Friday May 11, 2012

Lakefield Economic Development Authority

Adopted Minutes

Members Present: Jerry Throndset

Dewayne Hage, Eric Kruger, Darrell Nissen, Terry Wheeler, Syd Malchow

Members Absent: Bruce Bakalyar

Others Present: Kelly Rasche-Clerk, Byron Kroeger-Media, Jim Koep, Harold Jacobsen

Approval of Minutes of April 6, 2012- Motion to approve the minutes made by Hage/Throndset. All yes, motion carried.

Approval of Financial Report and Accounts Payable. Motion to approve the financial reports made by Throndset/Nissen. All yes, motion carried.

Agenda Items:

1.  Request to purchase lot in Emerald Valley Subd. Lot 1; Block 1 from Harold Jacobsen. (A home will not be built)—Harold would like to purchase the lot to preserve his view of the club house and to expand his yard. Not intending to build a structure on the lot. He would consider selling a portion of the lot to a buyer of the directly east of his lot (Lot 2) if the buyer is interested. Harold is only interested in the entire lot, not a portion of the lot. Motion to move forward with the sale of lot to Harold Jacobsen at an amount of $7,500 and hold the public hearing for the sale at noon on June 8, 2012 made by Nissen/Throndset. All yes, motion carried.

2.  Advertising Opportunity – Motion to purchase a $220 ad for the AGCO special publication to be inserted into the June 3, 2012 Livewire made by Wheeler/Hage. All yes, motion carried.

3.  Main Street Project update – Bids have been opened and low bidder was accepted by the council and Jackson County Commissioners. General information was shared about the “plan” for the project.

4.  Other

a.  Information on classroom option for PEBC – Superintendent Koep is going to visit a portable classroom that could possibly meet the needs for classroom space at PEBC. It is a double wide trailer with a roof over both. Moving and purchasing would cost $20,000. No action needed, this was informational only.


Motion to adjourn the meeting at 12:40 p.m., made by Wheeler/Hage. All yes, motion carried.


Kelly R. Rasche, Clerk Chair