Minutes—September 10, 2007

The duly advertised Lancaster Township Board of Supervisors meeting was held on September 10, 2007 in the township building at 1240 Maple Avenue, Lancaster, PA. Chair Thomas H. Schaller called the meeting to order at 7:00PM. Vice chair Kathleen M. Wasong and treasurer Anthony J. Allen were also present. Others in attendance included township management staff and interested parties. Mr. Schaller led those assembled in the Pledge of Allegiance.

There were none

The minutes of the August 13, 2007 Board of Supervisors meeting were approved by general consent, with the correction that the meeting began at 7:00PM.

Treasurer Allen presented the treasurer’s report with the following amounts as of August 31, 2007:
General Fund $2,461,400.45
Highway Aid Fund 449,703.53
Parks/Open Space Fund 49,774.75
Capital Reserve Fund 391,214.21
TOTAL $3,352,092.94
Mr. Schaller stated the treasurer’s report would be filed for audit.

On a motion by Mr. Schaller, seconded by Ms. Wasong, the board approved the payment of bills:
General Fund $233,157.45
Highway Aid Fund 61,420.80
Parks/Open Space 113.12
Capital Reserve Fund -0-
TOTAL $294,691.37

A. Lancaster Township Fire Department: Mr. Schaller reported 53 emergency calls for the month of August, for a year-to-date total of 441. Lancaster Township will be funding the department’s operating expenses beginning in 2008; therefore, there will be no LTFD solicitations as in the past. There may be occasional capital fund drives in the future for the purchase of equipment.
B. Police, Sewer, and Subsidiary Reports: These reports are available for public inspection before and after this meeting as well as during regular business hours.
C. Recycling Report: The July recycling rate was 15.97%, plus the collection of 3,701 bags of yard waste.
D. Lancaster Inter-Municipal Report: There has been no meeting since the last report. The next meeting is scheduled for September 12, 2007 at Mountville.
Questions & Comments for Community Police Officer: Officer Klete Griffin was present. Ray Bricker, Abbeyville Road, asked for more police enforcement of the speed limit on Abbeyville Road. Officer Griffin explained that individual officers do perform speed checks there on a rotating basis with other problem areas. David Clouser, township manager, said he would look into a state police check using radar guns in the future.

A. The Next Regular Board Meeting Will Be Held October 8, 2007 at 7:00PM. The public is invited to attend the board workshop at 5:30PM.

The Lancaster Township Supervisors are committed to the goals
as established by the adoption of the Regional Comprehensive Plan
and the following actions are consistent with the directives of that document

A. Ordinance No. 2007-05
Ms. Wasong moved, Mr. Allen seconded, and the board unanimously adopted the above-mentioned ordinance, which establishes additional parking-prohibited zones in certain locations in the Sterling Place development. This ordinance was presented at the August 13, 2007 meeting.

A. LTPC #223—McDonald’s at Manor Shopping Center, Preliminary/Final Land Development Plan, Request for Modifications
1. Section 305—Preliminary Plan Processing: Mr. Allen moved, Ms. Wasong seconded, and the board unanimously approved this modification with the condition that the applicant satisfy all preliminary and final plan requirements to the satisfaction of Lancaster Township.
2. Section 402.04.D—No action was taken as this item has already been addressed.
3. Section 602.01.H.2, 603.02, 603.03—Reconstruction of Existing Streets: Mr. Allen moved, Ms. Wasong seconded, and the board unanimously approved this modification since all improvements already exist.
4. Section 603.02.A—Sidewalks: Ms. Wasong moved, Mr. Allen seconded, and the board unanimously approved this modification with the stipulation that ADA upgrades be provided at all intersections, corners, and at the new pedestrian walkway.
5. Section 609.05.H—Street Trees (partial modification request): Mr. Allen moved, Ms. Wasong seconded, and the board unanimously approved this modification with the stipulation that the street trees required along the frontage of Millersville Pike be provided at the access drive entering the shopping center.
6. Section 603.01.B—Parking Area: Ms. Wasong moved, Mr. Allen seconded, and the board unanimously approved this modification since the plans show a reduction in the existing nonconformity.
B. LTPC #223—McDonald’s Restaurant at Manor Shopping Center, Preliminary/Final Land Development Plan
Mr. Allen moved, Ms. Wasong seconded, and the board unanimously granted conditional approval of the preliminary/final land development plan, as per the letter of September 7, 2007 from the township engineer.

A. Resolution No. 2007-12
Ms. Wasong moved, Mr. Allen seconded, and the board unanimously approved payment of the minimum municipal obligation to the PA Municipal Retirement System for 2008.
B. Installation of a Loop Driveway Around Buchanan Elementary School
Mr. Allen moved, Ms. Wasong seconded, and the board unanimously instructed the township manager to investigate all particulars of this project including costs.
C. Naming of a Stream in Lancaster Township
Ms. Wasong moved, Mr. Allen seconded, and the board unanimously approved giving the name of Fox Rill to an unnamed stream close to Elizabeth R. Martin Elementary School at the request of the school’s administration and the U.S. Board on Geographic Names.
D. Bid Award to Sell Township Dump Truck
Ms. Wasong moved, Mr. Allen seconded, and the board unanimously awarded the sale of a 1984 International dump truck to the high bidder, Reiber Auto Company, for $5,757.57.
E. Bid Award to Sell Township Vehicle
Mr. Allen moved, Ms. Wasong seconded, and the board unanimously awarded the sale of a 1992 Chevrolet Blazer to the high bidder, Scott A. Rhodes, for $1,250.00.
F. Stormwater Engineering Study of the Devon Drive Area
Ms. Wasong moved, Mr. Allen seconded, and the board unanimously authorized a stormwater engineering study of the Devon/Springside/Fieldstead area in an amount not to exceed $13,000.00.
G. Engaging the Township Solicitor to Effect the Clean-up of Several Run Down Properties
Ms. Wasong moved, Mr. Allen seconded, and the board unanimously authorized the township solicitor to take the action necessary to force the owners of the following properties to clean up: 19 Conestoga Road, 902/904/906 Grofftown Road, 920 Fifth Street, 165 Conestoga Boulevard.

* Bob Desmarais, Newton Road, expressed his and his neighbors’ concerns about the development of Baker Field (owned by F&M College) and the possible opening of a road between Harrisburg Pike and Marietta Avenue through their neighborhood. After discussion, the board assured Mr. Desmarais that they would do all possible to prevent the opening of the roads. Joe Volpone, Wilson Drive, suggested the possibility of the township abandoning affected roads to the residents. After more discussion, Ms. Wasong moved, Mr. Allen seconded, and the board unanimously directed the township manager to look into the legalities and consequences of abandoning parts of the affected roads. Tom Sponaugle, Hillcrest Road, suggested the township be very aggressive with F&M College in obtaining plans and information about their intentions for the roads and Baker Field. Mr. Clouser said he would make contact and set up a meeting. *Ray Bricker, Abbeyville Road, is upset with his neighbor’s four dogs that run free in the neighborhood causing property damage. The board recommended calling Lancaster County animal enforcement. *Steve Brenza, Green Spring Circle, spoke of his concerns regarding the approval of the construction of a Turkey Hill and the new development occurring on Route 741. He feels the increased development and traffic will poorly affect the quality of life in his area. The board members replied that the proposed Turkey Hill is in Millersville. Lancaster Township cannot stop the developer from building a legal use property. They agreed that Route 741 is very busy. The township has tried in the past to persuade PennDOT to improve the state road and install traffic lights. *Ms. Wasong thanked the township staff for all of the hard work that went into producing the Family Fun Fest on August 24.

With no further business brought forward, the meeting was adjourned at 8:12PM.

Respectfully submitted,

David L. Clouser, Secretary