W.T. Eich Middle School
6th grade
Language Arts & Social Studies
Welcome to the 2017-2018 school year with the Eich Wildcats!
TEACHER CONTACT INFORMATION: Mrs. Holly Brear 916.771.1770 x23202
Language Arts--
We adopted a new language arts curriculum this year called Springboard, which covers these Common Core Standards through both a consumable text as well as a novel:
●Comprehension: Narrative, Expository, and Critical Reading Skills
●Writing: Narrative, Informative, and Argumentative
●Vocabulary, Speaking, Listening, and Language Skills
This course is designed to cover all the key Common Core standards that students need to master in order to be successful in sixth grade language arts.
Social Studies--
We use Holt World History’s Ancient Civilizations textbook for the curriculum of these ancient civilizations:
●Early humans
●Ancient Egypt
●Ancient Kush
●Ancient India
●Ancient China
●Hebrews and Judaism
●Ancient Greece
●Ancient Rome
●TWO 8 ½ x 11 spiral notebooks (Five Star [recommended] or equivalent)
●Thin black Sharpies for social studies maps
●Glue sticks
●Colored pencils
●Thin markers (not thick)
●School planner
●Loose leaf paper
●Optional: Kleenex (any time during the year)
●Students must record all assignments in their planner each week.
●Homework will count for 10% of students’ grades.
●Late work accepted during first trimester, with most work being completed in class.
●All notebooks and class texts will stay in the classroom unless otherwise noted on my webpage
●ACADEMIC CONTENT: 90% (tests, finals, benchmarks, projects)
●ACADEMIC BEHAVIOR & COLLEGE READINESS: 10% (homework, classwork, quizzes)
●Students will have opportunities to retake tests for absences and for test scores of 79% and below.
Students are expected to follow the Wildcat Way Guidelines set forth by our school.
Students are expected to follow all school rules (see the parent-student handbook). This includes coming to class on time, being in your seat when the bell rings, and being fully prepared for class. In addition, students are expected to:
●Show respect to others and their property
●Use appropriate language
●Be prepared for learning (have all supplies out and ready each day)
●Participate appropriately during group tasks
●No gum, but food is allowed for eating during breaks between classes
Failure to follow the above expected behavior will result in the following steps:
●Student will be reminded of our class rules and will be redirected.
●Student will move seats.
●If the two previous interventions are unsuccessful, students will be issued a written citation to serve detention.
●A disciplinary referral to the assistant principal is issued.
Issues of academic integrity and honesty are dealt with in a serious manner. Students caught cheating will have parent contacted, a zero on that assignment, quiz, or test, and a possible referral. Cheating includes:
●Copying or giving answers on any assignment, test, or quiz
●Looking at other students’ tests or quizzes during an exam
●Plagiarizing or copying work from someone else
●Unauthorized use of notes, book(s), cheat sheet
Please remember that grades are not given, but earned. Let’s work closely to ensure your child has a fantastic sixth grade experience!