Minutes of the Landewednack Parish Council Meeting held on Thursday 12th January 2017 at 7.30pm at the READING ROOM, THE LIZARD

Present:Cllrs B Browning (Chairman), R Wheeler,V Burt, S Wheeler, J Allerton, S Parker, Z Browning

In Attendance: Mrs D Shepherd (Clerk) PCSO Julia Berry and 12 members of the public

16/17 – 223To receive and accept apologies

The Clerk reported that apologies with a reason had been received fromCllrs Hill, Muller and Kinvig

16/17 - 224Declarations of Interest: To receive declarations of personal interest and disclosable pecuniary interest in respect of items of this agenda

Cllr Allerton declared a personal and pecuniary interest in PA 16/10881

16/17 – 225Police Report:

PCSO J Berry reported that she had been on secondment from March to November 2016 and was now back covering the parish and invited any questions

16/17 – 226Public Participation:. To receive public comment on items on the agenda.

Mr Trott reported that he had accepted an extension to his Post Office contract until September 2017. He does not know why the extension is only until September but he has been in contact with Lewis Horne to try to find out. With the notice period of three months it seems likely that the Post Office would close by December 2017. Mr Trott would be prepared to continue to March 2018 but only if there was a possibility that someone would take over the Post Office. Mr Trott said that he felt a Post Office van, with a much reduced service, would be a disaster for the parish. Mr Trott said that he would be pleased to answer any questions anyone in the parish might have and that he would keep the Parish Council updated. Cllr Allerton apologised that he was unableto take on the Post Office. He said that he would have loved to have done that but it was not possibleThe Chairman thanked Mr Trott for attending the meeting.

One member of the public referred to the front page article in the West Briton setting out an interview with Cllr Allerton and expressed dismay at the content and the suggestion that Cllr Allerton did not have any sympathy with the loss of the post office to the village. Cllr Allerton responded that the lack of support for his shop had led to his decision not to take on the Post Office.

16/17 – 227Landewednack Parish Council Minutes 8th December2016: To approve and sign the minutes as a correct record

Min 201 – Cllr Z Browning asked for her suggestion about the possibility of the parish or the village purchasing the British Legion premises to be added to the minute

it was resolved to approve and sign the minutes as a correct record subject to the above amendment (Proposed Cllr B Browning)

16/17 – 228Cornwall Council: Planning Applications:

Proposal:Various works to Trees
Location:Landewednack House
Applicant:Miss L Samworth

The Clerk reported that this application had been withdrawn and the works approved as the Tree Officer had concluded the trees were not TPO trees and that the proposed pruning and thinning were minor works

16/17 – 229Cornwall Council: Planning Decisions

It was noted that the following applications had been approved with conditions as filed:

Reference:PA 16/1041

Proposal:Extension and Alterations to Existing Dwelling

Location:Penmenner Cottage, Penmenner Road

Applicant:Ms Sheila Thompson

Reference:PA 16/10489

Proposal:Construction of dwelling to include photovoltaic cells on the southern roof

Location:Ivy Cottage, Cross Common

Applicant:Mr D Tonkin


Proposal:Replace three existing buildings within the car park with a single new

building along with the formation of a new exit from the car park onto an existing vehicular track

Location:Public Conveniences Car Park, Kynance Cove

Applicant:Mr Mike Hardy, National Trust

16/17 – 230Rocket Cart House: The Clerk to report

The Clerk, as requested, had made contact with the enforcement officer about this matter raised by Cllr Hill. The enforcement officer had said that the wall already benefits from deemed planning permission and that the planning department does not get involved in land ownership issues. She stated that if it is believed that this wall and parking area has encroached on highways land then this would be a complaint for highways and not planning. Or alternatively a civil matter for any private land owner. The enforcement officer is looking into the fact that the owner has now erected the front wall shown on the approved plans but has built this in block and render not natural stone.

16/17 – 231Penmenner Road:The Clerk to report

The Clerk, as requested, had sought further information about the £20,000 voluntary contribution offered by the developers towards affordable housing in the parish. Cllr Rule had confirmed that this would be held by Cornwall Council until the parish applied for it, if and when an affordable housing scheme was planned for the village.

16/17 – 2321 Caernarvon Cottages: The Clerk to report

The Clerk reported that the Council’s solicitors had written to Mr Mitchell to confirm the situation, and had asked for two quotes for a valuation. One quote had been received from Lodge and Thomas. The second quote from Care and Company had not been received so Cllr Wheeler had made direct contact with them. Their quote would be less but they are estate agents and not chartered surveyors. Cllr Wheeler suggested he might be able to negotiate with Lodge and Thomas about the negotiation aspect of the quote and was asked to do so.

It was resolved to accept the quote from Lodge and Thomas (Proposed Cllr B Browning)

16/17 - 233Winch at Church Cove: To receive a report from Cllr B Browning

Cllr B Browning reported that he had authorised Ian Henn to repair the winch. He did not know what the cost would be.

16/17 – 234Lizard Football Club Lease: The Clerk to report

The Clerk reported that the Football Club had now paid £75 for the 2016/17 lease.

16/17 – 235Land at the Triangle: Cllrs S Wheeler, R Wheeler and Parker to report

Cllr Parker reported that he and Cllr S Wheeler had met with Kier who had agreed to level the ground and remove the spoil. Cllr Parker had a further meeting with them on January 16th. Cllr B Browning thanked the Cllrs for doing this.

16/17 – 236Poltair Homes: Cllr R Wheeler to report

Cllr Wheeler reported on his negotiations with Poltair Homes and his discussions with Cornwall Council. He said that he had made some progress with Poltair Homes and was awaiting further information from Cornwall Council. Cllrs confirmed that they would like Cllr Wheeler to continue his work with the aim of making it possible for a footpath to be laid across this land without unacceptable conditions and obligations being placed upon the Parish Council

16/17 – 237Post Office: The Clerk to report

The Clerk had circulated the draft parish questionnaire prepared by Cllr Kinvig for consideration by the Council. Cllrs discussed the merits of a petition against a questionnaire and the possibility of having both. It was noted that a questionnaire could be delivered via Lizard Lives and also be placed in Cllr Allerton’s shop and the Post Office.

It was resolved that the Clerk should issue the questionnaire on behalf of the Parish Council (Proposed Cllr B Browning)

16/17 – 238Sound Quality at Council Meetings: The Clerk to report

The Clerk reported that she had not heard anything further from Cllr Muller. It was confirmed that the Reading Room Management Committee had not yet met to discuss the Parish Council’s request.

It was resolved to place this on the agenda of the February meeting (Proposed Cllr B Browning)

16/17 – 239Toilets: The Clerk to report

The Clerk reported that the Cleaners (Mr and Mrs Johns) had resigned and would finish at the end of January. The Clerk had met with them to discuss the job and their experience of it. They had confirmed that the rate of pay offered seemed fair for the work involved. They had also confirmed that they thought the job needed to be done by a local person. Cllrs asked that a letter of thanks be written to Mr and Mrs Johns for their excellent work. The Clerk reported that Cllr Wheeler had identified the possibility of small business rate relief for the toilets which she would now pursue.

It was resolved that the Clerk should advertise the Cleaning post locally (Proposed Cllr B Browning)

16/17 – 240Finance and Payments of Accounts

It was noted that the Council funds stood at £39658.57

It was resolved to note the following receipts:


Toilet Donations£148

Telephone Box (Lease)£1

Lizard Football Club (Lease)£75

It was resolved to authorise the following payments:

Clerk’s Salary January£351.39

PAYE January£234.80

Johns (Cleaning)£140

Stamps (Recorded Delivery)£1.74



SW Water£153.71

Kevin Authers (Green Maintenance)£1380

The Clerk reported that she was still having a continuing dialogue with HMRC as the debt issue was still not resolved but that it was possible HMRC had paid the Council too much Maternity Payment Compensation. The Clerk said that despite chasing she had still not received any monies from the Cornwall Council Local Maintenance Partnership. The Clerk reported that she had received a quote from Kevin Authers for the reseeding of the Green, as requested by Cllr B Browning, for £2500.

It was resolved that the Clerk should ask for two more quotes for the reseeding of the Green (Proposed Cllr B Browning)

16/17 – 241Recreation Ground Equipment: Cllr S Wheeler to report

Cllr S Wheeler reported that she had identified a range of adult playground equipment although she was not sure where it should be sited. She had also identified sources of funding e.g. Community Asset Fund. Cllr S Wheeler was asked to continue her work on this.

16/17 – 242Speeding in the Village: Cllr S Wheeler to report

Cllr S Wheeler reported that two cars had been noted speeding in the village, one being a National Trust vehicle and she suggested ways in which speeding might be tackled by the local community. Some Cllrs expressed concern about the Council becoming involved in this matter

16/17 – 243Maintenance of the Green: Cllr Z Browning to report

Cllr Z Browning express concern about the trailer and cars at Tranquilla and the detrimental effect this is having upon the Green. She noted that the grass cutters had to cut round the trailer and the cars and that the grass underneath was dead. Cllr Burt expressed dismay that this situation was allowed to continue when the Council were guardians of the Green

16/17 – 244Christmas Lights/Fireworks: Cllr Z Browning to report

Cllr Z Browning reported that the Firework display had been marvellous and that she proposed that the Parish Council make a donation to the Firework Committee. The Clerk read out a letter received from Janet Thirlaway Price asking for a donation towards the Lizard Christmas Lights.

It was resolved to make a donation to the Christmas Lights/Firework Committee but that the amount to be allocated would be decided at the February Council meeting (Cllr B Browning)

16/17 – 245Devon and Cornwall Police: The Clerk to report

The Clerk said that the she had extracted the following November crime figures for the parish from the Police UK:

Burglary (Petrol Station), Bicycle Theft (Per Kithen), Criminal Damage and Arson (Parking Area National Trust)

16/17 – 246Roads and Footpaths in the Parish:

The Clerk reported that she had, as requested, reported the two street lights that were now working at Church Cove but they had still not been fixed so she would continue to chase. Cllrs discussed how the Parish Council had become responsible for some of the street lights in the parish and whether Cornwall Council could take over responsibility. A member of the public, Vicky Parker, offered to investigate and her offer was gratefully accepted.

16/17 – 247Complaint: The Clerk to report

The Clerk read out a letter from Cornwall Council’s Monitoring Officer who had investigated the complaint by Mr Nixon and concluded that he could not find any evidence that Cllr B Browning had introduced himself as a Councillor or used information or knowledge that he could only have gained in his public capacity. He therefore concluded that Cllr B Browning had been acting in his personal capacity and that there had been no breach of the Code of Conduct. The Monitoring Officer had therefore rejected the complaint. The Clerk said that she had received further correspondence from Mr Nixon who asked that the matter be dealt with by the Parish Council. He had stated that if no apology was forthcoming then it will be noted that the Parish Council finds it is acceptable for villagers in whatever capacity, to speak to others in the village in the same manner. The Clerk reported that she had taken further advice from the Monitoring Officer who had stated that Cornwall Council is responsible for overseeing the behaviour of Councillors and making a determination. The Code of Conduct provides that Councillors may act in their private capacity and although Mr Nixon’s concerns are noted, Councillors are at times, by law, not bound by their role as Councillors and the Parish Council is bound to accept the decision of the Monitoring Officer.

16/17 – 248Correspondence

The Clerk referred to the list of correspondence which is now set out on the agenda. She reported that 59 people had visited the Council’s website in December and looked at over 250 pages of the site. She had received several communications via the website from residents including one which she had discussed with the Chairman from James Thirlaway-Price about the use of the Tennis Courts. Cllr B Browning said that he would act on the suggestions made.

16/17 – 249Items for the FebruaryAgenda:

Cllr R Wheeler requested grounds maintenance contracts be discussed.

16/17 – 250Date and Time of next Parish Council Meeting: February 9th 2017 at 7.30 pm

The meeting closed at 8.45 pm

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Signed:………………………………………………………………………………. Date:……………………………………………….