Land Mobility Scheme Northern Ireland

Registration Form


Please indicate the sentence that applies to you the most:

I am a farmer/land owner looking to wind down from my farming business.
I am a new land owner not able to operate the farming aspect myself.
I am an active farmer looking to bring in new business models to existing enterprises.
I am interested inon-farm processing
I am an active farmer looking to diversify into a new enterprise.
I am a young farmer looking to set up business but without land or capital.
I am an experienced farmworker/manager wanting to run my own business.
None of the above applies to me.

Contact Details:

Address including postcode:
Mobile number:
Date of enquiry:

In what geographical area are you searching for a match?

(You can choose more than one if required)

Immediate area
Local area
Northern Ireland

What best describes the enterprise type/s you are currently involved in?

(Where there are multiple choice box answers you can choose more than one if required)

Sucker cows/beef
Hill farming
Farm Diversification/on-farm processing

Current Status:

Please give a brief outline of your present business or work circumstances. You can use the list above to help you describe your current status as a potential land partner.

What type of agreement are you willing to consider?

(You can choose more than one if required)

Contract rearing
Contract production
Share farming/milking
Cow leasing
Long-term leasing (leasing in and out)

Relevant Skills:

Have you identified any skills or experience (business or practical) you feel are relevant to being part of a land mobility approach?

Business Proposal on Offer:

Please use this section to describe any infrastructure and assets you can bring to the partnership includingelements such as livestock, machinery, buildings, land area and type, labour and accommodation.

Business Proposal on Offer (continued)

Offer/Business Proposal/Assets Required:

Please use this section to describe the infrastructure or assets you require from the partnership.

Other Information:

Please add any other information you feel would be useful.

How did you find out about this service?

Important Notice

By completing this form, you are accepting that your details will added to our Land Mobility database. We take your confidentiality extremely seriously and your details will never be shared with any external party without prior permission from yourself.

What happens next?

After submission of this form either by email or by post, Land Mobility will acknowledge receipt and then process your data provided. We will then contact you to talk through your registration and clarify any points to ensure we are dealing with your registration correctly. Once established, we will then add you as an active participant of the service.

For further information or if you have any questions please contact:

John McCallister on 07833 668602 or email:

Please return your completed form to: or send to

YFCU HQ, 475 Antrim Road, Belfast, BT15 3DA