Lafayette Rec. Meeting
6/4/14/ @ 6:30 Woodsville Bank
Present: Kim, Kris, Hayley, Beth, Adam
- White Mtn. Triathlon, this Sunday. Any volunteers who register as Lafayette Rec volunteer means we get a $100.00 credit for each. Tomorrow is last day to register.
Last year we received a 2k check for it.
- June 13th, recreation and the river. Wendy doing food, she will charge for food, throw us donation after. Band will start at 7:00. All about celebrating 55 years of rec.
- Monday the 16th, Dow united soccer camp, M-F on the Dow. Approximately 60 kids registered.
-June 18th, Fire Dept. sponsoring CPR,
-June 19th and 20th councilor training.
-July 5th, Old Home Day. Kris will do kids games on the Dow. Tricky Dick Magic Show, Franconia Scramble 10k road race. Rec will have a float. Theme is Spirit of White Mountains. Concert in the evening and fireworks.
-Aug. 2nd Top Notch Triathlon, need volunteers.
-Aug. 7th, counselor appreciation cookout
- Aug. 11th, North Country Soccer Camp, run by Angela Figallo, Kevin McShane and Josh Lawton run it under Lafayette Rec. Coaches considered employees, money through town, will all happen on Dow.
- No actual Rec meeting now until Sept.
- Dow Academy wants town to take over tennis court. Can't buy land due to multiple restrictions, size, etc. Could maybe do as long term lease, up to selectman. Fencing in great condition, worth salvaging, possible great spot to have turf and large "caged in" play area.
- Adventure schedule set, approx 20 kids signed up. Talked with Woodland school and White Mtn. school and our van, so plenty of transportation for all.
- Spring sports, Kris gave review, VERY rainy season, not much winning but great time had by all. Lots of parent volunteers but observed that some were lacking skill and knowledge. Adam wondered if we might have some videos or training. Kim suggested online videos Kris noted that Jason is willing to work on some things for next year for coaches.
- Summer Rec, back ground checks done. Staff training on 19th and 20th, Copper Cannon, safety, deep-water training, hand book. Registration came in gangbusters on Memorial Day. 1 parent concerned about calendar out for her to make decision prior to $ 299 expiring. Calendars will be available as soon as counselors create them, they have vested interest in kids they therefore are the ones that create the theme weeks, events etc.
-Do we need to make policy on reduced price or not for town employees and staff?
-Van - Kim came up with vehicle usage report to record consumption of gas, inspection list, mileage, etc for before and after each trip. If a different group not affiliated with Rec. group would still need a driver. 56 cents per mile, most trips would need 6-8 people to make it worthwhile.
Elizabeth E. Horan
Bethhoran@gmail .com