Lamar University Academic Partnerships Academic Calendar for Fall 2015
AP58 week session: August 24 – October 16, 2015
10Acceptance closing date
17Payment due date
19Non payment drop date-missed payment due
24First class day
26Last day for schedules changes; must be completed by 5:00pm
27Last day to drop with refund
31Non payment drop date-Census
01Application for December 2015 graduation for graduate and undergraduate students
09Last day to drop without academic penalty
28Last day to drop with academic penalty; student must be passing at time of requested
drop in order to receive a “Q” in the course (six drop rule does apply)
05 Deadline for graduate students to apply and pay for December 2015 graduation
16Last class day
23Final grades due by 1:00pm
10 Deadline for undergraduate students to apply and pay for December 2015 graduation
12College of Arts and Sciences Commencement Ceremony: 5:00pm Montagne Center
AP715 week session: August 24 – December 09, 2015
10Acceptance closing date
17Payment due date
24 First class day
26Last day for schedule changes; must be completed by 5:00pm
01Application for December 2015 graduation for graduate and undergraduate students
02Last day to drop with refund
08Census—non-payment drop date
25Last day to drop without academic penalty
05 Deadline for graduate students to apply and pay for December 2015 graduation
30Last day to drop with academic penalty; student must be passing at time of requested
drop in order to receive a “Q” in the course (six drop rule applies)
10 Deadline for undergraduate students to apply and pay for December 2015 graduation
09Last class day
10Final grades due by 1:00pm
12College of Arts and Sciences Commencement Ceremony: 5:00pm Montagne Center
AP68 week session: October 19 – December 09, 2015
01Application for December 2015 graduation for graduate and undergraduate students
21Application closing date
05Acceptance closing date
05 Deadline for graduate students to apply and pay for December 2015 graduation
12Payment due date
14Non payment drop date
19First class day
21Last day for schedule changes; must be completed by 5:00pm
22Last day to drop with refund
22Last day for schedule changes 5:00p.m.
26Census—non-payment drop date
04Last to drop without academic penalty
10 Deadline for undergraduate students to apply and pay for December 2015 graduation
23Last day to drop with academic penalty; student must be passing at time of requested
drop in order to receive a “Q” in the course (six drop rule does apply)
09Last class day
10Final grades due by 1:00pm
12College of Arts and Sciences Commencement: 5:00pm Montagne Center