LaGrange High School
Pilot Grading Policy 2009-2010
Teacher Document
Product Grades / Class I and Class II
Product grades are grades students receive for assessments that reflect a true measure of learning or standards mastery. These are assessments which take place in the classroom under the supervision of the teacher.
Class I (Major) and Class II (Minor) assessments are product grades. They are true assessments of learning. These assessments are conducted after students have been engaged in instruction and have had ample opportunity to master content. These assessments are conducted under the supervision of the teacher. Class I assessments count 40% and Class II assessments count 35% of a student’s final grade.
As a general rule, all chapter / unit exams will be counted as Class I Major Grades. Teacher discretion will be used to determine the classification of other true assessments of learning.
Process Grade Points
Process point opportunities include all activities / assignments deemed by the teacher to contribute to the overall attainment of content. They are assessments or evaluations of a student’s participation / engagement in activities that support and contribute to the successful attainment of content. They are not intended to be true assessments of learning Process Grade Opportunities include, but are not limited to:
Home Work – Graded / Un-graded Attendance Class Participation
Punctuality Home Projects / Reports Discipline
Cooperative Learning Group Contribution Lab Group Contribution
Pre-Tests grades should never be recorded as process or product grades. A student’s participation in a pre-test could be used as a process grade.
Process points will be updated and posted for parent access through the Infinite Campus Parent Portal at least once each week.
The Infinite Campus Parent Portal will not be functional at the beginning of the school year
Teachers are reminded at the purpose of the process point policy is as follows:
· To encourage students to engage in activities and practices that are considered to support the learning process or the attainment of content being delivered.
· To underscore the importance of student participation in these support activities and practices.
· To improve the performance of students on product assessments.
It’s All About Learning!!!
All teachers will provide students with a minimum of 2 process point opportunities each week.
Process assignments / activities will be assigned in preparation for each Class I assessment. All process assignments will be assessed on a scale of 0 to 100 points. (0% to 100%). Process points will be added to the student’s corresponding Class I / Unit Assessment utilizing the following scale:
50% - 59% 1 Process Point
60% - 69% 2 Process Points
70% - 79% 3 Process Points
80% - 89% 4 Process Points
90% - 100% 5 Process Points
Grade Weights
The Infinite Campus Grade Book has been set up to automatically weight grades as follows:
EOCT / Final Exam 15%
Benchmark / Mid-Term / Post Exams 10%
Class I Major Assessments 40%
Class II Minor Assessments 35%
Minimal Assessments Each Grading Period
All teachers will provide students with a minimum number of Class I Major and Class II Minor assessments each 9-Week grading period as follows:
Class I Major Assessments 3
Class II Minor Assessments 9
Grades and Attendance will be updated and posted for parent access through the Infinite Campus Parent Portal at least once each week.
The Infinite Campus Parent Portal will not be functional at the beginning of the school year.
Mixed Numeral Final Grades
Due to our policy of reporting FINAL grades in whole numbers, any FINAL grade including a portion of a point will be rounded to the next whole number. Example 74.3 will be rounded to 75.
Final Grades Ending With 9
Due to the high stakes nature of grades, any FINAL grade ending in 9 will be rounded up.
Infinite Campus will automatically calculate and maintain each student’s updated product grade average.
Infinite Campus will also automatically calculate and maintain each student’s process grade average, but the two are not combined.
Final Grade Determination Protocol
Product Grade Average (Includes all process points earned on each unit assessment)
Partial Point Round Up (If Necessary)
+ 9 Ending Round Up (If Necessary)
Reported Final Grade
Progress Grade
The LHS Leadership Team will continue to investigate the concept of progress grades or progress grade points as an additional assessment of academic performance.