We are a small band of parents who believe in supporting the Educational needs of our children by “FUNdraising” for all those extra special, nice to have things that make our children’s early School days that little bit more special. Above all we try to put the FUN into FUNdraising and involve children and parents whenever we can.
I have been heard to say on many occasions that our political ideology must be left outside the committee. In all honesty it would be great if there were an endless pot of gold from Government to meet the needs of our school. But while we wait for political decisions our children’s early years have gone and the innocence of those early years soon wanes. So forget the politics and let’s get on with it. Its not for us its for them.
Your PTA believes strongly in supporting the philosophy and values of the school by providing extra revenue through our “FUNdraising” efforts. Our motto is quite simple:
“Go on make the effort, together we can make the difference”
If in doubt about the value of a PTA committee and its efforts, last year your committee raised in excess of £8000, which allowed us to:
· Update the School Library and main entrance to the school
· Complete two installations of White boards and laptops in the classrooms
· Place £500 into the special needs department to enhance its educational medium
· Support the schools swimming lessons initiative to the sum of £5 per child.
· Provide two notice boards, at the top and bottom entrances to the school improving communication throughout our school community.
· Cover the costs of entertainers and Christmas crackers during the festive season.
· Acquire discounts from DIY stores such as B&Q
· Gain support from local developers, David Wilson Homes by providing the school with a Flag Pole for their “Green Flag” award for eco strategies, saving us over £250
How do we decide to spend the money? At the PTA, AGM a school “Wish List” is presented prioritising the School needs. We do our best to achieve our targets and grant those wishes. We ask all families of the school to do the same.
Please participate in our events. Help with events, support us in our efforts to reward all our children, so remember
“Go on make the effort, together we can make the difference”
Rhiannon Perry
Langstone P.T.A