Lake Erie Waterkeeper Meeting
Toledo Yacht Club
3900 N. Summit Toledo, Ohio Rd. to Coast Guard near golf course
AGENDA Janaury 8, 2015 at 7 pm
- Minutes, Treasurers Report
- Brundage $500 scholarship – 8 applications
- 2015 waterkeeper planning – suggestions for strategic plan update – existing plan attached
- Elections for the Lake Erie Waterkeeper Board will be held until February – let Sandy or Dave Spangler know if you are interested in being on the waterkeeper board.
- Water Testing … Information handout at meeting – grant – partners
- Cox Foundation waterkeeper donation – press event Monday, January 12
- CAFO permit hearing MDEQ Jan. 21 in Lansing. Anyone wanting to go contact Sandy
- Waterkeeper Conference March 20 – Lourdes
- Wild & Scenic Movie project – May 19 Maumee Theatre – cost $1600 – grant $750 – theatre cost $400 discussion
- Lake Erie Updates
- Lake Erie and related Meetings/Conferences etc.
TMACOG Algae Conference Train Station January 22 8:30-4:30
Lake Erie Improvement has booth at Cleveland Boat Show – need volunteers…Jan. 15-19
Lake Erie Waterkeeper Conference March 20 at Lourdes
- Directors Report end of year wrap up underway
- Other
Kroger Community Rewards -Help Lake Erie Waterkeeper by having as charity -no point loss - Also help with Earth Shares Community rewards Number 91637
Next meeting Thursday, February 12
All Meetings are open to the public
Lake Erie Waterkeeper
Toledo Yacht Club
December 11, 20147 pm
Meeting Notes:
1.Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement – old goals met for last 10-15 years but goals for 1995 and 2020 not met. Annex 4 created to revise and revisit loads, propose new levels for nutrients. Load (data) analysis nearly complete, for entire lake, will make recommendations and have it peer reviewed. Public Comment estimated to be in June 2015. Need to make sure this is looked at carefully. Great Lakes Water Quality agreement Annex 4 – load due in 2016 –plan in 2018 – needs to be accelerated and there need to be interim meetings with states and the public.
2. Water Quality & Management Lake Erie Basin 1969 (A detailed plan for Lake Erie’s recovery)
3. University of Michigan received grant to study Great Lakes water levels assessment and make recommendations for controlling water levels in the G.L.
4. Cyanobacteria/microcystin same species in Sandusky Bay/River as for Grand Lake St. Mary’s/per science team
5. Senate passed microcystin advisory legislation that will require EPA to publish health advisory within 180 days.
6. Detroit River – data lacking – getting some from Env.Canada showing D.R. 40% for L.E. over half coming from Detroit wastewater/Trenton channel.
7. Ohio HB 490 – Dead. Had ban on application of fertilizer/manure on frozen ground, also had language which would open water withdrawal compact (not good), telecommunications language, deer hunting rules, emergency responders release MSDS for fracking liquid released, etc., etc., So it will die. Hopefully manure frozen ground ban will be introduced next session.
8. Fish update – Recent study concluded no microcystin in G.L. fish (perch and walleye). Tested with skin on and no measurable levels.
9. Maumee RAP and AOC – With Partners for Clean Streams – will be forming groups to guide AOC. The RAP has now become the MAAC (Maumee AOC Advisory Committee). LEW will apply to be on committee.
10.Lake Erie – Waterkeeper Maumee Bay River Festival –Sunday September 20– 2015
11. Testing streams – link on website to sign up. $30/10 tests. Will send kits out in spring. Rotary committed to funding supplies for members, (approx. 300)
12. Wild & Scenic Grants – film fest – $750 mini-grant to host film fest as fund-raiser.
13. Board elections in January – anyone interested in being on board let Dave Spangler or Sandy know
14. Lake Erie and related Meetings/Conferences (Let Sandy know if interested)
Lake Erie Improvement has booth at Cleveland Boat Show – need volunteers…Jan. 15-19
15. Lake Erie Waterkeeper Conference March 20 at Lourdes (Accepting ideas for speakers)
16. Directors Reporta.Invasive brochure complete– available for distribution
b.Two Conference calls with Cleveland – meetingJan. 20in person location to be determined
c.Lake Erie Improvement Association – Forum Dec. 3
d.Field tiles nutrient catch grant
e.Boat - monitoring –Jeanette Pacholskimembership/admin –potential donation
- Kroger Community Rewards -help Lake Erie Waterkeeper by having as charity -no point loss also help with Earth SharesCommunity rewards Number 91637
- Fremont City Council voted to approve the removal of the Ballville dam, work begins in February 2015
- for new remediation to stop Asian Carp advance in Ill.
- Eagle Marsh dirt being moved to separate watersheds and prevent Asian Carp migration
- 5 year GLRI funding approved by Congress
Next meetingThursday, January 8, 2015 7pm Toledo Yacht Club
Lake Erie Waterkeeper
Toledo Yacht Club
December 11, 20147 pm
Meeting Notes:
1.Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement – old goals met for last 10-15 years but goals for 1995 and 2020 not met. Annex 4 created to revise and revisit loads, propose new levels for nutrients. Load (data) analysis nearly complete, for entire lake, will make recommendations and have it peer reviewed. Public Comment estimated to be in June 2015. Need to make sure this is looked at carefully. Great Lakes Water Quality agreement Annex 4 – load due in 2016 –plan in 2018 – needs to be accelerated and there need to be interim meetings with states and the public.
2. Water Quality & Management Lake Erie Basin 1969 (A detailed plan for Lake Erie’s recovery)
3. University of Michigan received grant to study Great Lakes water levels assessment and make recommendations for controlling water levels in the G.L.
4. Cyanobacteria/microcystin same species in Sandusky Bay/River as for Grand Lake St. Mary’s/per science team
5. Senate passed microcystin advisory legislation that will require EPA to publish health advisory within 180 days.
6. Detroit River – data lacking – getting some from Env.Canada showing D.R. 40% for L.E. over half coming from Detroit wastewater/Trenton channel.
7. Ohio HB 490 – Dead. Had ban on application of fertilizer/manure on frozen ground, also had language which would open water withdrawal compact (not good), telecommunications language, deer hunting rules, emergency responders release MSDS for fracking liquid released, etc., etc., So it will die. Hopefully manure frozen ground ban will be introduced next session.
8. Fish update – Recent study concluded no microcystin in G.L. fish (perch and walleye). Tested with skin on and no measurable levels.
9. Maumee RAP and AOC – With Partners for Clean Streams – will be forming groups to guide AOC. The RAP has now become the MAAC (Maumee AOC Advisory Committee). LEW will apply to be on committee.
10.Lake Erie – Waterkeeper Maumee Bay River Festival –Sunday September 20– 2015
11. Testing streams – link on website to sign up. $30/10 tests. Will send kits out in spring. Rotary committed to funding supplies for members, (approx. 300)
12. Wild & Scenic Grants – film fest – $750 mini-grant to host film fest as fund-raiser.
13. Board elections in January – anyone interested in being on board let Dave Spangler or Sandy know
14. Lake Erie and related Meetings/Conferences (Let Sandy know if interested)
Lake Erie Improvement has booth at Cleveland Boat Show – need volunteers…Jan. 15-19
15. Lake Erie Waterkeeper Conference March 20 at Lourdes (Accepting ideas for speakers)
16. Directors Reporta.Invasive brochure complete– available for distribution
b.Two Conference calls with Cleveland – meetingJan. 20in person location to be determined
c.Lake Erie Improvement Association – Forum Dec. 3
d.Field tiles nutrient catch grant
e.Boat - monitoring –Jeanette Pacholskimembership/admin –potential donation
- Kroger Community Rewards -help Lake Erie Waterkeeper by having as charity -no point loss also help with Earth SharesCommunity rewards Number 91637
- Fremont City Council voted to approve the removal of the Ballville dam, work begins in February 2015
- for new remediation to stop Asian Carp advance in Ill.
- Eagle Marsh dirt being moved to separate watersheds and prevent Asian Carp migration
- 5 year GLRI funding approved by Congress
Next meetingThursday, January 8, 2015 7pm Toledo Yacht Club