Langdon Planning Board

Unofficial Minutes

Jan 18,2012 @ 700pm

Langdon Municipal Building.

Vice-Chairperson Pat Breslend called the meeting to order at 700pm. Chairperson Chops Polcari (Bob) had unavoidable commitments elsewhere.

Pat is aware of this and has the keys.

Pat passes out the new RSA books to all of the members.

Members present: Vice-chairperson Pat Breslend, Bob Frant, Marilyn Stuller, Rob Chamberlain, Everett Adams and Selectperson Jay Grant.

Unofficial Minutes;

Vice-Chairperson Pat Breslend read the Unofficial minutes for Jan 18,2012. Pat asks if there was any additions or corrections. Bob made the motions to accept the unofficial minutes as corrected, corrections were minor errors. Everett seconded the motion. Voted and approved.

Pat also read the Amended unofficial minutes for Dec. 14,2011,Pat asks if there was any additions or corrections. Rob made a motion to accept the unofficial minutes as read, Bob seconded the motion. Voted and approved.

Jerry & Mary Henry Gravel Pit:

Pat ask Jay if he had contacted Town Attorney Michael Frust what are resources would be concerning Jerry & Mary Henry ‘s to reclaim their property and if he wants any of the research that the Planning Board have done so far. Jay stated that as far as Jerry & Mary Henry gravel pit is concern Mike wants all of the information that we can give him. He wants copies of all of the commutations we had with the Henry’s, minutes, status if its grandfather or not, when their intent to excavate was last issued. (He also wants a copy of our Gravel Regulations, also a complete copy of our Building Codes, Zoning Ordinances, and Subdivision Regulations. Michael Frust needs these regulations as soon as possible so that he can be prepare for a joint meeting with the Planning Board, ZBA Board, Building Inspector, Selectmen and Town Counsel on March 28th, 2012) Jay also stated that Michael needs this information before he can tell us what our recourse is for going forward with the Henry’s gravel pit.

Michael Nachajski:

Michael Nachajski came before the Planning Board to present a subdivision lot # 54-23.1. Of Bruce & Virginia Cheeney property on the plot behind the old

Cemetery. Lot 3 is what they are looking to subdivide 5.17acres. The Board looks over the paper copies that Mike had and asks questions according to the Planning Board Mylar Checklist. The Board discusses with Mike what information that is missing and needs to be recorded on his Mylar. He also has to notified Chairperson Chops Polcari and let Chops know when he has all of this information done so that Chops can schedule a public hearing.

1-Namer Of Property Owner:

2-Surveyors signature and Date and Seal:

3-Dimensions of Mylar 17x22 or 22x34 in permanent black ink.

4-Signature area is on the paper copy but Statement of Subdivision Regulations of Langdon NH needs to be added:

5-Existing and proposed contours:

. 6-Correct owners,

Mike will have DiBernardo Assoc. (Surveyor) add the changes to his plat and than call Chairperson Chops (Bob) Polcari to schedule a public hearing in March. Mike gave Estelle the abutter’s list and Estelle will call Mike with the amount that she needs to send out the certified Mail/Receipt.

Estelle will call Chops for the date of the public hearing and than she will send out the certified letters /receipt and will post the public hearing in 2 newspapers and on 2 public buildings.

Lynn Philips was schedule to come before the Board to combine 2 abutting lots. She was not present.

Pat had a written form for a lot-line adjustment between Mildred Kmice and Raymond & Gloria L’Abbe 461 Cheshire Tpk, Langdon, Map#1 Book #3402 & 3401. Ray was not present at the meeting; Pat will call Chairperson Chops (Bob) Polcari and have him tell Ray what he needs to do before he can begin the process for a lot line adjustment.

Master Plan:

Marilyn gave our updated (Langdon Master Plan Survey) questionnaire to Lisa Murphy and waiting for her opinion.

Old Business:

Jay ask Everett if Langdon has adopted ICBO (International Conference of Building Officials) in our Building Codes and if so why isn’t in the Building Codes?

Rob and Marilyn will look into this and find out where it is written.

Everett made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 915pm,Bob seconded the motion, voted and approved.

Respectively submitted

Estelle Adams, recording secretary.