Lanercost CE Primary School
Number 5 January - 2016
Dear Parents,
A very warm welcome back to the start of 2016, to a busy but important term with lots of events happening.
On our first day back the children worked in teams to find out more about the Christian value of creativity, which we will be exploring this term. The children demonstrated excellent teamanship and used their imaginations to the full. We were delighted with their responses and presentations.
We would like to welcome; Louise, Pearl, Joshua D. and Ernie to our nursery, Nell (Year R) and Hannah (Year 4) to our school. We are looking forward to working with you all and your families.
Prompt Start!
Can I remind parents that registration starts at 8.50am so please make sure that your child/ren arrive on time. Children arriving after this time will be recorded as late on the register.
Swimming, Gymnastics and Dance:
Just to remind you all the children will be travelling to Morton Academy, Carlisle every Tuesday afternoon for either swimming (4, 5 and 6) or gymnastics (R, 1, 2 and 3). Please can children in Yr. R to Yr. 3 come to school dressed in their PE kit underneath joggers, everyone will need a coat.
All swimmers must bring swimming costumes or trunks (no swimming shorts please), a towel and hats. All ear rings must not be worn on this day for either PE or swimming. We will be back before the end of the school day.
Dance will be on a Friday afternoon for children in year 3 – 5, please make sure that children come dressed in their PE kits with their wellingtons as the walk to the Dacre Hall is rather muddy. Children in YR, 1 and 2 will also need to come dressed ready for PE.
Flag of the Month Homework:
We have a new flag from a different continent flying outside of school for January. Please can your child find out about this country for their homework?
E-Safety Evening: Thursday 21st January – 6-7pm
Have you ever wondered about how to set parental restrictions on your child’s computer; about the age your child can access Facebook or Instagram or how to keep your child safe on the computer? If the answer is yes then this evening will supply you with the answers. Jeff Haslam works across the county and beyond helping schools and parents with knowledge of how to keep children safe whist using the internet.
FOLS Meeting – Wednesday 27th January, 7.30pm at Sarah Hamilton’s House
Please come along and share your ideas and time with the Friends of Lanercost School, on Wednesday 27th January, 7.30 pm at Sarah Hamilton’s.
Years 3 and 4, Residential to Robinwood, near Alston, Wednesday 3rd – Friday 5th February:
We are well under way with the preparations for the residential to Robinwood. Miss Turnbull and I shall be accompanying the children. There is a meeting for parents about the residential on Thursday 21st January 3.45pm at Castle Carrock, however, if anyone has any queries or concerns, please do not hesitate to speak to either of us.
Chinese New Year Special Dinner – Monday 8th February
Julie will be cooking a special dinner on this day to fit in with this celebration. If you would like your child to have this special meal, look out the letter that will follow shortly.
Carnival of the Animals:
This term we shall be doing a creative curriculum project based on the music of Saints Saens ‘Carnival of the Animals’.
Over the course of the rest of the term we will be learning all about the different pieces of music that makes up this sound picture. Nearly 150 years ago, the composer Camille Saint-Saens was asked by his pupils to write a musical joke for them. He wrote the" Carnival of the Animals,"
Star of the Week:
Our Stars of the Week for November and December were:
Cansu (Y5) for a fantastic scary story starter
Zak (Y2) for concentrating hard with his big writing
Ethan (Y6) for great work on long division and for supporting others
Hugo (Y1) for great listening and excellent art work
William M. (Y2) for an excellent positive attitude and trying hard in maths
Gil (YR) for listening and trying hard all week
Lewis (Y5) for being helpful and an excellent role model for younger children
Samuel (Y1) for trying hard in all areas, especially phonics
Isabelle (Y3) for a positive attitude and trying hard in all areas
Lillirose (Y3) for being a great peer teacher of number bonds to 100
Noah (YR) for becoming more confident in group situations
Ayedon (Y4) for a positive attitude and good effort all week
Luke (Y6) for a good effort and positive attitude throughout the week
Archie (Y2) for a positive attitude and trying hard, especially in literacy
Amy (Y5) for making fantastic progress with her silver maths passport
Lewis (Y5) for making fantastic progress with his silver passport
Cem (Y2) for making fantastic progress with his bronze passport
Louise (Y1) for thoughtful answers in RE
Priory Collective Worship at the Priory
Dates Monday 18th January
Monday 8th February
Monday 14th March
Please come and join us in our act of collective worship at 9.15 am for approximately 20 minutes.
Sporting Dates
Year 3 and 4 Festival at WHS – Wednesday 20th January 3.30 – 4.45pm
Sands Centre Football Tournament – Saturday 23rd January 9 – 2pm
Beginners Gymnastics Competition: - Wednesday 10th February 9 – 12 noon
Brampton Schools Swimming Gala – Friday 12th February 1-3pm
Carlisle Area Final Gymnastics Competition – Tuesday 23rd February
U Dance at the Sands Centre (Y 3, 4 and 5) – Friday 18th March
Lanercost Cross Country – Saturday 19th March – Lanercost 10.30am
County Finals Gymnastic Competition (Penrith) – Thursday 24th March
Pancake Madness: – Monday 8th February 2.45pm
We shall be organising our traditional pancake races on Monday 8th February at 2.45pm. Please remember that your child will need to bring in a pan and pancake. Parents are welcome to join in with this fun event.
Parents Evenings: 9th and 11th February
These will be held on Tuesday 9th and Thursday 11th February (3.45 – 6.30 pm on both nights).
If you have any concerns that you wish to discuss with us prior to this, please remember we are only too happy to make time to talk to you. A letter will follow on shortly from the office.
World Book Day: – Thursday 3rdMarch
This year we would like children to come to school dressed as their favourite book character.
Lanercost Cross Country Race: - Saturday 19th March 10.30am at Lanercost Cricket Club
Please keep this date free and come along to support the school, it is one of our main fund raising events of the year, with over 200 children from different schools taking part in the cross country.
If you feel that you could help FOLS with this event please contact Sarah Hamilton, the secretary.
Easter Egg Hunt: - Wednesday 23rd March
The Easter Egg Hunt and tea will start at 2pm. In the morning children will be doing an Easter Challenge and parents will be able to see the end results in the afternoon.
Easter Service: – Early Finish Thursday 24th March
The end of term service will be on Friday at 1.30pm. School will close early on this day, at the end of the service.
Best wishes,
Alison Clarricoats
Head teacher
Date of next newsletter: Friday 5th February
Dates for the term can be found on our website