6 / Determine adequacy of conclusions / 1.4 / Use correct capitalization
2.7 / Make assertions about text / Spelling
2.8 / Note propaganda, etc., in text / 1.5 / Spell frequently misspelled words
3.0 / Literary Response and Analysis
Structural Features of Literature / LISTENING AND SPEAKING
3.1 / Identify forms of fiction / 1.0 / Listening and Speaking Strategies
Narrative Analysis of Text / Comprehension
3.2 / Analyze qualities of the character / 1.1 / Relate verbal/nonverbal commun.
3.3 / Analyze setting on the problem / 1.2 / Identify tone/mood/emotion
3.4 / Define tone/meaning of poetry / 1.3 / Restate multi-step directions
3.5 / Know first/third person narration / Organization/Delivery of Oral Commun.
3.6 / Identify features of themes / 1.4 / Match purpose and delivery
3.7 / Explain effects of literary devices / 1.5 / Assist listener with main idea
Literary Criticism / 1.6 / Support opinions w/evidence, etc.
3.8 / Critique characterization in lit. / 1.7 / Use effective oral delivery tech.
Analysis/Evaluation of Communications
WRITING / 1.8 / Use rhetorical devices
1.0 / Writing Strategies / 1.9 / See propaganda in media
Organization and Focus / 2.0 / Speaking Applications
1.1 / Choose appropriate writing form / Use speaking strategies from 1.0
1.2 / Create expository compositions / 2.1 / Deliver narrative presentations
1.3 / Use coherent organ. patterns / 2.2 / Deliver informative presentations
Research and Technology / 2.3 / Deliver oral responses to lit.
1.4 / Use features of electronic text / 2.4 / Deliver persuasive presentations
1.5 / Use formatting/word processing / 2.5 / Deliver problem/solution present.
Evaluation and Revision
1.6 / Revise for improved writing
Individual Student Profile for Seventh Grade: English-Language Arts Standards
Student's Name: / Teacher's Name:
1.0 / Word Analysis, Fluency, Voc. Develop. / 1.0 / Written and Oral Language Conventions
Vocabulary and Concept Development / Sentence Structure
1.1 / Identify styles in prose/poetry / 1.1 / Place modifiers properly
1.2 / Use knowledge of roots/affixes / Grammar
1.3 / Clarify word meanings / 1.2 / Use infinitives and participles
2.0 / Reading Comprehension / 1.3 / Identify all parts of speech
Structural Features of Info. Materials / 1.4 / Demonstrate mechanics of writing
2.1 / Analyze diff. in structure/purpose / Punctuation
2.2 / Locate info. in documents / 1.5 / Use hyphens, dashes, etc.
2.3 / Analyze cause/effect text / Capitalization
Comprehension and Analysis of Text / 1.6 / Use correct capitalization
2.4 / Trace author's argument, etc. / Spelling
2.5 / Follow technical directions / 1.7 / Spell derivatives correctly
Expository Critique
2.6 / Assess author's evidence / LISTENING AND SPEAKING
3.0 / Literary Response and Analysis / 1.0 / Listening and Speaking Strategies
Structural Features of Literature / Comprehension
3.1 / Articulate different forms of prose / 1.1 / Ask probing questions
Narrative Analysis of Text / 1.2 / Determine speaker's attitude
3.2 / Identify events that advance plot / 1.3 / Respond to persuasive messages
3.3 / Analyze characterizations / Organization/Delivery of Oral Commun.
3.4 / Identify recurring themes / 1.4 / Organize information for purpose
3.5 / Contrast points of view / 1.5 / Arrange details, etc. effectively
Literary Criticism / 1.6 / Use oral delivery techniques
3.6 / Analyze responses/literary works / Analysis/Evaluation of Communications
1.7 / Provide constructive feedback
WRITING / 1.8 / Analyze effect of electronic journ.
1.0 / Writing Strategies / 2.0 / Speaking Applications
Organization and Focus / Use speaking strategies from 1.0
1.1 / Use balanced aspects/composition / 2.1 / Deliver narrative presentations
1.2 / Support statements and claims / 2.2 / Deliver oral summaries
1.3 / Use strategies to structure drafts / 2.3 / Deliver research presentations
Research and Technology / 2.4 / Deliver persuasive presentations
1.4 / Identify topics for research
1.5 / Give credits in bibliographies
1.6 / Use desk-top publishing tech.
Evaluation and Revision
1.7 / Review writing to improve
2.0 / Writing Applications
Use Writing Strategies in 1.0
2.1 / Write fictional/autobiography
2.2 / Write responses to literature
2.3 / Write research reports