Lake Serene Property Owners Association, Inc.

Board Meeting Minutes

August 8, 2017

PRESENT:Joe Simpson, Warner Boortz, Pat Douglas, Barry Pessoney, Tony Shifalo, Peggy Moore, Cathy Williams, Matt Beavers

Joe called the meeting to order.

MINUTES: Pat Douglas made a motion to accept the July minutes, Matt seconded, and the motion carried.


Bryan Giles was present to sit in and listen to the proceedings.

Don Walker, Lamar County Engineer, and Phillip Carlisle, Lamar County Supervisor, came before the board to discuss the situation with the commercial development owned by Nick Crechale on Highway 98. Mr. Carlisle stated that he wished to get this complete, as it had been going on now for four years, all the time being a very difficult situation, as Mr. Crechale has been uncooperative and did not adhere to the original site plan. He said there was a stop work order except to repair the culverts, but they were not to touch the building. Some of the board members said they believed them to be working on the building and they said they would keep a close eye on this. Also, Don said that the plan was that any go ahead to work on the site other than the drainage was going to have stipulations such as further run off into Lake Serene and an agreement to get the silt out that has been running off into the lake up until now. They will have to have a storm water plan, all of the collapsed culverts replaced, remove sediment, etc. There was discussion about how to determine how much of the sediment came from the development. Barry asked who had the burden of proof to determine this, and Don explained that it was yet to be determined, and Lamar County does not presently have resources to measure turbidity. There were also concerns about the septic system, and Don said that this was going to have to be approved as well and no work would resume on the building until all of these conditions had been addressed. Barry was going to draft up a mitigation regarding what Lake Serene should expect in the final agreement/plan.

While Phillip was present, Cathy mentioned the area that had washed out on Pompano was looking like it was going to possibly cave in. He is going to check into it.

LAKES AND DAMS:Barry went over the fisheries proposal and again gave the board prices for stocking, and the preferred stocking schedule. Barry asked the board to consider dedicating the funds to stock bream in the fall. He said that the fish could survive with 1/4 to 1/5 pool in the lake.

Joe is going to get with US Lawns to get a price for hand cutting the bottom of the lake.

LEGAL:Peggy and Joe met with Sam McHard. He said that Lake Serene should proceed with repair of the discharge pipe, using the funds they have on hand then asking for reimbursement from Tanner. Joe is going to get a price from Deerman and Bruce Morgan so we can proceed. Matt Beavers made a motion for Joe to get the prices, Tony Shifalo seconded, and all were in favor.

Sam is also going to review the covenants, by-laws, and charter for discrepancies and determine the board’s role in making rules and other matters. He is going to do this free of charge.

CLUBHOUSE/PAVILION/WALKING TRACK: Jonathan is finished driving the posts for the walking bridge. The other work should begin on Thursday.

Matt said he is waiting on BJ to show a plat of the area that is washing on the Ski Lake by the walking bridge and Sumrall property to determine how much Lake Serene is actually responsible for.

Matt said that the water is too high to complete the repairs to the yellow slide and they will have to be done when the lake level is down.

Bryan Giles is going to speak with Scott Martin to get a price on placing the rocks in the ditch by the clubhouse.

Lisa is going to get prices for posts for the new signs and for a dock ladder.

BUILDING:Cathy reported that there was one building permit issued for July.

We are getting bids on the North Lake. We have a bid from Jonathan Williams and are waiting on a bid from Andrew White.

Cathy will complete the bid sheet and get it to Lisa to type up.

SECURITY: They are shifting hours around. There was some discussion about security and their limitations and off duty sheriff’s department as security was discussed. This will have to be discussed further when budgeting for the new year.

Tony was made chair of the Security Committee.

FINANCIAL: Pat states that she has reviewed the financial reports for July and found nothing out of the ordinary. Peggy made a motion to accept the financial reports, Barry seconded. All were in favor and the motion carried.

MEMBERSHIP:There was nothing new to report.

OTHER:Warner reported that some time ago, Ricky Ladner cut some trees and they fell into the lake. He asked that Lisa send a letter asking them to remove these trees.

As there have been some complaints about high grass between cuttings, Lisa will contact US Lawns and get them to adjust their cutting schedule so it will be cut weekly while the grass is high and in season.

The board went into executive session, and Mr. Giles left. After discussion, Matt Beavers made a motion to ask Bryan Giles to fill the remaining term for Dennis Webster. Peggy Moore seconded, and all were in favor.


There being no further business, a motion that the meeting be adjourned was made, seconded, and all were in favor.

Respectfully Submitted,

Lisa Jordan, ManagerJoe Simpson, President