Regular Meeting February 13, 2017

37908 N. Fairfield Rd. Lake Villa, IL 60046

7:00 pm.

  1. Call to order: Meeting was called to order by Supervisor Venturi at 7:00pm
  1. Roll call: In Attendance, Supervisor Venturi, Trustee Beadle, Trustee Berker, Trustee Stout, Trustee McCollum, Clerk Jean Smuda, Assessor Lee and Highway Commissions Jorgenson were not in attendance.
  2. Pledge of Allegiance: Led by Supervisor Venturi
  3. Approval of Minutes: Motion of approve minutes of the regular board meeting of January 9, 2017, by Trustee McCollum, seconded by Trustee Berker. Roll Call, all ayes, motion passes.
  1. Old Business
  2. i. Peacock Camp: Motion to approve the hiring of the listed (12) Peacock Summer Camp counselors for 2017 at the listed rate of $9.00 New Counselors and $9.25 for returning counselors by Trustee Berker, seconded by Trustee Beadle. Roll Call, all ayes, motion passes.

ii. Motion to approve the proposed fundraiser for Crooked Lake improvement Association at Peacock Lake on an available date, fee of waived, association to provide proof of Dram Shop Insurance and valid liquor license by Trustee McCollum, seconded by Trustee Stout. All ayes, motion passes.

  1. New Business
  2. St. Patrick’s Day Parade Saturday, March 11, 2017.
  1. Field use agreement update:The Timberwolves provided in writing what the township required, formalized an agreement with the group for the upcoming season. Field use agreements will be different based on the group’s need.
  1. Summer Concert in the Park: The group Hi Infidelity will perform at the township on Wed, July 12, 2017 from 7:00pm-8:30pm.
  1. Senior Trip to Blackhawks game Feb 23, 2017.
  1. Discussion and possible action concerning a request to use gym at West Campus to fly drones “Herb Gearings”: Board agreed not to allow.
  1. Discussion and possible action for Lakes High School to use the Gym next fall after school 3:00pm until around 6pm: No vote was taken.
  1. Approve Payment of Bills
  1. Approve payment of current Town and Road district bills: Motion to approve the payment of current Town and Road district bills by Trustee Stout, seconded by Trustee Berker. Roll Call, all ayes, motion passes.
  1. Approve payroll payments from last meeting: Motion to approve the payroll payments from last meeting by Trustee Beadle, seconded by Trustee Stout. Roll Call, all ayes, motion passes.
  1. Public Comment: None
  2. Assessors Report: None
  3. Road Commissioners: None
  4. Supervisors Report:St. Patrick’s Day senior luncheon will take place on Friday, March 10, 2017 @ 12:00pm.
  5. Calendar Review
  6. Nextmeeting Monday, March 13, 2017 7:00 pm
  7. Closed Session: None
  8. Adjournment: Motion to adjourn regular board meeting by Trustee McCollum, seconded by Trustee Stout. Meeting adjourned at 7:35pm.

Minutes of the February 13, 2017 Lake Villa Township regular board meeting has been prepared and respectfully submitted for approval at the next regular board meeting on March 13, 2017 by Jean Smuda, Clerk.