CounselorInformationPackageLake Yale 2008


This year, over 100 middle school and high school students and young adults will gather at LakeYale to reflect, realign with God, and be challenged and encouraged. One way God works at this retreat is through counselors – mini-shepherds who are willing to be God’s hands, feet, and heart of love by leading small groups of youth or young adults during the retreat.


  • Be available to listen, talk, and pray with group members.
  • Discern the needs of those who may need additional time due to a current life crisis, the desire to accept Christ, the desire to re-commit to Christ, etc.
  • Facilitate God-centered discussion of the message during small group sessions.
  • Help group members know where to go and what to do during the retreat.
  • For Youth Counselors, be a chaperone in the camp cabins (settling in, devotional time, lights out)


  • Growing Christian
  • Passion for people and openness to sharing God’s work in your life with them
  • Willing to participate in mini-retreat/training (probably day/half day) prior to retreat
  • For Youth Counselors, lodge in cabins with youth.
  • Completed Application Form
  • Completed Pastor or Elder Recommendation Form

We pray the Application Form will be a means for counselors to honestly evaluate their walk with God and obey what the Holy Spirit shows them. If you feel unprepared and/or unable to serve, God will make you ready if only you are willing.

Therefore, if anyone cleanses himself from what is dishonorable, he will be a vessel for honorable use, set apart as holy, useful to the master of the house, ready for every good work.

2 Timothy 2:21

Please return completed forms as soon as possible. The earlier that we can confirm your participation, the easier my planning will be!

Questions? Email or call...Thanks and God Bless,

Alan ChenTommy Wong

Youth CoordinatorYoung Adults Coordinator

(407) 249-9774(352) 281-9224

Application Form

Name: Gender: Age:

Year in school: and/orOccupation:

Email: Phone Number:


Circle/highlight answers below.

I want to work with ...... Middle School / High School / Young Adult / Where Needed Most

Have you ever been arrested or charged with acrime? If ‘Yes’, explain in question 3 below ...... Yes / No

Have you ever been subject to expulsion, reprimand, or other discipline by a church, denomination, or other religious organization? If ‘Yes’, explain in question 3 below ...... Yes / No

I accept the following statement of faith. If ‘No’, explain in question 3 below ...... Yes / No

  1. We believe the Bible, the inspired Word of God, is completely trustworthy, speaking with supreme authority in all matters of belief and practice.
  2. We believe in one God, who exists eternally in three persons, the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
  3. We believe all people, being created in the image of God, have intrinsic value, but as a result of sin are alienated from God and each other, and therefore in need of reconciliation.
  4. We believe that Jesus Christ, the Son of God, born of the virgin Mary, is fully God and fully human; He demonstrated God’s love for sinners by suffering the penalty of death in their place, rose bodily from the dead and ascended to heaven where He intercedes for His people.
  5. We believe all who repent and trust in Jesus Christ alone as Lord and Savior are, by the grace of God, declared to be right with Him, receiving forgiveness and eternal life.
  6. We believe the Lord Jesus Christ will return personally in glory, raise the dead, and judge the world.
  7. We believe all people will rise from the dead, those who are in Christ to enjoy eternal life with God, and those who are lost to suffer eternal separation from Him.
  8. We believe in the Holy Spirit who imparts new life to those who believe in Christ; through His indwelling presence and transforming power He gives assurance and equips believers for holy living and effective service.
  9. We believe the Church is the body of Christ, the fellowship of all believers, and is commissioned to make disciples of all nations.

Please answer the questions below. Feel free to attach additional sheet(s) as needed.

1) Please give a short testimony describing how the Lord has worked in your life.

2) After praying, what do you want to work on in your own spiritual life to prepare for Lake Yale?

3) You may use the following space to tell us anything you would like to share about yourself.

Signed: Date:
(For hardcopy)

Return form to:

Alan Chen Telephone: (407) 249-9774

2119 Churchill Downs CircleOrlando, FL32825Email:

CounselorInformationPackageLake Yale 2008

Pastor or Elder Recommendation Form

Thank you so much for taking the time to fill out this recommendation. If you are unfamiliar with this applicant, perhaps you can get help from someone else in the congregation. We praise God for your willingness to support and be involved in this young person’s life.

Pastor / Elder Name:Phone number:

Name of church:

Counselor Name:How long have you known him/her?

In what capacity?

Place an X where you would rate the counselor on a scale of POOR to EXCELLENT in the areas listed below, or circle/highlight “don’t know” if you or someone in the congregation cannot rate the counselor. Please give explanation for poor ratings in the additional comments section below.

Knowledge of the Bible / Poor ------Excellent / don’t know
Consistent and growing in their faith / Poor ------Excellent / don’t know
Actively serving in home church / Poor ------Excellent / don’t know
Able to get along with people / Poor ------Excellent / don’t know
Able to lead or follow on occasion / Poor ------Excellent / don’t know
Accepts work assignments and does them cheerfully / Poor ------Excellent / don’t know
Demonstrates mature relationships with the opposite sex in co-ed setting / Poor ------Excellent / don’t know

For Youth Counselors, please circle/highlight the answer:

Would you entrust the care of your child to this counselor for the retreat? If ‘No’, explain below .. Yes / No

Please circle/highlight your overall rating of the applicant:

Highly recommend / recommend / recommend with reservation / cannot recommend

Additional comments related to the applicant:

Signed: Date:
(For hardcopy)

Return form to:

Alan Chen Telephone: (407) 249-9774

2119 Churchill Downs CircleOrlando, FL32825Email: