NAME ______

6th GRADE GROUP ______DATE ______

Adjective: An adjective is a word or phrase that is used to modify a noun or pronoun.

Example: The snake is long and green.• In this example, long and green are adjectives because they modify the noun snake.

Directions: Underline the adjectives in the following sentences.

1) The motorcycle is old.

2) Today is cloudy, hot, and humid.

3) The man wearing a blue suit is young.

4) The runner is very fast.

5) He is a good basketball player.

6) Alamance Community College is a great place to learn.

7) The blue bus is late.

8) The rusty truck has an oversized trailer.

9) Jaime is so smart!

10) The job was difficult, but manageable.

Adverbsare words that describe or modify verbs. They sometimes modify adjectives or other adverbs. An adverb usually tellshow,where, orwhen.Each of the following sentences contains one adverb.Underline the adverb. The first three sentences are done for you.

1. Sharonartfullyavoided answering the rude question.

2. Williamusuallylaughs at his brother’s antics.

3. Does Kevin like to wear his coatinside?

4. I often wish you’d share your opinions with us.

5. Jenna recovered quickly and won the game.

6. The official did not answer truthfully.

7. We saw nothing because we looked away.

8. I really appreciate your help.

9. Please visit us if you ever get a chance.

10. Marie recently visited an interesting lighthouse.


Every sentence has to have a subject (a person or thing) and a verb(what that person or thing does.) But a very good sentence has morethan just a simple subject and verb. Other kinds of words help make thesentence more exciting. A preposition can tell us more information aboutwhat is happening and when.

Many of the prepositions that we use a lot are prepositions that tell where. Others give usmore information about the subject.

Use the common prepositions from the word bank to complete the sentences.

Word Bank

to from in out on off for of by with

1) The princess lives ______the castle.

2) I bought some milk ______the grocery store.

3) My sister sat ______my mom ______the bus.

4) When we got ready for dinner, I had to take my books ______the table.

5) We took a trip ______of town last week.

6) My dad always drinks a glass ______milk before bed to help him sleep.

7) The thing I enjoy most about the holidays is playing ______my cousins.

8) Next year I will be old enough to walk ______school by myself.

9) Please leave your shoes ______the door when you come in.

10) Our dog ran ______the yard ______the fence.

Possessive Pronoun or Possessive Adjective?

Choose whether each sentence requires a possessive adjective or a possessivepronoun:

EX: That car is not his. It's mine. (possessive pronoun)

OR That's my car. (possessive adjective)

1. She's not his friend, she's ______(my/mine).

2. Robert didn't drink his own coffee. He drank ______(her/hers).

3. That is one of ______(hers/her) friends.

5. His neighborhood is safe, while ______(my/mine) isn't.

6. Did ______(your/yours) mother call?

7. I don't know ______(them/their) very well.

8. I don't know ______(them/their) daughter very well.

9. I talked to ______(my/me) grandmother for three hours last night.

10. I think I got my notes mixed up with ______(your/yours).

Writing task. Read the beginning of the story and complete it

Time passengers

The morning sounds were different that morning. I slowly walked out of my bedroom and tried to see what was happening. Suddenly I saw a calendar on the wall. The date? June 8th 1866. How did I get here from the year 2016? How can I go back? I had to find out……______
