Travel Awards Policy and Procedure
Two of the purposes of the Lambda Eta Chapter are to:
1. Recognize superior achievement.
2. Encourage creative work.
The chapter encourages research involvement and presentations to professional workshops and conferences, particularly on the international scene. In order to support these initiatives, the Chapter has instituted a travel award for its members.
The following policy shall guide the awarding of travel funds.
1. In order to award travel funds, the Chapter must maintain a base amount of a minimum of $5000 in order to cover mandatory expenses including those incurred by delegate attendance at the biennial convention.
2. In order to be eligible for a travel award, the applicant shall be an active member of Lambda Eta Chapter. An active member is one who has paid the annual dues as reflected on the STTI website.
3. The maximum amount of any travel award to an individual shall be no more than $150 per year. A year is defined as a calendar year.
4. Stipends for travel will be given to a maximum of 5 applicants per year, provided the base amount is maintained.
5. The award may be used for registration, hotels, transportation, meals, etc. at international, national, or regional events. Top priority for awards will be given to podium presenters at international conferences.
6. Individuals seeking funding shall submit a written application using the application form. Supportive evidence of the event and the nature of the applicant’s role (letter of acceptance) shall also be attached. The application should be sent to the Vice President of Lambda Eta Chapter.
7. The Board of Directors shall review all applicants at the next scheduled meeting and make a decision about funding.
8. Once the awardee has actually concluded the travel and presentation, he/she shall provide evidence of travel, such as registration, boarding pass, hotel receipt, conference brochure) to the Treasurer as evidence that the travel and the presentation were completed.
9. Upon receiving the evidence above, the Treasurer shall issue the check for the individual.
10. A written summary of the activity that is suitable for inclusion in the Chapter newsletter is required within 30 days of attendance at the sponsored event.
Conference and Location:
Dates of Conference:
Type of Presentation (e.g., Poster, Podium, Workshop):
Title of Presentation:
Estimated Cost of Travel:
Please attach a budget including conference fees, travel, lodging, meals.
Has other funding been sought and granted?
If yes, who is the sponsor?
Approved by Board on 7/13/16