Language Arts IV

Mr. Wolf

(714) 986-7580 x11262


Fall Semester Curriculum

PostHigh School Unit: Personal Brochure & Symbolism, Resume, College Notes & Research

Epic Poetry – Beowulf(Author Unknown)

The Canterbury Tales (Geoffrey Chaucer)

Frankenstein (Mary Wolstonecraft Shelley)

Renaissance, Enlightenment, & Romantic Verse (Various Authors)

Spring Semester Curriculum

Tragedy – Hamlet (William Shakespeare)

Contemporary Novel – The Catcher in the Rye (J.D. Salinger)

Drama – Pygmalion (George Bernard Shaw)

SSR Project (Analytical Essay)

Senior Project

SKILLS: We will focus our study on student development in 5 areas:

1. Reading Comprehension

2. Literary Response and Analysis

3. Writing Strategies and Applications

4. Conventions of the English Language (Written & Oral)

5. Listening and Speaking


Analytical Composition – We will explore many levels of literary analysis. This analysis will take form in

constructive responses (both at home and in class), formal essays, in class work, homework, and each final

exam. Each formal essay will adhere to the standards and rules established in the MLA handbook. Some

assignments will be turned in electronically.

Senior Project:

This is a career based project which can be fulfilled through either job shadowing or the completion of an

actual “project”. The unit consists of several components, the majority of which are due during the second

semester. Assignments due during the semester assignment and several assignments will apprise 20% of the

Spring semester final grade. Three assignments, however, will be due during the first semester. These

assignments are the parent signature, proposal, and mentor/advisor agreement form. More information

regarding the Project will be distributed during the 2nd quarter and sent home to parents / guardians.

Silent Reading:

You will be expected to have your own silent reading book every day. During the month of September you

will be allowed to select a book entirely of your own choosing. However, in October you will be given a list

for the LA4 SSR Project. You are to select two texts off this list for SSR beginning in October. During the

Spring semester you will write an in-class essay to assess your understanding of the texts. During SSR you

are expected to be reading an appropriate book


A traditional grading scale will be applied in class (90%-100% - A). No curve will be applied.


Grades will be posted online. Grades are updated weekly. If you are unsure about your Aeries log-on information, please contact the Counseling Office. Please be aware that the Aeries grade book will not be set up until the week of Sept. 20th.

Late & Make Up Work:

Absent work is the responsibility of the student. As a rule late work is not accepted. Note that “late work” isdifferent than “make-up work”. Make-up work is defined as work that is assigned when a student is absent on the day assigned or the day it is due. Students are advised to access when absent to see what assignments were given that day. If possible, those assignments should be done prior to returning to class. Late work is defined as work that is assigned and collected on days that the student is present in class.


Long term assignments in which due date(s) are definedwell in advance (ex: Sr. Project) are not accepted “on time” after the due date. This means that even if youare absent on one of these dates, your work still needs to be turned in when it is due.


If a student knows theyare going to be absent on a certain day they should communicate with me pre-absence and refer to theweekly calendar located on the board and at to keep from falling behind. E-mail can also be an effective way to find out what is missed, or to turn in assignment through attachments. Examples of this include but are not limited to: college visitations, athletic competitions, etc.


If you are absent from class on a day an assignment is due, but are on campus for another period you are expected to bring the assignment to room P-28 or turn it into my mailbox in the front office before the end of the school day. Examples of this include but are not limited to: In-house (on-campus) suspension, on campus testing (AP, CAHSEE, STAR, etc.), athletic competitions, field trips. etc.


You are expected to be in class and to be on time. If you are in 1st period you are required to get re-admit upon your return. Being late to class because you were getting re-admit does not excuse your tardy. When you are absent you should do all that is possible to not fallbehind. Checking and communicating through e-mail are effective ways for you to see what you missed in class, and/or turn in work that is due. Additionally, if you are sent to another place on campus via a call slip (classroom, locker room, front office) you are expected to return to class with the call slip stamped or signed with the time you were released back to class.


The EDHS tardy policy will be enforced. You will be marked tardy if you are not in your seat when the bell rings to begin class. The dismissal bell releases you from your seat unless otherwise notified by me. Do not migrate toward the door prior to the dismissal bell.

#1-2 = FREE#3-4 = one hour, after school detention

#5 and up =referral to attendance director and Saturday Work Program

* Tardies will “start over” at the semester (20 weeks)


The McDougal-Littell (“Big Purple Book”) may stay at home for homework purposes. All other texts(SSR book, and/or other assigned texts) should be brought to class daily.

Extra Help:

I am available for tutoring everyday at lunch unless otherwise notified. If you feel you need extensive help, please let me know and we will make plans accordingly. Study sessions will be scheduledfor some major tests and written assignments. E-mail can also be an effective way to get extra help. Other LA teachers are also available for tutoring per the LA tutoring schedule which can be found on

Classroom Rules:

  1. Be respectful of others.
  2. Hats and sunglasses off when inside.
  3. No i-pods or cell phones.
  4. No food or drink other than water is allowed in class Monday through Thursday. Food is allowed on Friday. You are expected to throw all trash away and make sure your desk is clean when you leave.
  5. Your desktop is to be clear of all material except for that which is being used in class that day. Backpacks and purses are to be on the floor.
  6. Your participation in class is expected.


1. Be here. Be on time. Be ready to contribute and learn.

2. Do all assignments thoroughly and thoughtfully.

3. Don’t let little problems become big problems. Ask for help when you need it.

Please sign below. Please not that this page will be collected and kept in class. If you should ever wish to review this course outline it can be accessed on Mr. Wolf’s LA4 page at

I have read this course outline and understand the established rules and policies.

Student (Print): ______Date: ______

Student (Sign): ______

Parent (Sign): ______Date: ______