February 8, 2010

I. Pledge of Allegiance, Call to Order, and Roll Call

The duly advertised Lancaster Township Board of Supervisors meeting was held on February 8, 2010 in the township building at 1240 Maple Avenue , Lancaster , PA.

The meeting was called to order at 7:00PMby Chair Thomas H. Schaller. Vice Chair Kathleen M. Wasong was also present. Treasurer Benjamin H. Bamford was absent.

Others in attendance included township management staff and interested parties. Mr. Schaller led those assembled in the Pledge of Allegiance.

II. Public Comment on Agenda Items:There were no comments.

III. Secretary’s Report

The minutes of the January 4, 2010 organization meeting and regular board meeting were approved as presented by general consent.

IV. Treasurer’s Report

Ms. Wasong presented the treasurer’s report as of January 31, 2010:

General Fund ...... $3,030,133.38

Highway Aid Fund ...... 462,800.77

Parks/Open Space Fund ...... 38,524.14

Capital Reserve Fund ...... 500,609.94

TOTAL ...... $4,032,068.23

Mr. Schaller stated the treasurer’s report would be filed for audit.

V. Payment of Bills

On a motion by Ms. Wasong, seconded by Mr. Schaller, the board approved the payment of bills 1/5/10–2/8/10:

General Fund ...... $297,028.80

Escrow Fund ...... 5,128.28

Highway Aid Fund ...... 20,369.97

Parks/Open Space ...... 102.11

Capital Reserve Fund ...... 3,334.47

TOTAL ...... $325,963.63

VI. Reports

A. Lancaster Township Fire Department:Mr. Schaller reported 46 calls for the month of January 2010. Chief Ron Comfort, Jr. presented the

Lancaster Township Fire Department (LTFD) 2009 Annual Report. During the year they responded to a total of 474 calls.

Chief Comfort reminded residents to check their smoke detectors to be certain they are in good working condition. The LTFD will provide detectors to those who cannot afford to purchase them. The chief also commended the Manheim Township Police Department for their extremely cooperative efforts in working with the LTFD.

Mr. Schaller and Chief Comfort asked that residents shovel snow away from fire hydrants on their property. This will save precious time in an emergency.

B. Lafayette Fire Company:Lafayette Fire Company responded to 11 calls to the east side of the township.

C. Police, Sewer, and Subsidiary Reports:Reports are available for public inspection during this meeting and in the office during regular business hours.

D. Recycling Report:The December 2009 recycling rate was 16.52%.

E. Lancaster Inter-Municipal Committee:The January 13, 2010 meeting was held at Lancaster Township . The main topic was new goals for LIMC.

It was announced that Helen S. Adams, former Lancaster Township supervisor, was appointed to the Manheim Township Zoning Hearing Board. The next meeting will be February 10 at Mountville Borough.

F. Questions & Comments for Community Police Officer:Sergeant Thomas Rudzinski and Officer Barry Waltz were in attendance. There were no questions.

VII. Announcements

A. Next Regular Board Meeting:March 8, 2009 at 7:00PM; workshop at 6:00PM

VIII. Old Business: There was no old business.

IX. Planning/Zoning Business

A. LTPC #212—Honeysuckle Lane, Final Subdivision Plan, Reduction in Securities

Ms. Wasong moved, Mr. Schaller seconded, and the board approved a reduction of financial securities in the amount of $61,174.00 leaving a balance of $56,583.00, which is sufficient to cover costs of the remaining work as per the township engineer’s letter of January 8, 2010.

B. LTPC #215—Giant Food Stores, Final Land Development Plan, Reduction in Securities

Ms. Wasong moved, Mr. Schaller seconded, and the board approved a reduction of the financial securities

in the amount of $160,200.00 leaving a balance of $17,800.00, which is sufficient to cover the costs of remaining work as per the township engineer’s letter of December 21, 2009.

At this point in the meeting, Mr. Schaller recognized a student from Lancaster Catholic High School , Audrey Whitebloom, who was attending the meeting as part of her

government class. Mr. Schaller explained what was occurring in the meeting and the reasons for holding financial securities.

C. LTPC #231—Country Meadows, 1380 Elm Avenue , Overflow Parking Area and Storm Water Plan

On a recommendation from the Lancaster Township Planning Commission, Ms. Wasong moved, Mr. Schaller seconded, and the board granted conditional plan approval for Country Meadows.

D. LTPC #233—CrossWay Church, Phase I, Final Land Development Plan, Extension of Time

Ms. Wasong moved, Mr. Schaller seconded, and the board granted a second extension of time of 120 days to record the final land development plan for CrossWay Church .

X. New Business

A. Resignation of Lancaster Township Tax Collector

Ms. Wasong moved, Mr. Schaller seconded, and the board acknowledged and accepted the resignation of Virginia P. May, elected tax collector.

B. Appointments

Mr. Schaller moved, Ms. Wasong seconded, and the board made the following appointments:

Lancaster County Treasurer to collect 2010 real estate taxes;

Lancaster County Tax Claim Bureau to collect delinquent real estate taxes;

Lancaster County Tax Collection Bureau to collect earned income taxes.

C. Resolution No. 2010-02

Ms. Wasong moved, Mr. Schaller seconded, and the board certified for the Lancaster County Tax Claim Bureau the unpaid real estate taxes for year 2009.

D. Ordinance No. 2010-01

Mr. Schaller presented Ordinance No. 2010-01, which allows for voluntary employee contributions to the PA Municipal Retirement System.

The board will act on this ordinance at the March 8, 2010 board meeting.

E. Ordinance No. 2010-02

Mr. Schaller presented Ordinance No. 2010-02, which regulates body art establishments and body artists, including tattoos and body piercings, within Lancaster Township .

The board will act on this ordinance at the March 8, 2010 board meeting.

F. Ordinance No. 2010-03

Mr. Schaller presented Ordinance No. 2010-03, which authorizes an agreement between Lancaster Township and the School District of Lancaster

to vacate a small portion of Rider Avenue/Fourth Street via quitclaim to the school district.

G. Envision Lancaster

Ms. Wasong moved, Mr. Schaller seconded, and the board approved Lancaster County ’s “Envision Lancaster,” which links the

LIMC Regional Comprehensive Plan with the Lancaster County “Balance” Plan.

XI. Guest Recognition and Participation

A.Brian Hernon, Atkins Avenue , spoke against placing an emergency services facility in Lancaster Community Park .

He stated that Lancaster Township is deficient in park space to begin with and it should remain open space. Mr. Schaller said there would be another public meeting on this

subject to present options to the public. Mr. William Laudien, Township Manager, also noted that the township has focused exclusively on other locations for this facility in the past couple of months.

XII. Adjournment

With no further business to come before the board, the meeting was adjourned at 7:32PM.

Respectfully submitted,

William M. Laudien, Secretary